Wix Transparency Report
Transparency is an essential element for trust.
For this reason, Wix has begun publishing an annual “Transparency Report” with relevant information about government and other legitimate requests for our users’ data.
As outlined in the Wix Privacy Policy, we may disclose or otherwise allow access to our user’s information in accordance with a legal request such as a subpoena, legal proceedings, search warrant, court order or in compliance with applicable laws if we have a good faith belief that the law requires us to do so, with or without notice to you.
Wix receives requests for different categories of data on its users from US and foreign governments, courts and those involved in civil litigation. We strongly believe that we should balance our responsibility to respect our customers’ right to privacy with our legal obligations to disclose customer data.
When responding to any government or other legitimate request, Wix will check and make sure of its legal validity, and if required to comply by disclosing user data, we will respond in accordance with applicable law (including the US federal Stored Communications Act), and will respond as precisely as possible to the specific request.
U.S. legal process requirements
We disclose account records solely in accordance with our terms of service and applicable law, including the federal Stored Communications Act ("SCA"), 18 U.S.C. Sections 2701-2712. Under U.S. law:
A valid subpoena issued in connection with an official criminal investigation is required to compel the disclosure of basic subscriber records (defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2703(c)(2)), which may include: name, length of service, credit card information, email address(es), and a recent login/logout IP address(es), if available.
A court order issued under 18 U.S.C. Section 2703(d) is required to compel the disclosure of certain records or other information pertaining to the account, not including contents of communications, which may include message headers and IP addresses, in addition to the basic subscriber records identified above.
A search warrant issued under the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure or equivalent state warrant procedures upon a showing of probable cause is required to compel the disclosure of the stored contents of any account, which may include messages, photos, videos, timeline posts and location information.
International legal process requirements
We disclose account records solely in accordance with our terms of service and applicable law. Law enforcement agencies are required to send us a request with a certified translation to English and should include the legal basis for the request as set forth in the local regulation.
Emergency requests
When dealing with situations involving imminent harm, risk of death or serious physical injury to any person and requiring disclosure of information without delay, a law enforcement official may submit a request through abuse@wix.com. Note: We will not review or respond to requests submitted by non-law enforcement officials. Individuals who are aware of an emergency situation should immediately and directly contact local law enforcement.
Child safety
We report all apparent instances of child exploitation appearing on our site from anywhere in the world to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), including content drawn to our attention by government requests. NCMEC coordinates with the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children and law enforcement authorities from around the world.
To provide additional transparency about the type of information Wix might provide, we have broken down the types of requests we receive, as well as the legal process we require before providing particular types of information. We review every request, making sure of its legality before responding with any data.
Transparency report - 2024
Transparency report - 2023
Transparency report - 2022
Transparency report - 2021
How to submit a data request?
According to our policies regarding preservation/provision of information on our users, which is held by us and in compliance with our privacy policy and the laws and regulations applicable to Wix.com activity, we preserve/provide such information only in accordance with an official request (court order or a formal notice from a law enforcement agency). Therefore, for any information you are requesting to preserve/disclose, please provide us with an official request which includes a full and comprehensive description of what we are instructed to preserve/provide (including the specific URL address) together with the legal basis for such request.
You may send the request to us either by regular mail or by email using any of the following contact details:
1. Wix.com, Inc.:
100 Gansevoort Street, New York, NY 10014.
2. Wix.com Ltd.:
Yunitsman 5 St, Tel Aviv, Israel.
3. Email: subpoenas@wix.com