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How to start a sports blog in 6 steps

How to start a sports blog

Starting a sports blog is like stepping onto the field of your passion and sharing the thrill with a global audience. Whether you're into football, basketball or any sport under the sun, it's your chance to celebrate victories and analyze the heart-pounding moments.

A sports blog connects you with fellow fans, sparks debates and keeps you in the loop with all the latest news and trends. It can also serve as your platform to give voice to your sports-related opinions and insights, making you a part of the game like never before. Or, if you own a sports business, it can be your avenue for reaching customers at a more personal level.

So, if you're itching to dive into the world of sports and share your love for the game, don't hesitate—start that sports blog and let the games begin.

What is a sports blog?

A sports blog is a website or online journal where someone writes about sports-related topics. This can include anything from game analysis and commentary to news and rumors to opinions and editorials. Sports blogs can be written by anyone, from professional sportswriters and analysts to fans who are simply passionate about sports and want to share their thoughts and opinions with others.

what is a sports blog

Sports blogs are a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest sports news and events, as well as to get analysis and commentary from different perspectives. They can also be a lot of fun to read, as sports bloggers often have a unique voice and style.

Why should you start a sports blog?

Starting a blog can be the first step to promoting your sports business or establishing a new monetization tool of its own.

A blog lets you demonstrate expertise and build trust amongst other sports fans. Consistent, valuable posts give you a chance to attract people who share your passion for sports. Plus, it keeps you connected in a fast-evolving industry by offering real-time updates, match commentary, player analysis and sports news coverage.

A strong blog can also generate consistent traffic to your sports business website. As readers find value in your content, they’re more likely to explore other sections of your website, leading to potential conversions.

For Amanda Weiner, CRO expert at,

"Blog articles are truly a hidden gem when it comes to conversion. At face value, they may seem to be just more peripherally related content, but when you scratch a bit beneath the surface, you realize that they are effective entry points into your tool and funnel. They might just be the last nudge the reader needs to be convinced that your product is right for them.”

Blogging for business is a tried-and-tested strategy across many industries.

How to start a sports blog in 6 steps

Ready to step into the world of sports blogging? Follow these six essential steps to get in the game:

01. Choose your sports blog niche

Choosing a specific blog niche within the realm of sports is essential to focus your content and attract a dedicated audience. Sports enthusiasts have diverse interests, and tailoring your blog to a niche allows you to cater to their specific preferences. We’ve put together five potential sports-related blog niches you could consider starting.

  • Fitness and training: Fitness enthusiasts and athletes are always seeking training tips, workout routines, nutrition advice and injury prevention techniques. A fitness and training blog could cover topics like strength training, cardio workouts, sports-specific exercises and recovery strategies. You could also feature athlete interviews and success stories.

  • Sports commentary and analysis: If you have a keen eye for analyzing games, this niche is for you. Provide insightful commentary, match analysis and predictions for various sports events. Then, further engage readers with in-depth breakdowns and discussions about game-changing moments. A famous example of this type of blog is ESPN’s very own blog.

  • Extreme sports: Cover adventure sports like rock climbing, surfing, skydiving and extreme mountain biking. Share firsthand experiences, travel stories, safety tips and equipment recommendations. This niche attracts adrenaline junkies seeking tips and inspiration for their next adventure.

  • Sports fashion and lifestyle: Combine sports and fashion by focusing on sportswear trends, activewear reviews and styling tips for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Explore the intersection of sports and lifestyle, covering topics like workout routines, wellness and mental health.

  • Youth sports: Cater to parents, coaches and young athletes by providing guidance on youth sports participation. Cover topics like nurturing talent, managing schedules, coaching tips and ensuring a positive sports experience for children. Share stories of young athletes' journeys to truly inspire and motivate your audience.

start a sports blog - choose your sports niche

02. Find a blog maker

Once you've decided to start your sports blog, the next crucial step is choosing the right blogging platform to bring your vision to life. The platform you choose will greatly impact the functionality, appearance and success of your blog. There are several factors to consider, such as hosting, security, branding and design options. In this part, we'll delve into these aspects, using Wix as an example of a versatile blog maker.

When selecting a blogging platform, it's wise to opt for one that offers integrated hosting. Hosting is where your blog's files, images and content will be stored. Having it bundled with your platform simplifies the setup and management process. Also, look for a platform that ensures 24/7 security to protect your blog from potential threats and provide visitors with a safe browsing experience. Integrated hosting and advanced security removes the need for you to handle anything related to your website infrastructure, allowing you to focus on creating compelling sports content.

start a sports blog - website infrastructure

When it comes to your blog design, customizable templates are a good place to start with the foundation for your sports blog's design. Wix offers a plethora of blog templates to choose from that can be tailored to your brand.

Branding is essential for any blog, especially a sports blog. It's what sets your blog apart and makes it memorable to your audience. Think about the colors, fonts and overall style that align with the sports theme you're focusing on. Remember that consistency in design and branding helps establish credibility and professionalism.

Blog logos are a visual representation of a blog's identity. They’re an essential element of branding that can leave a lasting impression on your readers. By using a logo maker, you can design a sports logo that encapsulates the essence of your blog. Your logo should reflect the sports you're covering and be adaptable to various platforms and sizes. Incorporate it into your blog's header, social media profiles and promotional materials for a cohesive look.

Learn more about how to make a website.

03. Decide on your blog name

As you start a sports blog, one of the most significant decisions you'll make is choosing the right blog name and domain. Both help to build brand recognition. You’ll want to choose your name wisely, and use a blog name generator or explore blog name ideas if you’ve hit a creative rut.

