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How to make a furniture website to bench your rivals

How to make a furniture website

Building a website for your furniture business can feel overwhelming, especially when today's buyers favor the convenience of shopping from their sofas over the experience of visiting stores in person. However, having this type of website is no longer just a luxury, it's become a necessity for your businesses. By creating a user-friendly website, you're not only catering to current market trends but also opening doors to wider audiences, ensuring your brand remains competitive and accessible.

In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps to create a compelling furniture website to sell furniture online. We'll cover everything from selecting the right website builder to optimizing your site for search engines and incorporating e-commerce best practices. By the end of this guide, you'll have the tools and knowledge to build a website that not only attracts visitors but also converts them into loyal customers.

Ready to nail your furniture website? Start using our free AI website maker today.

What is a furniture website?

A furniture website is an online platform that showcases and sells furniture products to potential customers. It serves as a digital storefront for your business, allowing customers to browse, compare and purchase your products from the comfort of their own homes. Furniture websites often include features such as product listings, shopping carts and secure payment options.

Wix furniture website template

How to make a furniture website in 8 steps

01. Choose the domain and host website

Start by choosing a memorable domain name and reliable website host for your furniture site. A great domain name helps customers find you easily, while a reliable host keeps your site accessible, showcasing your latest collections and ready to accept orders.

A domain name is what visitors type into the browser’s address bar to reach your website. Align your domain name with your brand and business goals. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect domain name:

  • Keep it short and easy to remember

  • Avoid numbers or special characters

  • Use your name or company name

  • Utilize keywords related to animation

  • Perform a domain search to check for availability

  • Choose reputable domain extensions such as .com or .net to boost credibility

  • For inspiration, use a domain name generator

A hosting website provides the web server space where your website files live, making it accessible to visitors online. To choose the right host, consider loading speed, uptime, website security features, web hosting costs, site reliability and website privacy measures. Look for a host that offers eCommerce solutions and integrates with popular eCommerce functionality. Prioritize these factors to ensure a seamless online experience for your store’s visitors.

Learn more about what is a domain name and get started with Wix’s free website hosting.

How does web hosting work

02. Select a website builder and template

A website builder is a user-friendly platform that allows you to create and customize your furniture website with a drag and drop builder. It often provides various website templates for you to choose from, making it easy to build an eCommerce site in no time.

When choosing a website builder, consider factors such as ease of use, available features and integrations. It's also essential to select a website builder like Wix that caters specifically to eCommerce businesses and offers features such as inventory management, multiple payment options and shipping integration.

Next, choose a website template. This pre-designed layout shapes the look and feel of your site, including fonts, colors, images and page layouts. Pick an online store template that matches your brand's style and product offerings.

Consider these tips when choosing an online store template:

  • Simple website navigation: Make it easy for your customers to find the furniture and accessories they want. Users tend to buy something if they can easily find the exact desired item. Organize your categories, use clear labels and provide a search bar. This helps visitors quickly locate what they're looking for.

  • Mobile friendly capabilities: Improve website user experience with a well-formatted and appealing mobile view. Ensuring easy mobile access allows you to reach and retain more visitors, broadening your audience and keeping them engaged with the latest trends.

Wirefram on wix website builder

03. Design your furniture website

Your furniture website design should accurately reflect your brand's image and style. Utilize the customization options provided by your website builder to add unique elements such as a logo, brand colors and visuals that align with your brand aesthetic. Here are some web design elements to focus on:

  • Color scheme: Colors evoke emotions. Choose a website color palette that matches the mood you want to convey. For furniture websites, use neutral colors and shades to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Avoid bright or aggressive colors that can distract your audience from your furniture piecesApply these colors consistently across your website's elements, like headings, buttons and backgrounds.

  • Layout: Craft a website layout that reflects your furniture brand's personality. High-end furniture brands might choose sleek, sophisticated designs, while rustic or eco-friendly furniture brands could opt for layouts featuring natural hues and organic shapes. This ensures your brand's unique character stands out, engaging your audience with a design that speaks directly to them.

