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Content distribution toolkit

Learn how to drive organic traffic to your content from a mix of channels using Wix Blog’s distribution features with this concise SEO toolkit.

Content distribution toolkit

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This toolkit outlines how to:

  • Automate your posts with RSS

  • Share your posts on social in a click 

  • Create an email campaign about your posts 

  • Generate graphics and videos to enhance social content

Headshot of Crystal Carter, Head of SEO Communications at Wix

Crystal Carter

Head of SEO Communications, Wix

Crystal Carter is an SEO & digital marketing professional whose previous clients include Disney, McDonalds, and Tomy. She hosts SEO webinars and podcasts and her work has been featured at Google Search Central, BrightonSEO, Moz, Lumar (DeepCrawl), Semrush, and more.

More about this topic:

Watch this webinar on the Wix SEO Hub for more insights into content distribution strategies.

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