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Job Application

Form Design Tips
Make Forms Short and Simple
If you have a lot of information you need to collect, use a multi-step or conditional form to make the process seem shorter. People tend to be put off by long forms, so keep your content short and only ask for the information you need.
Arrange Your Questions by Importance
Put your most essential questions at the top of your form. This will keep your visitors interested right from the start and will help increase conversions.
Use Placeholder
Text and Field Titles
Make sure you're getting the correct information you're after by using titles and placeholder text with easy to understand instructions.
Reduce the Number of Mandatory Fields
Making all the fields on your forms mandatory can significantly reduce your conversions.
Include reCAPTCHA
in Your Forms
By using the reCAPTCHA tool, you’ll stop bots from filling out your forms and allow only real users to submit answers.