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Business Name Generator
Chat with our AI Business Name Generator and get a list of business name ideas—for free—along with resources to take your brand live.
The information provided by the Business Name Generator is generated by AI and may contain mistakes. Be sure to verify the accuracy and legality of the content.
How to come up with your business name
Follow these steps to create a business name that sets the foundation for your brand image, and use our free Business Name Generator to find hundreds of company name ideas in seconds.
Reflect on your values
To build a strong brand, it’s important to choose a name that shows who you are as a company, what you stand for, and what you hope to achieve in the future.
Know your audience
Understanding your audience will help you to come up with a name that resonates, but also to build meaningful relationships and market your business effectively.
Consider your competition
Scope out your competitors in order to spot trends in your industry and figure out what makes your business different from the rest—so you can pick a name that stands out.
Plan for the future
The name you choose should stay relevant as your business grows. Including a product type or location in your business name could impact your plans to expand down the line.
Check availability
Once you’ve narrowed down your name options, conduct a Google search to see if other businesses are using them, and check whether the domain and social media handles are available.
Catchy business name ideas to inspire you
The best company names capture the essence of the brand, and the attention of their target audience. As you go through the process of choosing your business name, keep in mind that it should be easy for people to spell, pronounce, and remember.
We’ve put together some unique company name examples and suggestions from our Business Name Generator to help you along your journey.
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Establish your brand online with Wix

Domain Registration
Check the domain availability for your company’s name, then register it to make it official.

Website Builder
Create the site you want with our powerful AI website builder or customize a designer template to meet your business needs.
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