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Results for ‘takeaway’

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    •  website templates - Cake Shop

      Good For:

      Pastry chefs, bakeries, cake delivery and cake shops


      Your cakes are handcrafted with love, and you deserve a site that's just as special. Beautifully designed with wedding cake bakers in mind, you are able to showcase your culinary creations with a stunning image gallery, and allow your visitors to easily purchase the cake of their dreams using Wix Orders. Ready to get started? Click "Edit" to get online today.

    •  website templates - Farm

      Good For:

      Family farms, vineyards and agricultural businesses


      With a clean layout and traditional design this template can help make your site as high-quality and fresh as your offerings. Highlight your unique story, heritage, and traditions, add images to showcase your business, and keep visitors engaged with Wix Chat. Click ‘Edit’ to begin!

    •  website templates - Chef

      Good For:

      Private chefs, restaurants and bistros.


      A tantalizing website template ready to seduce the tastebuds of your potential clients. Showcasing an attractive video strip and parallax scrolling, this template is almost ready to go. Simply customise the text, menus and images to reflect your style and tastes and promote your culinary expertise on the web!