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How to make a fashion website to suit your brand

How to make a fashion website

The recent growth in the fashion industry has sparked a movement among fashion enthusiasts, influencers, brands and eCommerce businesses to expand their presence with the types of websites that attract a shopping base. While traditional stores still hold their ground, the shift is clear—46% of all U.S. apparel sales now happen online. In 2022, U.S. eCommerce revenues from apparel and accessories hit $180.5 billion, with projections to increase to $295.7 billion by 2025.

Whether you have a clothing store and seek a way to expand your customer base or you want to start your eCommerce business selling custom t-shirts, creating a website that accurately represents your style and brand is your first step. This guide will walk you through creating a fashion website that not only captivates your audience but also boosts sales.

Ready to launch your fashion website? Use the Wix AI website generator to get started. 

What is a fashion website?

A fashion website is an online platform that showcases clothing, accessories and other related products to a targeted audience. It allows businesses to reach out to a broader customer base and sell their products or services globally. A fashion website should be visually appealing, easy to navigate and reflect the brand's image accurately. It should also provide necessary information about the products offered, such as sizing and pricing information, shipping details and customer reviews.

Wix kids fashion website template

How to make a fashion website in 10 steps

01. Define your website's purpose and audience

Before you start designing your fashion website, it's essential to have a clear understanding of its purpose and target audience. You’ll have an easier time selling products if you target a specific demographic need than if you try to serve everyone. Consider questions such as:

  • What type of products will I be selling on my website?

  • Who is my target audience? Is it men, women or both? What age group do they belong to? What are their style and fashion preferences?

  • What sets my brand apart from others in the market?

Wix fashion website template homepage

02. Pick a domain name and website host

Once you have a clear idea on who you are targeting, you will need to choose a domain name and website host for your fashion website. A memorable domain name helps customers find you easily, while a reliable host ensures your site is always accessible, showcasing your latest collections and available to accept orders.

A domain name is what your visitors will type in the browser’s address bar to visit your website. Your domain name should align with your brand name as well as your business goals and available products. When choosing your domain name, keep these tips in mind:

  • Keep it short and easy to remember

  • Avoid numbers or special characters

  • Use your name or company name

  • Utilize keywords related to animation

  • Perform a domain search to check for availability

  • Choose reputable domain extensions such as .com or .net to boost credibility

  • For inspiration, use a domain name generator

A hosting website provides server space where your website files live. It’s necessary so visitors can access your online store through the internet. When choosing a website host, consider factors such as loading speed, uptime, website security features, web hosting cost and website privacy measures. It's also essential to select a host that offers eCommerce solutions and integrates with popular eCommerce functionality.

Learn more about what is a domain name and get started with Wix’s free web hosting.

How does web hosting work

03. Choose a website builder and template

A good website builder and template can set you up for early success. A website builder is a user-friendly platform that allows you to create and customize your fashion website with a drag and drop page builder. It often provides various website templates for you to choose from, making it easy to build an eCommerce site in no time.

When choosing a website builder, consider factors such as ease of use, available features and integrations. It's also essential to select a website builder like Wix that caters specifically to eCommerce businesses and offers features such as inventory management, multiple payment options and shipping integration.

Wix fashion and clothing website templates

Next, you'll need a website template, which is a pre-designed layout that dictates the overall look and feel of your site. It typically includes elements such as fonts, colors, images and page layouts. Choose a fashion and clothing template that aligns with your brand's aesthetic and product offerings.

Consider these tips when choosing a fashion website template:

  • Simple site navigation: No matter the range of products or categories you offer, you want your potential customers to effortlessly find the clothes and accessories they desire. Organize your categories, use easy-to-understand labels and provide a search bar to make it easier for visitors to find what they're looking for.