Your domain name is your blog's online address—the web URL that readers will use to access your content. It's essential that your domain name aligns with your blog's name and topic. Short, memorable and easy-to-spell domain names are preferred. Before finalizing your domain name, check its availability. Many domain registrars, such as Wix, offer domain name search tools that allow you to check if your desired domain name is already taken. If your first choice is unavailable, have a few alternatives ready.

start a sports blog - domain name - domain name generator

If you really want your blog to stand out, consider a .blog domain extension. It's a clear and unique way to help your blog and content pop.

Examples of strong sports blog names:





04. Plan, write and publish your blog content

Successful sports blogging hinges on compelling and thoughtful content planning. Start with a well-structured content calendar, guiding your publication schedule with a mix of evergreen pieces and timely articles to cater to a broad readership.

When selecting topics, consider your audience's interests, addressing their questions and pain points. Stay updated on trending sports topics and recent events to keep your content fresh. Incorporate multimedia elements like images, photos and videos to enhance reader engagement and break up lengthy text, creating a more dynamic and captivating blog experience.

When writing blog posts we recommend following these best practices:

  • Be aware of your blog format. Structure your posts with clear headings, subheadings and bullet points for easy scanning. A well-organized post is more reader-friendly.

  • Ensure your posts are well-edited and free from grammatical errors. Check for accuracy in facts and statistics. It’s always a good idea to create a blog post checklist to make sure you’ve covered everything before publishing.

  • While there's no strict rule for how long a blog post should be, aim for posts of at least 1,000 to 1,500 words. Longer posts can provide in-depth insights, while shorter posts are great for quick updates.

  • Your blog post titles are your first chance to grab readers' attention. Craft titles that are concise, intriguing and accurately reflect the content. Experiment with different title formats, such as lists, questions or how-tos to see what resonates with your audience.

Sports blog article ideas:

  • 10 Most Memorable Moments in Sports History

  • The Evolution of Sports Equipment: From Past to Present

  • Interview with a Professional Athlete: Insights from the Field

  • The Psychology of Team Spirit: How Fans Impact Game Outcomes

05. Promote your sports blog

Creating fantastic sports content is only half the battle; effectively promoting your blog is the key to reaching a wider audience.

As a first step, make sure to optimize your blog posts for search engines. Research relevant keywords related to your sports niche and incorporate them naturally into your content, headings and meta descriptions. As part of your blog SEO strategy focus on creating high-quality, informative content that answers readers' questions and provides value. This will help your blog posts rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

In addition to SEO, social media platforms are powerful tools for promoting your sports blog. Share your blog posts on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Create eye-catching visuals and engage with your audience through comments and discussions. Facebook, in particular, offers various features like pages, groups and ads that can help you target a specific audience.

In a similar vein, building an email list of subscribers who are interested in sports content can be incredibly beneficial. Send out regular newsletters containing your latest blog posts or exclusive content. Use compelling subject lines to encourage readers to open your emails and engage with your content.

Pro tip: Understanding how your blog is performing is essential for making informed decisions about your content strategy. Use tools like Google Analytics or Wix Analytics to track metrics like page views, time spent on your site and most popular content. This information helps you identify what's working and what needs improvement, allowing you to refine your content. This is why it’s important to use reliable blogging tools that can enhance your promotion efforts.

06. Monetize your sports blog

If you've built a solid sports blog with valuable content and a growing readership, it's time to explore the various ways you can monetize your efforts and go about starting a business from it. In this section, we'll dive into popular methods of making money from your blogging, including affiliate marketing, running ads (such as Google AdSense), offering subscription sports content and creating online courses.

  • Affiliate marketing is a popular way to monetize a blog. It involves promoting products or services relevant to your blog's niche. When your readers click on affiliate links in your content and make a purchase, you earn a commission. Look for sports-related affiliate programs, such as sports equipment, clothing or online ticket sales and integrate these links naturally into your posts.

  • Google AdSense allows you to display ads on your blog and you earn money when visitors click on these ads. Google matches the ads to your blog's content and audience, ensuring relevance. However, a significant amount of traffic is usually required to generate substantial income through AdSense.

  • Offering premium or exclusive content through a subscription model can be another lucrative way to monetize your sports blog. Create in-depth analyses, insider insights, behind-the-scenes coverage and special reports that are available only to subscribers. This approach works well if you have a dedicated and engaged audience seeking deeper content.

  • Creating and selling online courses can be a good option if you're an expert in a particular sports niche. Courses can cover topics like sports training, fitness routines, nutrition plans, or even sports journalism.

What should be included in a sports blog?

A sports blog can include a variety of content, such as:

  • Game analysis and commentary: This could include previews and recaps of games, as well as analysis of individual players and teams.

  • News and rumors: This could include news about player signings and trades, as well as rumors about upcoming events.

  • Opinions and editorials: This is where you can share your own thoughts and opinions on the sports topics that you are passionate about.

  • Interviews and podcasts: Interviewing other sports fans, writers and analysts can be a great way to add additional value to your blog. You can also create podcasts to share your thoughts and opinions on the latest sports news and events.

  • Fantasy sports advice: If you are a fantasy sports fan, you can share your advice and tips with other readers.

  • Historical articles: If you are interested in the history of sports, you can write articles about historical events and players.

  • Humorous content: If you have a good sense of humor, you can write humorous articles about sports.

No matter what topics you choose to write about, make sure that your content is informative, engaging and helpful to your target audience. You can also explore blogging for beginners to jumpstart your blog.

Other types of blogs to start

How to start a sports blog FAQ

How often should I publish new content?

Consistency matters more than frequency. Start with a manageable schedule, such as one post per week and gradually increase if you can. Quality content is more important than quantity.

​Do I need technical skills to start a sports blog?

How much do sports bloggers make?

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