  • Logo: Your logo represents your furniture brand and should be prominently displayed on your website. Use a high-quality version for clear visibility. If you don't have one yet, consider hiring a website designer or learn how to design a logo using a logo maker tool.

  • Typography: Selecting the right typography can greatly improve your furniture website's look. A bold font can make a significant impact, showcasing your brand's personality. The best fonts for websites are easy to read and reflect your brand's style. Use distinct font styles for headings, product descriptions and call-to-action buttons to create visual interest and guide customers through your offerings.

Learn more about what is typography.

Wix furniture website template

04. Build an attractive homepage

Your homepage is the first impression visitors have of your website, so it's essential to make it captivating from the first glance. Visitors searching for a furniture maker expect a beautiful image—showcase a picture of one of your projects. Using a carousel slider is a great way to feature several images.

Here are some additional elements to include when making homepages:

  • Hero section: The top section of your homepage that grabs attention immediately. This can include an eye-catching image or video, your brand name and a brief description of your store.

  • Product showcase: Use high-quality images and short descriptions to highlight your best-selling or newest products. You can also add a "Shop Now" button to encourage visitors to browse through your collection.

  • Call-to-action buttons: Strategically placed call-to-action buttons throughout your homepage will prompt visitors to take action, such as "Sign Up," "Learn More" or "Shop Now."

  • Testimonials: Include customer reviews and testimonials to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

  • Contact information: Make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you by including your contact information, such as a business email address, business phone number and social media links.

Wix furniture website template

05. Add pages to your furniture website

When designing a furniture website, several key pages are essential for engaging visitors and encouraging sales. These web pages should be thoughtfully crafted to showcase the furniture collections, share the brand's story and provide customers with a seamless shopping experience.

Here are some pages to consider adding:

  • About page: Tell the story behind your furniture business and highlight what sets you apart from others in the industry. Feature prizes or awards your company has got by now. Use pictures of yourself and your team to help build a connection with your customers.

  • Product pages: Create separate pages for each type of furniture you offer with detailed descriptions, high-quality images and pricing information to encourage purchases.

  • Contact page: Make it easy for customers to get in touch with you by providing your contact information, a map of your store’s location and and an online form.

  • Shipping and Returns page: Provide clear information about shipping costs, delivery times and return policies to avoid any confusion or customer dissatisfaction.

  • Testimonials: A dedicated page to showcase customer reviews and testimonials gives potential customers peace of mind that they are making a good purchase decision. Consider including photos or videos of happy customers using your furniture.

  • Blog: Start a blog to share industry news, design tips and showcase featured products. This adds valuable content to your website and can improve its search engine ranking. Most visitors to furniture websites aren’t ready to buy; they’re still shopping around. Offer them help and guidance to show your industry knowledge. Consider the issues customers face when buying new furniture and write articles on these topics. This approach makes you more memorable to potential buyers by explaining how your furniture can be used, how it improves their lives and how it solves their problems. 

Popular types of web pages

06. List your products with visuals

Your furniture website is your digital showroom where shoppers can view products. To build an effective furniture website, you'll need to highlight your items with images, videos and virtual tours. These will help clients get a better sense of the furniture and become more engaged with your product. Keep your inventory and descriptions as up-to-date as your showroom, advertising all current promotions.

Each piece of furniture should have its own page on your website, complete with detailed descriptions and visuals. When prospective clients view listings on your website, they want to know everything about the item. By incorporating these details you  can help increase the chances of getting your customers to take the next step in the sale (whether it is buying online or going in-store).

Generally, a product page should include:

  • Photos of the furniture: Multiple high-quality images showing different angles and close-up shots to give customers a comprehensive view.

  • Detailed descriptions: Include information about the materials used, dimensions, care instructions and any unique features. Be thorough to anticipate and answer customer questions.

  • Price: Clearly display the item price, including any available sales, discounts or financing options.

  • Availability: Indicate stock status, estimated delivery times and options for in-store pickup if available.