  • Mobile friendly capabilities: A well-formatted and appealing mobile view enhances the user experience, making it delightful to browse through the latest fashion collections on your website. With fashion enthusiasts looking for style inspiration on the go, it's crucial that your website and its fashion items look stunning on both mobile devices and desktops. Ensuring easy mobile access allows you to reach and retain more visitors, broadening your audience and keeping them engaged with the latest trends.

04. Tailor your fashion website design elements

Your fashion website design should accurately reflect your brand's image and style. Utilize the customization options provided by your website builder to add unique elements such as a logo, fashion slogan, brand colors and visuals that align with your brand aesthetic. Here are some web design elements to focus on:

  • Color scheme: Colors evoke emotions, so it's essential to choose a website color palette that creates a mood aligning with the message you want to convey. For example, bright colors can be used for a fun and vibrant brand, while neutral tones may suit a more sophisticated brand. Use these colors consistently across your website's elements, like headings, buttons and backgrounds.

  • Layout: Craft a website layout that mirrors your brand's personality. For example, luxury brands might opt for sleek, sophisticated designs, while eco-friendly brands could prefer layouts that highlight natural hues and shapes. This approach ensures your brand's unique character shines through, engaging your audience with a design that speaks directly to them.

  • Logo: Your logo is the visual representation of your brand and it should be prominently displayed on your website. Make sure to use a high-quality version of your logo for clear visibility. If you don't have a logo yet, consider hiring a website designer or learn how to design a logo using a fashion logo maker tool.

  • Typography: Selecting the right typography can make a significant impact on your website's overall appearance. A bolded font will have a stronger presence, for example. Best fonts for websites are easy to read and align with your brand image. You can also use different font styles for headings, body text and call-to-action buttons to create visual interest.

Learn more about what is typography.

Wix fashion logo maker

05. Add key pages

Your fashion website should have essential web pages that provide relevant information about your brand, products and policies. These pages should be easy to navigate and include eye-catching visuals, engaging content and clear calls-to-action.

Here are some must-have pages for any fashion eCommerce website:

  • Homepage: This is the first page visitors will see when they land on your website. The homepage should be visually appealing, displaying your latest collections or promotions. It offers a clear overview of your brand, including elements like a navigation menu for easy site exploration, customer testimonials for credibility, and call-to-action buttons to guide visitors towards making a purchase or signing up for more information.

  • Product pages: Your product pages should feature your products with high-resolution images that accurately represent what you're selling, paired with detailed product descriptions that highlight key features and benefits. Additionally, clear and transparent pricing information is essential to help customers make informed decisions. To further enhance the credibility of your product pages, consider including customer reviews and ratings. This not only builds trust among potential buyers but also showcases the quality and reliability of your products, based on the experiences of previous customers.

  • About page: The about page is where you can tell your brand's story and mission, giving visitors a glimpse into the people behind the brand and what you stand for. You can also use this page to highlight your brand's values, sustainability efforts and any social initiatives you may be involved in. This helps create a personal connection with potential customers and builds trust in your brand.

  • Shipping and return policies: Be transparent about your shipping times, costs and return policies. This information can help build trust with potential customers and avoid any confusion or disappointment with their purchases. Consider including a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on this page to address common inquiries.

  • Location page: If your products are available in brick-and-mortar stores, help your customers locate them easily. Provide a clear list and use interactive maps to guide them to your partnering stores, enhancing their shopping experience.

Popular types of web pages

06. Create effective product pages

Effective product pages are the heart of any fashion and beauty website. Craft a standout product page that combines style with substance to turn visitors into customers. Provide your shoppers with all the details they crave—engaging descriptions, authentic user reviews to foster trust and crisp, high-quality images from every angle.

Here are some tips to make your product pages more effective:

  • High-quality images: In the visually driven world of fashion, your website must be appealing in design with high-quality images. Opt for high-resolution photos that show off your products in action and from different perspectives, giving potential customers a clear view of the details and quality. Whenever possible, use models to bring your clothing to life and highlight styling possibilities. Consider hiring a professional photographer or a third-party service. Or, if you're adept with a smartphone camera, you can produce product photos yourself. Use an image resizer to adjust the image to fit your website’s layout.

