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Portfolio & CV Templates
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Check out our newest features, Apps & templates.
Must-Have Features
Choose from over 500 designer-made templates.
Showcase your photos & artwork with over 40 unique galleries.
Connect visitors to your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
Customize your contact form so people can reach you.
Showcase Your Talent
Easily edit, filter and animate your images to make them stand out.
Showcase your YouTube and Vimeo videos.
Tell your story and share events
with a beautiful, fun timeline.
Share your ideas with the world. Easily add a beautiful blog to your Wix website.
Browse millions of professional, high-resolution photos.
Upload ad-free, high-resolution videos to your website.
Create your site’s look with stunning image and video backgrounds.
Promote Yourself
Create & send beautiful emails that you can share on social media.
Make it easy for people to sign up for your email updates.
Keep your audience up to date on your upcoming events.
Create your own professional
& animated videos in minutes.
Grow Your Social Presence
Showcase all your posts from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and more.
Manage, track and optimize your social media and website activities, all from one platform.
Get your audience to subscribe to your YouTube channel.
Make it easy for people to follow you on Facebook.
Let people follow you on Pinterest with the click of a button.
Let visitors pin and share your content on their Pinterest boards.
Engage your audience with a dynamic discussion forum.
Compile the best tweets from the web and display them on your site.