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Bring automation and AI into your sales funnel

February 27, 2024

Market smarter by leveraging AI and automation in your workflows. Join industry-leading growth strategists, Duane Brown and Menachem Ani, to learn how to build data-driven digital marketing campaigns that drive max conversions. 

In this webinar, we’ll cover:

  • Tips for getting started with automation

  • Using AI to ramp up marketing productivity

  • How to put time-saving tools like Zapier to work

Meet your hosts:


Speaker, Daniel Waisberg

Duane Brown,

CEO & Head of Strategy, Take Some Risk Inc.

Duane heads up ad agency Take Some Risk Inc., where he helps brands drive growth through strategy, data, and PPC. He has more than 17 years’ digital marketing experience advising global clients like ASOS, Walmart and Jack Wills.  His LinkedIn Learning course has been taken by 25K+ people LinkedIn

Menachem Ani,

Founder & CEO, JXT Group

Menachem is the founder of JXT Group, an agency that specializes in multi-channel online advertising. A pro-automation, paid media specialist, he’s one of today’s leading authorities on Google Ads tactics. He has written for many publications including Search Engine Journal. X (Twitter) | LinkedIn

Speaker, Mordy Oberstein

Crystal Carter Head of SEO Communications, Wix

Crystal is an SEO and Digital Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience. Her global business clients have included Disney, McDonalds and Tomy. An avid SEO Communicator, her work has been featured at Google Search Central, brightonSEO, Moz, Lumar (DeepCrawl), Semrush and more. X (Twitter) |  LinkedIn

George Nguyen, 

Director of SEO Editorial, Wix

As Director of SEO Editorial at Wix, George creates content to help users and marketers better understand how search works. Formerly a search news journalist, he has spoken at many industry events and endeavors to improve the general public’s knowledge of search engines. X (Twitter) | LinkedIn


Transcript: Bring automation and AI into your sales funnel

Crystal Carter  0:00  

So okay, wonderful. Now we've all got to...another Nancy. Hi, Nancy. Okay, so great. We are getting ready to go. Um, you have met us, you have said hello to us. And we are going to be chatting about some fantastic things. I am so excited today to have two fantastic guests with us. So we have Menachem Ani, who is the founder and CEO of the JXT group. And he's going to be talking to us about AI and lead generation and some fantastic things. He is a marketer with an immense amount of experience. He's a public speaker. He's a great all around guy and has a collection of fantastic Google themed things in his setting he will be talking to us about today. 

We are also joined by the fantastic Duane Brown, who I've heard speak a few times. I was lucky enough to moderate him in one of his sessions. And when we were talking about automations, I said we've got to get Duane on, he's great. And so we are really, really pleased to have Dwayne joining us today. I am going to be here. I'm Crystal Carter, head of SEO communications. If you've been to the webinars before, you know me, if you don't know me welcome to the webinars and go see all of the other ones in the Wix SEO hub. And we're also joined today by George Nguyen who is our Director of SEO editorial here at Wix. If you've been reading the SEO hub, he is the one who makes all that magic happen. How do you get hearts? 

George Nguyen  3:52  

I don't know. I just put my hands here. It happens in real life, too. I can do it.

Crystal Carter  3:59  

Okay, so thank you all for getting involved with the chat. You can see that it's very active. We like a lot of engagement. So thank you for joining us. One of the FAQs that will happen in the chat when people join late, they will say is this webinar being recorded, I joined late, I'm so sorry, I had to put the kids to bed, whatever it may be. Guess what? Yes, it is being recorded, it will be on YouTube. If you loved this webinar, you can also watch the older ones on YouTube. The other thing that's great about that is if people are speaking really fast, or the concepts are a little bit tricky, don't worry. Just take it all in because a lot of times it has a full flow. So take it all in and listen to everything. You can go back and watch the webinar on YouTube. You can stop, pause, look things up, follow along as you need to as well. And we will send you the link when you get all of that information there. You can also ask questions in the q&a panel. My colleague, Sean, will be answering the questions there. He's super friendly and knowledgeable. Chat. I know I speak fast. I'll slow down, I promise. Okay, so and then also, we can get the webinars at Wix SEO, lots of slashes but also lots of webinars with lots of great SEO and digital marketing experts. And hola from Mexico City there, Rocco. Okay, so our agenda today is going to be introductions, sort of covered that and then we're going to get into a few more things George will I hand it over to you?