  • Detailed descriptions: On eCommerce sites, product descriptions are a primary driver for SEO and they also play an incredibly important part in clearly communicating the value of your offerings to customers. Write detailed and accurate product descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of your products. Use persuasive language to create a sense of desire in potential customers.

  • Size charts: Improve user experience for your shoppers by featuring a detailed size chart for apparel on your website or product listings. By helping them choose the right size from the start, you'll cut down on returns due to sizing issues. This not only streamlines your operations but can also save you the hassle and costs of handling returns.

  • Product prices: Pricing can be a tricky aspect of running an online fashion business. Consider your costs, target market and desired profit margins when setting prices for your products. You can also offer discounts or promotions to entice customers.

  • Customer reviews: Incorporate real customer reviews directly onto your product pages to build trust and credibility among potential customers. Featuring feedback from satisfied buyers not only reflects positively on your offerings but also provides social proof to persuade hesitant shoppers to proceed with a purchase.

Sample testimonial

07.  Integrate eCommerce features

To effectively sell products online, your fashion website should have eCommerce features to make the buying process seamless and secure for customers. Here are some essential eCommerce features to consider integrating into your site:

  • Shopping cart: A shopping cart allows customers to add multiple items before proceeding to the checkout page. This page has options of adding and removing the items, so that users can modify the order while placing it. The checkout process should be user-friendly, with clear steps and instructions for customers to follow.

  • Payment processor: When choosing a online payment platform, it's crucial to ensure it meets security standards like PCI DSS compliance and offers additional fraud protection measures. Additionally, consider the payment processing fees, as most gateways charge a percentage and/or a flat rate for each transaction—make sure it fits your budget. Also, offering convenient payment options for customers is essential. While most gateways support credit and debit card payments in your store, the rising popularity of digital wallets and other alternatives such as Apple Pay and BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) means it's wise to include these options to cater to customer preferences.

  • Shipping rates: Determine shipping rates based on the weight and size of your products, as well as the distance they will be shipped. When setting your shipping rates, you have several common options. Offering free shipping absorbs the cost on your end, either by incorporating it into your prices or by setting a minimum order amount. Flat rate shipping applies a uniform charge to each order, which works well if your items generally cost the same to ship. Rates by weight adjust fees based on the total weight of the order, suitable if there's significant variation in shipping costs. Alternatively, carrier-calculated shipping bases charges on standard rates from the shipping carrier, ensuring accuracy in costs.

  • Product search and filtering: Make it easier for customers to find specific products by incorporating a search bar and filters on your website. This allows shoppers to quickly narrow down their options based on size, color, price range or any other relevant criteria.

  • Wish list and save for later: Some customers may not be ready to make a purchase immediately, so having the option to save items for later or add them to a wish list can encourage them to return and complete their purchase.

  • Order tracking: Provide customers with an order tracking feature that allows them to monitor the status of their purchases. This can help build trust and confidence in your brand by keeping customers informed and updated on their orders.

  • Third party integrations: Explore the Wix App Marketplace for tools like a cart countdown timer that create urgency to boost sales, or loyalty club apps to expand your sales and customer base. The cost of these features can vary depending on the provider and what type of tools you use.

Payment checkout screen

08. Optimize your fashion website

Mobile devices account for a significant portion of online traffic, so it's essential to ensure that your business website is optimized for mobile use. This includes:

  • Quick loading times: Optimize images and reduce unnecessary code to improve your website's loading speed.

  • Easy navigation: Ensure that your website is easy to navigate on a mobile device, with clear menus and buttons for customers to click on.

Once your website is ready, you’ll need to make sure that it’s available to everyone looking for fashion related products and content. You need to optimize your site and make it search engine friendly. This way, your fashion website will start appearing in the Google search results. Wix websites include SEO features by default but you can still take a few steps to ensure that your site is visible to everyone looking for fashion related content.

