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How to make a construction website that will cement your online presence

how to make a construction website

Faced with rising mortgage fees and high demand for properties, many homeowners and buyers are turning to remodels rather than buying new homes. Creating a website is crucial for any construction business looking to tap into this growing market and establish a strong digital footprint. A well-crafted website not only showcases your body of work but also serves as a foundation for engaging with clients and a guiding light for those wanting to turn their dreams into tangible realities.

Whether you are starting a business or a seasoned contractor, this article will guide you through the steps to build a construction website that will cement your web presence and help you stand out in the highly competitive construction industry.

What is a construction website?

A construction website serves as a digital storefront and portfolio, allowing you to engage with prospective clients even when they aren't physically visiting a showroom. It's formatted to help visitors learn about your services, request quotes and envision how you can transform their living spaces. 

More and more people are turning to the internet for their research, especially when it comes to finding construction services. A visually appealing and intuitive website needs to be a part of your marketing strategies. It can be the deciding factor for potential clients who are comparing your services with your competitors.

How to make a construction website in 8 steps

Wix drag and drop website builder

01. Decide your website’s purpose 

Before you start planning your website, you should determine its purpose. Do you want to exhibit your projects, generate leads, or both? A clear understanding of what you want to achieve will help guide the website design and content creation process.

Your website should be tailored to your ideal audience's preferences and needs. For instance, if your construction company specializes in luxury homes, your website should reflect the high-end aesthetic that homeowners are searching for.

Consider these tips as you think about web design:

  • Target audience: Understand your customers, their preferences and pain points. Conduct research to identify what they're searching for when looking for construction services. 

  • Clear value proposition: Convey the distinctive attributes that differentiate your construction company. Emphasize your unique qualities, expertise and the solutions you offer.

  • Easy to navigate: Site navigation should be simple and easy to follow and the important information should be readily accessible.

  • Content relevance: Craft web content that directly speaks to the questions and concerns of your audience, whether it involves construction services, project timelines or cost estimates.

Additionally, the following tools can help engage your audience and make your website stand out:

  • Testimonials and case studies: Add references from happy customers and case studies of successful projects. Real-life stories help form trust and legitimacy.

  • Clear call to action (CTA): Simplify the process for website users to take the next step, whether it be requesting a quote, scheduling a consultation or subscribing to your newsletter.

  • Mobile-friendly design: Make sure your website appears and operates smoothly on all devices, ranging from desktops to smartphones. Since many clients browse and complete transactions using mobile devices, responsiveness is vital.

  • Regular updates: Highlight recent work, awards and industry certifications to demonstrate that your business is still active and thriving.

02. Buy a domain name and web hosting

A domain name is the address visitors use to access your website and web hosting refers to the server where your website files are stored. The domain name helps users to easily find and interact with your website, while web hosting ensures that your website is securely stored and accessible to users.

It's best to keep domain names simple and easy to remember. Let Wix's domain name generator assist you in generating names based on your company name or relevant keywords related to your construction services. 

When selecting a web host service, think about storage space, bandwidth, website security measures, web hosting cost and add-ons. With Wix's paid plan, you'll get a domain name, free hosting and a drag and drop website builder to kickstart your virtual presence. 

Learn more about what is website hosting and its role in your website reliability.

Wix domain name generator

03. Choose a website builder

A website builder, like Wix, simplifies the process of creating a construction website by providing user-friendly tools and templates. It requires no coding skills, saving time and effort. It's great for individuals and small businesses looking to make a website. Using an AI website maker like Wix's unique chat-based AI tool can enhance the website creation process, resulting in a customized construction website that caters to your individual requirements.

construction website - website builder

Select templates

Once you've chosen your website builder, it's time to design your construction website. Wix offers an array of customizable services and maintenance website templates suitable for various types of websites, including construction. Start by finding a template that aligns with your company's brand and vision. From there, you can add your company's logo and key website features.

Popular types of web pages

Intuitive navigation

When you create a website, it's essential to outline an intuitive navigation system. When viewers can effortlessly find what they need, they’re more likely to stay on your site, explore your services and reach out. Place the most critical pages in your site's header menu and create a clear hierarchy to lead them through your site. Here are some web pages that should be included on your construction website.

navigation for making a construction website


Your homepage is the first impression that visitors will have of your company. Aside from showcasing your construction slogan, logo and branding, the homepage should also have a brief overview of your services, project gallery, contact information and call-to-action buttons.

About us page

The About Us page is a chance to introduce readers to your company's history, values and team. Make sure to include a headshot, title and bio for each team member. It helps build trust and shows the human side of your business. Emphasizing the skills, experiences and passions of your team members shows the diverse experience that they will have at their disposal if they work with your company.

Services page

When it comes to construction, there's a wide range of services available. Individuals searching for a construction company usually have specific services in mind. That's why your services page should feature a comprehensive list of the construction services you offer, along with pricing. Make sure to present them in a way that features their benefits and how they solve problems for your focus audience.