  • Customer reviews: Showcasing feedback from previous buyers can build trust and provide social proof of your product's quality.

  • Customization options: If available, detail the customization choices such as fabric, color, finish or size variations.

  • Related products: Suggest complementary items to encourage additional purchases and enhance the shopping experience.

  • Add to cart and wishlist buttons: Simplify the purchasing process with clear and accessible buttons for adding items to the cart or saving them to a wishlist for future consideration.

Using quality images

Visuals play a significant role in purchasing decisions, so prioritize their quality and presentation. You may need to use a photo resizer to post images that meet standards for size, format and resolution on your platform. 

Adding images is by far the easiest method to visualize a product. However, technology has advanced significantly, providing more sophisticated methods to help shoppers visualize a product:

  • Zoom option: This tool lets customers to closely examine the details of a product by zooming in on an image.

  • 360-degree views: A feature that enables customers to rotate and view the product from different angles, giving them a comprehensive view of the product as they would in a physical showroom.

  • Virtual and augmented reality: Interactive room design tools allow customers to see how furniture will look and fit within their space. These features can improve engagement and conversion rates by bridging the gap between seeing a piece in your store and imagining it at home.

Tip: Wix's Video Maker you can effortlessly create professional videos for your real estate website. Easily incorporate drone footage or 360° views to showcase your properties.

Wix furniture website template

07. Set up your eCommerce tools

An online store is a vital component of your furniture website, as it allows customers to browse and purchase your products from the comfort of their own home. Creating a seamless shopping experience is crucial for converting website visitors into paying customers. To achieve this, you'll need to set up your eCommerce tools and processes correctly.

  • Shopping cart: A shopping cart allows customers to add multiple items before proceeding to the checkout page. This page has options of adding and removing the items, so that users can modify the order while placing it. The checkout process should be simple, with clear steps and instructions for customers to follow.

  • Payment gateway: Choose a secure online payment system that accepts multiple methods of payment, including credit cards and digital wallets.

  • Shipping rates: Determine shipping rates based on the weight and size of your products, as well as the distance they will be shipped. When setting your shipping rates, you have several common options. Offering free shipping absorbs the cost on your end, either by incorporating it into your prices or by setting a minimum order amount. Flat rate shipping applies a uniform charge to each order, which works well if your items generally cost the same to ship. Rates by weight adjust fees based on the total weight of the order, suitable if there's significant variation in shipping costs. Alternatively, carrier-calculated shipping bases charges on standard rates from the shipping carrier, ensuring accuracy in costs.

  • Order tracking: Provide customers with an order tracking feature that allows them to monitor the status of their purchases. This can help build trust and confidence in your brand by keeping customers informed and updated on their orders.

  • Inventory management: Keep track of your inventory to avoid overselling products or disappointing customers with out-of-stock items.

  • Returns and exchanges: Have clear policies in place for returns, refunds and exchanges. Make it easy for customers to initiate a return through your website or by contacting customer support.

  • Product search and filtering: Make it easier for customers to find specific products by incorporating a search bar and filters on your website. This allows shoppers to quickly narrow down their options based on size, color, price range or any other relevant criteria.

  • Third party integrations: Explore the Wix App Marketplace for tools like a cart countdown timer that create urgency to boost sales or loyalty club apps to expand your sales and customer base. The cost of these features can vary depending on the provider and what type of tools you use.

  • Wish list and save for later: Some customers may not be ready to make a purchase immediately, so having the option to save items for later or add them to a wish list can encourage them to return and complete their purchase.

Learn how to make a business website and get started creating your eCommerce website.

Wix ecommerce automation tools

08. Optimize SEO and marketing

Having a well-designed and functional business website is just the first step in attracting potential customers. To ensure that your furniture business stands out online, you need to optimize your search engine optimization (SEO) including the following SEO features:

  • Keyword research: Conducting research to find relevant and popular keywords in your industry can help improve your website's search engine ranking.