This includes:

  • Keyword research: Conducting research to find relevant and popular keywords in your industry can help improve your website's search engine ranking.

  • Meta tags and descriptions: Include relevant keywords in your meta title and description to make it easier for search engines to understand the content of your website.

  • User analytics: Tracking user engagement will help you understand user behavior and where the users’ are losing interest. Your Wix site comes with Wix Analytics to track consumer behavior and drive sales and you can Google analytics for additional insights.

09. Start a fashion blog (optional)

Starting a blog can also be beneficial for SEO, as it allows you to regularly publish new and relevant content on your website. This can help increase your website's visibility in search engine results and attract potential customers. You can write posts about fashion trends, styling tips and the latest industry news. By creating a constant strategy to consistently deliver content that resonates with your audience, you’ll build a loyal audience that can’t resist coming back for more.

10. Promote your fashion website

Now that your online store website is up and running, it's time to start promoting it to potential customers. Engaging with the fashion community and target audience through social media integration, newsletters, and other interactive features can foster brand loyalty and customer engagement.

Here are a few ways to drive traffic and increase sales as part of your website launch checklist:

  • Social media marketing: Leverage social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest where your ideal audience spends time to showcase your products. Use hashtags, collaborate with influencers and run targeted ads to increase your brand's visibility and attract potential customers.

  • Email marketing: Add an option to sign up for emails to your website and store checkout process. Build an email list of interested customers and regularly send them promotional emails, newsletters and updates about your products. As part of your email marketing campaign, offer exclusive discounts or promotions to incentivize customers to make a purchase.

  • Collaborations and partnerships: Partner with other fashion brands or businesses to cross-promote each other's products or collaborate on a collection. This can help expand your reach and introduce your brand to a new audience.

  • Influencer marketing: Partner with influencers in the fashion industry to showcase your products and reach their followers. This can help increase brand awareness and credibility, ultimately driving sales for your business.

Wix email marketing tools

Fashion website examples to learn from

For inspiration, take a look at these standout fashion websites crafted using Wix. They're proof of what's possible when you infuse your site with your unique touch.

Arava Polak

Israeli bridal dress designer, Arava Polak, uses attractive full screen-width photos of models wearing the brand. The photo, the menu and the brand are the only things visible at one particular time. There are no small photos or confusing elements to interfere with the imagery or workflow.

Wix user Arava Polak fashion website homepage


The clothing brand Oriens has an eye-catching product reel greeting you front and center above the fold.  Scrolling down, you can see the categories arranged in a clean and clear layout with beautiful images of the products. The design is uncluttered with a modern and premium feel.

Wix user Oriens fashion website homepage


When you go to the product page on the Sillage site, you'll find a selection of images demonstrating practical uses and read detailed descriptions that highlight the unique design and purpose of every product.

Wix user Sillage fashion website homepage

Freya Simonne

As soon as you land on the homepage of sustainable fashion designer, Freya Simonne, you'll be greeted with a friendly invitation to join her newsletter. This is your gateway to exclusive first looks at her one-of-a-kind products. Signing up means you're not just any customer; you're part of the inner circle, always in the know about Freya's latest sustainable creations.

Wix user Freya Simonne fashion website homepage

Other types of websites to create

How to make a fashion website FAQ

How can I increase traffic to my fashion website?

Some ways to increase traffic to your fashion website include utilizing SEO strategies, promoting on social media, collaborating with other brands or influencers and regularly updating your blog with relevant content. Additionally, offering promotions or discounts can also attract new customers to your site.  It's important to constantly analyze and adapt your marketing strategies to effectively drive traffic to your fashion website.  Ultimately, providing a great user experience design and high-quality products can also lead to positive word-of-mouth and attract more potential customers.

How much does it cost to build a fashion website?

Can you make money with an online clothing website?

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