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Unique Logo Maker

Create your unique logo effortlessly with our free logo maker tool, and draw inspiration from a plethora of unique logos. Start designing a unique brand logo that truly represents your vision today.

How to make a unique logo in minutes

A screenshot showing the first step to create a fast logo using Wix including entering your business name and tagline.

1. Tell us about your brand

Enter your unique business name, tagline and brand aesthetic—or just let our AI logo generator come up with one for you.

Product screenshot showing step 2 - icon customization with different colors or icon shapes to choose from using the Wix logo maker.

2. Make it your own

Choose a style that speaks to you. Then, customize the font, colors, icons and text to bring your new unique logo to life.

Product screenshot showing step 3 - the ready-made brand logos by Wix ready to be downloaded.

3. Share it with the world

Download your custom logo design and use it anywhere you need to—from business cards to branded merch.

The front and back of business cards for a design company called Bura, made using the Wix logo maker.
A branded T-shirt with a fire icon designed for a music festival called Lorika using the Wix logo maker.
A beauty brand’s moisturizer with flower packaging and cursive writing designed using the Wix logo maker.

Build your brand with Wix Logo Maker

A compelling unique logo is the cornerstone of your brand's identity, reflecting what you do and the uniqueness of your brand's personality. For unique logos, design elements might include bespoke icons, tailored typography or colors that stand out in your industry. With the Wix logo maker, you can create a professional unique logo that captures the essence of your company in minutes.

Beyond the logo, Wix offers a suite of free business tools to further establish and enhance your brand presence. From generating business names to creating cohesive business cards and developing an online presence, these tools work in tandem to build a strong, recognizable brand. Whether you're looking for unique sports logos, unique real estate logo design or unique fonts for logo design, Wix has got you covered. Explore various styles like cool logo maker, random logo maker or elegant logo maker to find the perfect fit for your unique brand identity.

The front and back of business cards for a design company called Bura, made using the Wix logo maker.
A branded T-shirt with a fire icon designed for a music festival called Lorika using the Wix logo maker.
A beauty brand’s moisturizer with flower packaging and cursive writing designed using the Wix logo maker.

Unique logo design tips

The Wix logo maker in action showing how colors, design and text can be edited for a retreat brand called Eden Oasis.

Choose the right font

Your logo's font can significantly impact how your business is perceived. Select a typeface that mirrors the energy of your brand and draws in your desired clientele.

When it comes to unique logo design, the choice of font can make a significant difference. For a unique company logo, you might consider using custom or less conventional fonts that capture attention and set your brand apart. Think about using a typeface that not only aligns with your brand's personality but also maintains legibility across various mediums.

Use color strategically

Like typography, colors also communicate the personality of your unique business. It’s a good idea to research logo psychology when choosing your logo colors.

For a unique business logo, selecting the right color palette is crucial as it can evoke emotions and associations with your brand. Consider bold or unconventional color combinations that differentiate you from competitors while still appealing to your target audience. Remember, the colors should complement each other and be consistent with your overall branding strategy.

Make a graphic statement

Icons, illustrations and graphics also help you stand out from the competition. Make sure to choose a graphic element that represents your type of unique business.

A distinctive icon or graphic can be the focal point of a unique logo design, making it memorable and identifiable at a glance. Whether it's an abstract symbol or a more literal representation of your product or service, ensure it's scalable and effective without text for instances where space is limited.

Select the right layout

When selecting a layout for your unique logo, it's important to think about the persona you want to convey. Consider your niche within the industry and the message you want to send to your clients.

The layout of your logo should be adaptable for different uses, from large storefront signage to small social media icons. A well-thought-out layout ensures that all elements of the logo are harmonious and functional across various applications while maintaining brand recognition.

Dive deeper into logo design

Check out these tips from design and branding experts on the Wix Blog to help you create the right logo for your business.

How to design a logo from start to finish

How to design a logo from start to finish

9 types of logos and how to use them effectively

9 types of logos and how to use them effectively

How to Make a Good Logo: The Dos and Don’ts

How To Make a Good Logo: The Dos and Don'ts


How can I create a unique logo?

To create unique logo designs, start by using the Wix logo maker. Input your business name and preferences, and let the AI suggest designs. From there, customize your logo by choosing distinctive fonts, colors and icons that align with your brand's identity. The key is to make design choices that set you apart from competitors while resonating with your target audience.

How can a logo be unique?

A logo becomes unique by incorporating elements that are specific to your brand's story, values and aesthetic. This could mean creating a custom icon, using an unusual color scheme or selecting a font that isn't widely used in your industry. A unique logo should be memorable and make an instant impression on your customers.

Does a logo need to be unique?

Yes, a logo needs to be unique to effectively represent your brand and differentiate it from others in the market. A distinctive logo helps build brand recognition and loyalty by giving customers something consistent and recognizable to associate with your products or services.

How can I make a unique logo for free?

You can make a unique logo for free using the Wix logo maker. The tool offers a variety of design options that you can customize without any cost. You only pay if you decide to download the high-resolution version of your design for commercial use.

Can I edit my unique logo after creating / downloading it?

With Wix’s unique logo creator, you have the flexibility to edit your logo even after you've created it. If you need to make changes after downloading it, simply log back into the tool and adjust your design as needed.

Do I own my unique logo after downloading it?

Once you download your unique logo from Wix logo maker, you have full ownership of the design for commercial and personal use. It's important to ensure that all elements of the design are original or licensed correctly through Wix to avoid any copyright issues.

Create a free unique logo today.

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