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How to make a handyman website that will nail the competition

How to make a handyman website

From general maintenance tasks like plumbing, appliance installation and gutter cleaning to more expansive projects like carpentry or drywall repairs—being a jack-of-all-trades can be a lucrative business venture. With apps like Task Rabbit and Handy making it easier than ever to outsource and connect with professionals, building a website to develop your online presence is a must-have for on-demand handyman services. 

This article will walk through the key steps for how to make a handyman website that showcases your unique skill set and reliability and connects you to homeowners in your area.

What is a handyman website?

A handyman website is not just an online representation of your business, but also a virtual storefront that should focus mainly on the customer. It allows clients to learn more about you and how you will solve their problems before they even contact you.

Your business website should supply decision makers with all the necessary details they need in one place, making it easy for them to decide to hire your services. This includes a description of the types of jobs you specialize in, your availability, service locations, contact information and any other relevant details about your business.

Be inspired by these best handyman examples.

How to make a handyman website

Interactive wireframe creating a website

01. Narrow your niche

Before you create a website, you need to identify your target market. Handymen are in high demand because almost everyone requires their services at some point. The great thing is that your customer base has no limits. Although you may be skilled in many trades, specializing in specific services can actually be more profitable. By choosing a niche, you can reduce competition and attract individuals who are seeking exactly what you offer.

Think about what sets you apart from other handypeople in your area—maybe it's specializing in carpentry or electrical problems. This will draw searchers looking for those services and make it easier for them to find you.

Understand local area dynamics

Research your local market and the demand for different services to help you target a profitable niche. If you live in a rural area, offering general handyman services might be more lucrative, since there may not be other professionals around for miles. For urban areas, where competition is higher, picking a niche can help you stand out and bring in clients. 

If you are in an area with many vacation properties, align your marketing strategies with homeowner maintenance needs during specific seasons. Offer seasonal discounts and package deals to attract and retain your clientele during peak times.

Commercial vs. residential jobs

Decide whether you want to focus on commercial or residential jobs when starting a handyman business. Residential clients often hire handymen for small-scale fixes, while commercial needs may involve larger projects and regular maintenance. Keep in mind that different licenses and insurance coverage may be required for each type of work and your clients will want to know if you're qualified for their specific job. Additionally, you may discover a personal preference for one type of work over the other, which can help you narrow your niche.

02. Select a domain name and web host

Your handyman website's domain name is your online address. Choose the right name so that your clients know what you do and where you're located. It should be easy to remember and relevant to your business. Avoid using numbers and hyphens, as they can make it harder for searchers to find you. Use a domain name generator if you get stuck selecting a domain name. 

Learn more about what is a domain.

Next, you'll need a hosting website, which is the service that stores your website's data and makes it available online. There are many options available, so do some research and pick one that fits your budget and needs. With a Wix paid plan, you get free website hosting

how to buy a domain name

03. Choose a website builder 

A website builder, like Wix, simplifies the process of creating a handyman website by providing user-friendly tools and templates. It requires no coding skills, saving time and effort. It's great for individuals and small businesses looking to make a website. Using an AI website maker can further enhance the website building experience with the help of Wix’s unique, chat-based AI experience.

Website template

Once you've chosen which website builder to use, it's time to select a services and maintenance website template. Make sure it is easy to navigate and represents your brand well. Structure your handyman website in such a way that the most important information, such as services offered or contact details, is easily accessible and prominent in your website navigation menu. 

services and maintenance website templates on wix

These are the essential pages that all types of websites should have.

  • Home page

  • About

  • Contact

  • Logo

Here are some more pages that most handymen should have on their website.

  • Services

  • Service areas

  • Project portfolio

  • Testimonials

  • Blog


Your homepage is the first impression viewers will have of your handyman website. It needs to capture their interest and clearly communicate what you offer and why they should choose you. Include high-quality images and a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to contact you or learn more about your services. For instance, if you specialize in kitchen and bath remodels, showcase a stunning bathroom photo at the top of your homepage.

In many trades, there are emergency services or 24-hour services available, such as in the sanitary and electrical trades or with locksmiths and glaziers. Including this on your homepage ensures that people in need of help during an emergency can easily find the assistance they require. Add a dedicated button with a telephone number for users to contact your business from the homepage.

About page

Humanize your brand and build trust with potential clients through an engaging About page. Share a short biography and a friendly photo to establish a personal connection. This is your opportunity to present your abilities, certifications, licensing or any specializations that make you the best choice for their needs.

Contact page

Make sure your contact information is easily visible across your website and include a dedicated "Contact" page in the header menu. This way, future clients can reach out to you effortlessly, leading to more inquiries and potential business opportunities.