For example, if your experience lies in residential builds, spotlight services such as custom homes, home additions, outdoor living spaces and basement renovations. If you offer a unique product or installation service, emphasize its distinctive attributes that set it apart from others in the market.

Contact page

Your contact page should display all the ways that future customers can reach out to you. You can also include a contact form for future clients to fill out with their project details.

Here are the key points to include:

  • Phone number

  • Business email address

  • Physical location/showroom if you have one

  • Map of your service area

  • Links to your social media channels

  • Hours of operation

  • Contact form

Home design website contact form

04. Add projects and images

Adding a project gallery or portfolio page to your construction website allows viewers to explore your work and find projects that meet their needs. Homeowners or clients  are eager to see examples of your work and envision their own experience. It helps them to picture how your skills can translate into successful outcomes for their own projects.

When using images, you should also write detailed descriptions that not only present the final product but also highlight the challenges you faced during the project. By explaining the obstacles you encountered and the innovative solutions you implemented, you demonstrate your problem-solving skills. Crafting compelling content generates more views and boosts your website's search engine ranking.

Use visuals to tell a story

When consumers choose a construction company, the visual content on the website can make all the difference. To differentiate yourself from the competition and make an impact, display eye-catching images and videos. 

Here are some tips to capture good visuals:

  • Background: Clean up the job-site from any lingering debris or equipment before photographing.

  • Process: Capture the entire project journey, including the remarkable transformation and the initial state of your project. This allows others to witness the progress and the impact your work can make.

  • Crew: Include photos of the team to help your clients connect faces to your company. Take some candid shots of your workers in action for a more intriguing and genuine feel.

  • Results: Last but not least, post high-quality images of the finished project to showcase the final product. Use different angles to show all aspects of the project, including before-and-after shots for a dramatic effect.

Use eye-catching images

It's best to use original photography, however too often, builders hastily take snapshots with their phones and add them to their websites. Instead, take the time to intentionally photograph your creations, showcasing unique materials and challenging upgrades to homes. In case you need images, Wix's Media Manager contains hundreds of free Wix image and video files that can be added directly to your site.

Here are some quick tips to create high-quality visuals:

  • Hardware: Invest in a digital camera. If you use your phone, learn its capabilities and utilize picture apps.

  • Lighting: Use natural light as much as possible and avoid using flash.

  • Angles: Take photos from various angles to give a better understanding of the project.

  • Composition: Use basic photography rules such as the rule of thirds, leading lines and symmetry to create visually appealing images.

  • Editing: Make use of video maker and photo editing software to adjust and enhance the colors, lighting and sharpness of your images. Just remember not to overdo it – keep things natural.

  • Image sizing: Use a photo resizer to post images in the right size for your website template.

Construction website template

05. Incorporate lead management tools

Your construction website should not only feature your services and projects, but also integrate lead generation features and a CRM. These tools are essential for capturing potential clients' data and following up with them to convert them into actual customers. Remember to make these tools user-friendly and easily accessible on your website. Here are some examples of lead generation tools you can integrate on your website.

Newsletter sign-up form

Include a newsletter sign-up form on your construction website to gather email addresses from interested visitors or returning clients. This facilitates communication with them regularly and keeps them updated on your latest work, services and promotions. Make sure to provide valuable content in your newsletters to keep subscribers engaged.

Contact form

It’s great to include your contact details on your website, but take it a step further and use a contact form that can be filled out to get in touch with you. Make sure the form is easy to fill out and that you have a prompt response time to show your professionalism and dedication. Try this form builder to customize a contact form that works for your business. 

Website contact form

Free consultation or estimate form

Allow prospective clients to submit their project details for a free consultation or estimate, giving you the opportunity to follow up and secure new business. Include fields to understand the work needed, budget and approximate timeline. This helps you get a much bigger picture of the scope of the project.

Appointment scheduler

Offering online scheduling allows interested individuals to book appointments or consultations directly from your website. This streamlines the process to schedule a meeting with you, raising the chances of converting them into customers.

Client portal

A client portal is a secure area on your website where customers can view and access project information, documents and important dates. It serves as a membership site, fostering trust, transparency, and efficiency in project management.

Online chat

Integrating live chat or a chatbot messaging system on your website allows for real-time communication with potential customers. It’s an effective way to answer any questions they may have and to provide them with immediate assistance, building trust and customer satisfaction. With Wix Chat, you can easily add a customized chatbox that reflects your brand. Plus, explore additional chat add-ons in the Wix App Market to connect with customers on popular platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram. 

06. Highlight your credibility

Engaging content shows your expertise. When visitors discover valuable insights, they're more likely to stay, explore your services and eventually reach out. By offering a diverse range of content, you can cater to various preferences and offer a comprehensive experience that keeps them engaged and interested in your offerings. Explore these content types for your construction website.