George Nguyen  5:28  

Yeah, of course. So I want you to all know, before you start asking your questions, take the time to provide a context with your questions that really helps us select and we're going to answer not necessarily in the order that things are received. We tried to, but we're going to ask questions that appeal to the most people have a lot of people are asking one question, we're going to prioritize that. So make sure you give the right details, so we have the context to choose the right questions. Okay, we're gonna get to Duane after Menachim. Let's get going on this AI and lead gen you ready to kick us off?

Menachem Ani  6:00  

Ready as I'll ever be, let me share my screen here. Good let's go.

Okay, thank you all for joining me today. I'm excited to be here. Excited to be here. As George and Crystal mentioned, I'm going to be talking about automation and AI in your sales funnel. But first, a little bit about me, as Crystal mentioned, my name is Menachem. I've been doing online marketing for about 20 years. And over the years, I've seen a lot of change. And one thing we're seeing more than the unusual right now is the rate and pace has really accelerated over the past few years. I'd say that even before chat, GPT and Gemini and everything that's taken the world by storm, marketers have been getting more and more automated and leaning into machine learning. The cool thing is that there's less manual work for us to do, less button pushing. The downside is a lot of people are struggling to adapt. And this march towards automation and smart bidding and algorithmic campaigns has really been very evident over the past few years. And so it seems like every day, there's new functionality, there's new features, there's new ideas. And so my hope is to talk about a bit of this today. 

The digital marketing landscape is unrecognizable today from what it was even two years ago. And at this stage, if you haven't already implemented some form of AI you're already behind. So this is our reality. And let's figure out how to make the most of it. One thing I've learned years ago is embrace change. You used to be able to get by without any automation without any AI today, you want to lean into it. And this can have many different approaches that can help you when it comes to creating campaigns, building your ad, copy your landing pages, your systems that send audience targeting options, and so on. So how can AI help you? I think that the way I look at it is It's another tool in the toolbox, it can make your work more impactful. The algorithms can help you get things done faster. It really does boost productivity across the board. But as you've seen over the past couple of weeks AI needs oversight, you can't just set it and forget it. The algorithms could malfunction, systems can disconnect without guardrails, the system can make bad decisions off of bad data. So you really need to make sure that you set it up right and and utilize your data to guide the systems. I think that a lot of us as marketers or business owners, or employees working on different components of a marketing campaign will remember doing a lot of things manually. Did you really enjoy doing such granular work before? Maybe but wouldn't you rather impact the campaign's strategy in a much more cohesive way. 

I think that a lot of the old ways of becoming obsolete. And our focus needs to be more on helping to guide the algorithms, setting up rules, setting up automations that can really simplify the processes across the board. So I'm going to talk a little bit about how to use AI and automation in the sales funnel. For me, the way I start is how can you use AI to better understand, do your research and better understand who your customer is, and who your competitors might be. Using different tools like ChatGPT, Gemini and so on to understand the market while you're doing market research. A good example of this is asking ChatGPT or Gemini, what a specific customer might look like. For example, if you're running a campaign for a mold remediation company, you can try to understand what the typical homeowner in a certain region might be worried about. Maybe how old the home might be in that neighborhood, what their life might be, like, what they might be busy with on a day to day basis. And all of this can help inform your go to market strategy, your targeting, and everything you do with it after that. 