Your contact page should include all the ways customers can get in touch with you.

The contact form is an essential component of a tradesman website. It lets clients send you a message from your site. Create an online form that includes fields for their name, email address and a message box so they can supply job specifics. You can streamline follow-ups and gather accurate data, ultimately enhancing the customer experience and enabling you to deliver more precise quotes tailored to their needs.

Contact form


A logo gives you a competitive advantage, leaving a lasting impression on your audience. With the Wix Logo Maker, you can craft a logo that represents your brand and gives a cohesive look to your website. Add your logo as a favicon for your website and to your business card design. Leaving a business card behind at every job can help generate word-of-mouth customers and grow your business.

Learn more: Wix vs Squarespace

Popular types of web pages

04. Highlight your service offerings

Your handyman website should help users to understand the services you offer as a handyman. This is also the perfect opportunity to highlight your specialty niche. Instead of using generic terms like "handyman services," be specific about the tasks you can handle, such as plumbing repairs, electrical installations, drywall repairs or painting jobs. Explain technical concepts in a way that anyone can understand - jargon can be intimidating. This clarity allows visitors to quickly assess whether you offer the services they need.

Pricing transparency

When it comes to pricing, transparency helps attract clients genuinely interested in your services and willing to pay for quality workmanship. Include a general price range for common services or offering free estimates. This encourages individuals to reach out, discuss their projects and receive accurate quotes. You'll be able to provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Online payment options

Offer convenient online payment choices to make transactions easy for both you and your clientele. Give them flexibility with multiple payment methods like credit cards, online payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe and even electronic transfers. Streamline the payment process further by integrating an online invoicing system into your website. This feature will automatically create an invoice with clear breakdowns of costs.

Service areas of operation

Clearly define your geographic area of operation, whether you serve a target city, region or have a wider service area. Posting a service area map ensures clarity for visitors, helping them determine if you can cater to their location. This avoids any confusion or inquiries from outside your service area.

Online booking options

Implement an online scheduling system to make it easy for users to book appointments and services. This feature saves time on both ends by reducing back-and-forth communication and streamlining the process. It also lets viewers see your availability and select a time that works best for them.

Automated actions

05. Display your previous work

One of the best ways to present your capabilities and build trust with clients is by sharing your previous projects. Highlight the range and complexity of projects you’ve handled. For example, include before-and-after pictures of a kitchen renovation or highlight a complex plumbing repair, along with an explanation of how you successfully resolved it. These examples will help visitors envision how you can tackle similar projects for them.

Use high-quality photos

Visual content plays a vital role in making your handyman website memorable. Make sure to include high-quality images and descriptions of your completed work. These visuals demonstrate the scope and quality of your craftsmanship, leaving a lasting impression on clients. Boost their confidence in hiring your services with this visual representation.

Make sure these visuals are well-organized, easy to navigate and optimized for fast loading times, as users may quickly lose interest if they encounter slow-loading images. 

Tip: Use a photo resizer to compress images without sacrificing quality and ensure they are optimized for the web.


Feature endorsements from satisfied clients to establish credibility and trust. For instance, in online shops, buyers won't think about purchasing an item without any reviews. Positive feedback from previous customers is an effective way to exhibit your reliability, quality of work and professionalism.

Get in touch with previous clients and ask for their feedback or consider using online platforms where past customers can leave reviews on your website. When requesting recommendations, ask open-ended questions that prompt clients to provide detailed feedback about their experience working with you. This will help you gather compelling quotes that highlight aspects of your work, setting you apart from the competition.

To add authenticity and a personal touch, be sure to include:

  • Client's name

  • Photo (with permission)

  • Brief description you worked on together

Build a dedicated web page or strategically place customer quotes on relevant service pages. When selecting recommendations, aim for a diverse range of projects and clients to appeal to a broader market. Consider including a mix of written and video testimonials, if possible, for a more appealing experience.

Client testimonial template

06. Create engaging content

Writing web content is a fantastic way to attract viewers and keep them interested in your handyman website. Share useful trade-related tips and tricks, like how-to guides, DIY projects or maintenance advice. By doing so, you not only demonstrate your expertise but also provide value to visitors seeking quick solutions. 


In order to establish yourself as an authority in your field, start a blog on your handyman website. Regularly publish informative content, driving traffic and providing valuable insights. You can cover a wide range of topics such as home improvement tips, common household repairs or seasonal maintenance advice. By sharing your proficiency in a concise and conversational manner, you can inspire and motivate your audience while establishing trust and credibility.

Make sure to promote this content through various channels, such as social media platforms or email newsletters, to reach a wider base. This will not only help attract customers but also keep them engaged and interested in your brand.