Construction blog

Start a blog to share your knowledge in the construction industry. Give over your insights and tips through informative articles that instill your authority and provide fresh content loved by search engines. Write blogs with useful tips and advice for your clients. For instance, you could share articles about optimizing construction project timelines or step-by-step guides on home improvement ideas.

Testimonials and reviews

By including feedback from satisfied clients, you can demonstrate your proven track record of delivering excellent work. These reviews help establish your reputation, increasing the likelihood that new clients will choose your services. You can place these anywhere on your website. Try placing two or three on your main page to draw viewers in, and create a separate tab within your construction site to house additional reviews.

Client testimonial

Social media links

tailor your construction

If you have social media accounts include links to them on your website. Many builders have Instagram and TikTok accounts to show more in-depth progress on projects and share more pictures than you’d need on your construction website. Active social media profiles add credibility and give a sense of authenticity. Try incorporating user generated content UGC from happy customers who have plenty of visuals of completed projects or experiences with your construction company. This also helps boost social proof and establish credibility. 

Downloadable resources

Offering assets such as spreadsheets or checklists can position you as an expert in the construction industry. These tools also serve as lead magnets, allowing you to collect email addresses and nurture leads through your newsletters. You can write content on various topics, such as home renovation budgeting or eco-conscious building practices.

07. Market to a local audience

As a construction company, your focus audience is most likely local. Therefore, it's crucial to optimize your website for local searches and tailor your construction marketing to a local audience effectively. Here are some tips to help you do this.

Claim your Google My Business listing

Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool that lets businesses manage their web visibility on Google Search and Maps. By claiming your GMB listing, you can keep your business facts accurate and up-to-date on Google, making it easier for new clients to find you.

Google Business Profile

Local keywords

Use keywords related to your location throughout your website to increase its visibility in local searches. For example, use phrases like "construction company in [city]" or "home renovation services near me" to target prospective customers in your geographic area.

Local directory listings

Be sure to list your business on local directories such as Yelp, Angie's List or HomeAdvisor. These directories make it easier for clients to discover you when exploring construction options in their area.

Your Wix site comes with robust SEO features built in to help you optimize your website for search engines. Learn more about how to incorporate SEO with the Wix SEO hub.

08. Maintain your construction website

Once your construction website is up and running, you need to maintain it regularly. Make a habit of updating your website with fresh, relevant content on a regular basis. This not only keeps visitors engaged, but also helps your search engine ranking. Regularly check for broken links on your website and fix them promptly. Broken links can negatively impact user experience and harm your search engine ranking.

Read more:

Construction website examples

To give you a better idea of what makes an effective construction website, here are some examples of well-designed and functional websites in the industry, built on Wix.

A&K General Contractor 

A&K Contractor's striking color scheme combines a sleek black background with vibrant orange text, ensuring that their content (including text, images and logo) stands out. Their portfolio gallery showcases a variety of images and videos to showcase their work. A&K frequently links their visual content to their social media accounts, strategically attracting new followers who may eventually become customers.

A&K contractor website homepage

Cortes Contractors 

Cortes Contractors makes it easy for visitors to contact the company. With a large Call Now! CTA in the upper right corner and another one beneath the header on the top fold, visitors won’t have any trouble reaching out for quotes or new projects. Additionally, the homepage’s footer includes another “Contact” button, a link to the company’s Facebook page and phone numbers for both the office and sales departments.

Cortes contractors website homepage

Tri State America 

Tri State America's website features a sleek and minimalistic design, setting a modern tone across every page. In addition to the header menu and footer, the homepage offers three key sections that encourage visitors to explore more about the company: a "services" section, a portfolio gallery, and a slideshow of testimonials. 

Tri State America contractors website homepage

What are the benefits of a construction website?

Investing in a construction website offers numerous advantages for your business. It's a clear indication that you're committed to your brand and the quality of your services. Some of these include:

  • Attract potential clients: Allows you to reach a wider audience, attracting new clients.

  • Establish your authority: With a blog and downloadable resources, your construction website can serve as a platform for showcasing your knowledge and expertise in the industry.

  • Showcase your work: Provides an opportunity to display your past projects, outlining the value of your services to future customers.

  • Build trust and credibility: Endorsements may help future clientele build confidence and integrity, increasing the likelihood that they will do business with you. 

Homepage of House company website

Other types of websites to create

How to make a construction website FAQ

What color scheme should I use for my construction website? 

When choosing a color scheme for your construction website, it's best to stick with neutral tones such as white, gray or beige. These colors convey professionalism and are easy on the eyes, making them suitable for a business website.

Can I use stock images on my construction website? 

How much does it cost to develop a website for a construction company?

Does a construction company need a website?

What should a construction website look like?

What should a construction website include?

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