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Icon Logo Maker

Quickly craft your ideal icon logo with our free logo icon maker. Be inspired by a diverse range of icon logos and start shaping your brand's visual identity today.

How to make an icon logo in minutes

A screenshot showing the first step to create a fast logo using Wix including entering your business name and tagline.

1. Tell us about your brand

Enter your icon business name, tagline and brand aesthetic—or just let our AI logo generator come up with one for you.

Product screenshot showing step 2 - icon customization with different colors or icon shapes to choose from using the Wix logo maker.

2. Make it your own

Choose a style that speaks to you. Then, customize the font, colors, icons and text to bring your new icon logo to life.

Product screenshot showing step 3 - the ready-made brand logos by Wix ready to be downloaded.

3. Share it with the world

Download your custom logo design and use it anywhere you need to—from business cards to branded merch.

The front and back of business cards for a design company called Bura, made using the Wix logo maker.
A branded T-shirt with a fire icon designed for a music festival called Lorika using the Wix logo maker.
A beauty brand’s moisturizer with flower packaging and cursive writing designed using the Wix logo maker.

Build your brand with Wix Logo Maker

An effective icon logo can elevate your business by clearly communicating what you do and showcasing your brand's personality. Icon logos often incorporate symbols that are instantly recognizable and resonate with the target audience. For instance, tech companies might use digital or abstract imagery, while a bakery could opt for an icon of a cupcake or bread loaf. With Wix logo maker, creating a professional icon logo that captures the essence of your business takes only minutes.

After designing your logo, enhance your brand further with Wix's array of free business tools. These tools can help you establish a stronger online presence, from generating a catchy business name to creating matching business cards. Explore specialized logo styles like icon png logos, badge logo maker and emblem logo maker, or if you're in the gaming industry, check out options like the twitch logo icon. For those who prefer AI-driven creativity, the AI logo icon generator is at your service to craft unique designs.

The front and back of business cards for a design company called Bura, made using the Wix logo maker.
A branded T-shirt with a fire icon designed for a music festival called Lorika using the Wix logo maker.
A beauty brand’s moisturizer with flower packaging and cursive writing designed using the Wix logo maker.

Icon logo design tips

The Wix logo maker in action showing how colors, design and text can be edited for a retreat brand called Eden Oasis.

Choose the right font

Your logo's font can significantly impact how your business is perceived. Select a typeface that mirrors the energy of your brand and draws in your desired clientele.

When it comes to icon logo design, the font should complement the visual elements without overpowering them. For tech companies, a sleek, modern sans-serif font might be appropriate, while a hand-drawn typeface could be perfect for a craft brand. The key is to ensure readability and make sure the font aligns with the iconography used in the logo.

Use color strategically

Like typography, colors also communicate the personality of your icon business. It’s a good idea to research logo psychology when choosing your logo colors.

For icon logos, choosing the right colors can help convey your brand's message at a glance. A financial company might opt for blues to evoke trust and stability, while an organic food store could use greens to represent health and nature. The colors should enhance the icon's message and be consistent across all branding materials.

Make a graphic statement

Icons, illustrations and graphics also help you stand out from the competition. Make sure to choose a graphic element that represents your type of icon business.

The graphic element in an icon logo is often what makes it memorable. It should be simple enough to be recognizable at various sizes but detailed enough to convey your brand's unique attributes. Whether it's a stylized initial or an abstract shape, ensure it aligns with what you offer and appeals to your target audience.

Select the right layout

When selecting a layout for your icon logo, it's important to think about the persona you want to convey. Consider your niche within the industry and the message you want to send to your clients.

A well-thought-out layout ensures that your icon logo looks great on different mediums. A horizontal layout might work well on websites and business cards, while a stacked version could be better suited for social media profiles or app icons. Always consider versatility and how different layouts can serve different purposes for brand consistency across platforms.

Dive deeper into logo design

Check out these tips from design and branding experts on the Wix Blog to help you create the right logo for your business.

How to design a logo from start to finish

How to design a logo from start to finish

9 types of logos and how to use them effectively

9 types of logos and how to use them effectively

How to Make a Good Logo: The Dos and Don’ts

How To Make a Good Logo: The Dos and Don'ts


What is a logo icon?

A logo icon is a graphic symbol that represents a company, product or brand. It's designed to be simple, memorable and easily recognizable, often used in conjunction with the brand name or as a standalone symbol.

Where can I get icons for a logo?

You can create custom icons for your logo using Wix's logo maker, which offers a wide range of icon designs tailored to different industries and styles. Alternatively, you can browse Wix's extensive library of icons to find one that suits your brand.

How to create logo icons?

To create logo icons, you can use Wix's logo maker. Start by entering your business details and preferences, then choose from the suggested icons or search the library for something specific. Customize your chosen icon with different colors and fonts to match your brand identity.

Can an icon be a logo?

Yes, an icon can be used as a standalone logo if it effectively communicates the brand and is distinctive enough to be recognized without text. Many successful brands use iconic symbols that are universally known without accompanying words.

Do I need an icon logo for my business?

An icon logo can be beneficial for your business as it provides a visual representation that customers can quickly identify. It's especially useful for creating brand recognition on social media platforms, apps and products where space is limited.

Can I edit my icon logo after creating / downloading it?

With Wix’s logo icon generator, you have the flexibility to edit your icon logo even after downloading it. You can return to your design at any time to make adjustments or update it as your brand evolves.

Do I own my icon logo after downloading it?

Once you download your icon logo from Wix logo maker, you have full ownership of the design for commercial and personal use according to the terms of service provided by Wix.

Create a free icon logo today.

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