Social media links

Curate a cohesive digital footprint by adding your social media pages to your handyman website. People in your network can be directed to your website for inquiries, to view your portfolio or to contact you directly. Conversely, website visitors can become part of your social network through the social media buttons on your site. Use TikTok to showcase home renovations, pool cleaning and other projects with before and after visuals, set to the latest music and filters. It gives viewers another way to connect with you and stay updated on your latest projects and content.

Members only content

Create exclusive content for a membership website or for selling subscriptions services, such as monthly maintenance tips or videos. This can incentivize customers to become loyal clients and stay engaged with your brand. By posting online teaching content consistently, you can establish a strong relationship with your audience and boost customer retention.

Tip: Use a video editor to create engaging and professional-looking content to share on your website or social media platforms.

Call-to-action buttons

Include prominent call-to-actions throughout your website, encouraging visitors to take the next step, whether it's contacting you for a quote or booking a service. Make sure these are clear and easy to find, with strong action words that prompt visitors to take action. This not only helps improve user experience but also increases conversions and potential leads.

residential remodeling website homepage

07. Optimize for local SEO

Make sure your handyman website uses SEO features to expand visibility in your service area. This involves incorporating location-specific keywords, including your business name, address and phone number and claiming your Google My Business listing. This will help searchers find you when they search for handyman services in their area.

Learn more about SEO strategies at the Wix SEO learning hub.

Google Business Profile manager

Mobile-friendly design

With the majority of internet users now using their mobile devices to browse the web, having a mobile-friendly web design is crucial. Ensure that your website is optimized for different screen sizes and devices, providing a seamless user experience. This will not only improve user engagement, but also positively impact your search engine ranking.

08. Maintain your handyman website

Finally, it's important to update and manage your handyman website to ensure it stays relevant and interesting. By consistently maintaining your website, you can continue to attract and retain customers, showcasing your professionalism and dedication to your craft.  Keep these tips in mind as you build and manage your handyman website.

  • Update your site: This includes your portfolio, blog content and testimonials periodically, as well as checking for broken links or outdated information.

  • Performance analytics: Monitoring your website's performance through analytics can also help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. 

Tip: Your Wix site comes with Wix analytics to help you track visitors, their behaviors and your site's overall impact.

Learn more:

Handyman website examples

Keep in mind that your handyman website should reflect your unique brand and services, so embrace your creativity and make it your own. Check out these successful handyman websites built with Wix for inspiration.

Based out of New England, Chatham-Harwich Handyman showcases a captivating gallery of before and after photos that highlight the wide range of services they offer. It's a concise and informative way to demonstrate their expertise and inspire visitors.

Chat-ham harwich handyman website homepage

Using a simple landing page website, Handyman Meno promises efficient and friendly service in checking off your homeowner's to-do list. A chatbox is included, so visitors can quickly reach out with questions. 

hanydman meno website homepage and chat button

This Chicago-based handyman's website proudly showcases their awards and reviews right at the top of the homepage, allowing visitors to quickly assess their credentials.

hammer and tool handyman website homepage and credentials

With a map conveniently placed on the homepage, the Michigan-based handyman ensures visitors can easily locate their service area. Right above the map, there's a contact form for anyone interested in reaching out.

Working man's handyman website homepage

Why you need a handyman website

A professional and informative handyman website can positively impact your business in many ways. People go online to find everything these days, including handyman services. An online presence is key to fully benefit from these advantages.

  • Increase your online visibility: Reaching more customers helps you to expand your business and customer base. It enables you to connect with a wider audience and raise your chances of attracting new clients.

  • Showcase your services: By highlighting your expertise and demonstrating your knowledge in your field, you can build credibility. This can make visitors more likely to choose your services over your competitors.

  • Enhance customer engagement: Building a convenient platform for customers to contact and hire you makes it easier for them to engage your services. By offering multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email or online forms, you make it simple for customers to get in touch and initiate business with you.

  • Stand out from the competition: By showcasing your unique selling points, such as specialized skills, exceptional customer service or competitive pricing, you can differentiate yourself from other handymen in the market. This can help you attract more clients and establish a strong reputation in your industry.

Other types of websites to create

How to make a handyman website FAQ

Should you build your website by yourself or hire a web designer?

This ultimately depends on your budget, time and skill level. Building a website by yourself with a drag and drop website builder like Wix can be an affordable option. However, hiring a professional website designer can save you time and ensure a high-quality website that meets your specific needs.

How much does it cost to build a handyman website?

How important are professional websites for a handyman to grow their online identity and business?

What are the key elements of a contractor website?

What are the other advertising strategies to grow a contractor business?

What credentials should be included on a handyman’s website?

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