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Typography Logo Maker

Create a stunning typography logo in moments with our free typography logo maker. Spark your creativity with a plethora of typography logo ideas and craft a unique identity for your brand today.

How to make a typography logo in minutes

A screenshot showing the first step to create a fast logo using Wix including entering your business name and tagline.

1. Tell us about your brand

Enter your typography business name, tagline and brand aesthetic—or just let our AI logo generator come up with one for you.

Product screenshot showing step 2 - icon customization with different colors or icon shapes to choose from using the Wix logo maker.

2. Make it your own

Choose a style that speaks to you. Then, customize the font, colors, icons and text to bring your new typography logo to life.

Product screenshot showing step 3 - the ready-made brand logos by Wix ready to be downloaded.

3. Share it with the world

Download your custom logo design and use it anywhere you need to—from business cards to branded merch.

The front and back of business cards for a design company called Bura, made using the Wix logo maker.
A branded T-shirt with a fire icon designed for a music festival called Lorika using the Wix logo maker.
A beauty brand’s moisturizer with flower packaging and cursive writing designed using the Wix logo maker.

Build your brand with Wix Logo Maker

An effective typography logo can elevate your brand by clearly communicating what you do and showcasing your brand's unique personality. Popular elements in typography logo design include custom fonts, bold lettering and unique text layouts that convey the essence of your business. With the Wix logo maker, creating a professional typography logo that captures your brand's spirit is just minutes away.

Beyond the logo, Wix offers a suite of free business tools to further establish your brand. From font logo maker to text logo maker and from letter logo maker to initial logo maker, there's a tool for every branding need. Don't forget to explore options like the wordmark logo maker and the monogram logo maker to find the perfect fit for your business identity.

The front and back of business cards for a design company called Bura, made using the Wix logo maker.
A branded T-shirt with a fire icon designed for a music festival called Lorika using the Wix logo maker.
A beauty brand’s moisturizer with flower packaging and cursive writing designed using the Wix logo maker.

Typography logo design tips

The Wix logo maker in action showing how colors, design and text can be edited for a retreat brand called Eden Oasis.

Choose the right font

Your logo's font can significantly impact how your business is perceived. Select a typeface that mirrors the energy of your brand and draws in your desired clientele.

When it comes to typography logos, the font choice is paramount. For a brand that wants to exude sophistication and modernity, sans-serif fonts like Helvetica or Futura might be appropriate. On the other hand, a brand aiming for a traditional or vintage feel might opt for serif fonts such as Times New Roman or Garamond. The key is to choose a font that aligns with your brand's voice and resonates with your target audience.

Use color strategically

Like typography, colors also communicate the personality of your typography business. It’s a good idea to research logo psychology when choosing your logo colors.

Selecting the right colors for your typography logo can make it more impactful. For instance, blue can convey trust and dependability, making it a great choice for financial institutions. Red, known for its vibrancy and energy, could be ideal for brands that want to appear bold and exciting. Remember to consider color contrast as well; it ensures legibility and helps your logo stand out.

Make a graphic statement

Icons, illustrations and graphics also help you stand out from the competition. Make sure to choose a graphic element that represents your type of typography business.

Graphic elements can add character to typography logos, especially when used subtly alongside text. For example, a creative agency might incorporate abstract shapes or dynamic lines to suggest creativity and movement. A tech company could use geometric patterns or digital motifs to reflect innovation. The graphic should complement the text without overwhelming it.

Select the right layout

When selecting a layout for your typography logo, it's important to think about the persona you want to convey. Consider your niche within the industry and the message you want to send to your clients.

A well-thought-out layout ensures that every aspect of your logo works harmoniously together. For digital platforms where space is limited, an icon or an abbreviated version of your logo may be more effective. Conversely, full-scale branding materials like posters or storefront signs can accommodate more detailed logos with complete text elements. Always aim for versatility in design so that your logo maintains its integrity across various mediums.

Dive deeper into logo design

Check out these tips from design and branding experts on the Wix Blog to help you create the right logo for your business.

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25 Outstanding Website Typography Examples

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What Is Typography and How to Get It Right: A Complete Guide

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How to create a typography logo?

To create a typography logo, start by using the Wix logo generator where you can input your brand details and preferences. The tool offers customization options for fonts, colors and icons, allowing you to design a logo that aligns with your brand's aesthetic. Once you're satisfied with the design, you can download it for use across various branding materials.

What is a typographic logo?

A typographic logo is a brand mark created primarily using text. It often involves unique font choices, color schemes and arrangement of letters to convey a brand's identity. These logos focus on the name of the company or initials, making the brand name instantly recognizable.

What is a good typography for a logo?

Good typography for a logo is one that enhances readability while also reflecting the brand's personality. It should be distinctive yet simple enough to be memorable. The choice of typeface should resonate with the target audience and remain legible across different sizes and mediums.

Why use a typographic logo?

A typographic logo is an excellent choice for creating a strong brand identity as it makes the company name prominent and memorable. It's versatile for use across various platforms and can be easily adapted for different contexts. Typographic logos are also timeless and less likely to require significant changes over time.

Can I edit my typography logo after creating / downloading it?

Yes, with Wix logo maker, you have the flexibility to edit your typography logo even after downloading it. You can revisit your design at any time to make adjustments or updates as your brand evolves or as needed for different branding purposes.

Do I own my typography logo after downloading it?

After creating and downloading your typography logo with Wix logo maker, you have full ownership of your design. You can use it for all your business needs without any restrictions or additional licensing fees.

Create a free typography logo today.

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