  • Meta tags and descriptions: Include relevant keywords in your meta title and description to make it easier for search engines to understand the content of your website.

  • Web analytics: Tracking user engagement will help you understand behavior and where the users’ are losing interest. Your Wix site comes with Wix Analytics to track consumer behavior and drive sales and you can Google analytics for additional insights.

Implement effective marketing strategies

Marketing your furniture business effectively is key to driving traffic to your website and converting visitors into loyal customers. A well-rounded marketing strategy includes both online and offline elements that work together to build brand awareness and encourage sales.

  • Social media marketing: Leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter to showcase your products, share customer testimonials and engage with your audience. Use eye-catching visuals and interactive content to drive engagement and boost your brand’s visibility.

  • Email marketing: Create an email list of interested customers and send out regular newsletters with updates on new products, special promotions and exclusive deals. Personalized email marketing campaigns can significantly increase customer retention and encourage repeat business.

  • Content marketing: Develop high-quality content that provides value to your audience, such as blog posts about interior design tips, how-to guides for furniture assembly and trend reports. Integrating your content marketing with SEO strategies ensures your content reaches a wider audience.

  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with influencers in the home decor and lifestyle niches to promote your furniture. Influencers can provide authentic reviews and showcase how your products fit into their lives, lending credibility and attracting new customers.

  • Retargeting campaigns: Use retargeting strategies to re-engage visitors who have previously interacted with your website but did not make a purchase. By reminding them of the products they viewed, you can encourage them to return and complete their transaction.

  • Partnerships and collaborations: Form partnerships with other businesses, such as interior designers or home improvement stores, to expand your reach. Cross-promotions and collaborative marketing campaigns can introduce your brand to new audiences.

  • Sales and promotions: Offer limited-time discounts, free shipping or bundle deals to entice customers to make a purchase. These tactics can also help drive traffic and increase sales during slow seasons.

Wix email marketing tools

Furniture website examples

For inspiration, check out these standout furniture websites crafted using Wix. Whether you're a novice or an expert, these examples can spark website ideas for your own business.

Bushman Dave

Bushman Dave is a renowned furniture website that stands out for its commitment to affordable prices, high-quality Australian-made products, and unbeatable customer service. Founded by a dedicated team of artisans, the company focuses on crafting stunning, handmade furniture pieces using sustainably sourced materials like American Oak and reclaimed Messmate. The website's user-friendly design features detailed team profiles and pictures, allowing customers to meet the skilled individuals behind their exquisite furniture. Additionally, the beautiful gallery offers a visual journey through their diverse range of products, showcasing the meticulous craftsmanship and timeless appeal of each piece.

Wix user Bushman Dave furniture website

Flourish and Foundry

Flourish and Foundry was founded by passionate artisans committed to eco-friendly craftsmanship. The brand offers a diverse range of handcrafted furniture that speaks to both modern and rustic aesthetics. The homepage features a user-friendly navigation bar, including essential sections like Shop, Makers, and Blog, where customers can discover insightful posts on design trends, DIY tips, and home décor inspiration. Flourish and Foundry's blog serves as a valuable resource, empowering readers with practical advice and creative ideas to elevate their living spaces.

Wix user Flourish and Foundry furniture website

Love Rustic Interiors

Love Rustic Interiors, a premier furniture website, specializes in handcrafting exquisite rustic wooden pieces that blend functionality with timeless charm. The homepage prominently features essential sections like Coat Racks, Shelves, Shoe Racks, Tables, and Customer Testimonials, allowing visitors to navigate effortlessly and discover their unique offerings. High-quality images showcase the intricate details and superior craftsmanship, helping customers envision these unique pieces in their home.

Wix user Love Rustic Interiors furniture website

Other types of websites to create

How to make a furniture website FAQ

Who creates furniture store websites?

Furniture store websites can be created by the business owner themselves using website building platforms such as Wix or they can hire a professional web designer to create a custom website for them. Some businesses may also choose to use a combination of both approaches.

How much does it cost to make a furniture website?

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