But I think where a lot of the AI tools currently shine, is around coming up with ideas and generating copy creative. And I'm going to walk you through some examples of this today. So for starters, if you're building out a landing page or website, and you need ideas to come up with landing page copy, or if you're putting together a campaign on Google, or Facebook, or wherever, just coming up with ideas of how you should speak to your customer, again, running with that example of a mold remediation company. But you can do this for any company. If you're selling appliances, you know, prompt the system, tell the system. You know, these are my typical customers, what's the best way of speaking to these customers in a way that's compelling to them. A lot of times, the ideas that come out of tools like chat GPT, or Gemini at this stage are not really usable as is. But it's really good to come up with ideas that you might not have thought of another way to speak to your customer, handle their objections and work through the data the system gives you to come up with, with copy that can help you achieve your goals. inside of Google ads, specifically, they actually have a tool where you can build a campaign using a lot of these features and functionality. When you're creating a new campaign inside of Google ads, you can chat with the system until like, hey, you know, here's what I'm trying to advertise, can you come up with headlines and descriptions for the campaigns and a lot of this stuff can be used outside of your campaigns as well, you have the option to generate images using AI. And again, you use this data to build out campaigns that speak to your customers, and pull the same information and use it for your landing pages if it makes sense. 

Another cool tool that we've found inside of Google ads is the ability to trim videos algorithmically. You can upload a five minute video, two minute video and create 15 second, 30 second versions of it, where the system will algorithmically try to understand what's happening in your video and create shorter versions of it. There's another tool that allows you to create voice overs similar to what you see on TikTok with the robot voices and so on. So there's there's a lot of very cool AI tools that are kind of hidden, but you can use them and you don't have to use these videos for a Google Ads YouTube campaign, you can just create a Google Ads account, upload your video, edit it, and then pull it down and use it for whatever you can post it on organic social media posted on your your website, and so on. 

Another cool tool that we've come across is Opus Clips where you can actually upload even like a 60 minute video, and it will automatically find short snippets that can stand well on their own, and add subtitles and clip them on and create multiple short form video clips to support you across your website, your different marketing efforts. So a lot of this is really just finding the tools that are available and figuring out how to suit your needs and help achieve your goals. Another place where AI and automation and a lot of the fancy buzzwords fits into is inside campaign management. So what do you do with this? How do you utilize this data, these systems, these platforms inside of your campaigns? I think that for us as marketers, what we've seen is that over time, all the different ad platforms have become a lot more algorithmic in nature. It does a lot of its own targeting, it does a lot of its own bidding. It does a lot of its own optimizations.

 But what you see is that it'll never work well on its own unless you give it the right inputs. So typically thinking about how smart bidding works on Google or other ad platforms. It's an algorithm that is going to bid for each auction, each advertising auction based on what it knows about each individual user, who they are, where they are, geographically where they might be in the customer journey. And this system has been improved a lot in recent years using this kind of algorithmic data; it typically works really well. But it can only work well if you're tracking proper conversions if you're giving it the right information about your customers. And so, like with everything AI, and automation related, you really want to make sure that you're, you're giving the system the right inputs, so that it has the right data to make the right decisions. Keep in mind that smart bidding for as an example works well only with a certain amount of data. So you want to make sure you give it enough and push your campaigns to a place where it can utilize it properly.

Another place that AI and automation can really work well is within Google ads are a new campaign type they launched a couple of years ago called performance Max. For those of you who are not familiar with it, performance Max is a full funnel campaign that combines a lot of different placements inside one campaign. And how it's different than standard search ads or shopping ads is that it's much more algorithmic in nature, it tends to utilize a lot of the different signals to find customers, instead of just somebody searching for a specific keyword. It looks at everything it knows about the specific consumer, again, where they are in the user journey, how close they are to purchasing. And it'll serve them ads across Google's YouTube display discovery and Gmail networks, besides research and shopping. So it'll really bring in traffic based on who the person is, and not just on what they're searching for. And again, with all these types of campaigns, it's important to make sure that you're setting it up the right way you're targeting the right consumers, so that it can work well. Within Google ads, there's a new another campaign type called demand gen, this is a little more upper funnel, it tends to be a bit algorithmic in nature as well, a lot of it comes down to you providing the system with the right inputs, giving it headlines, descriptions, videos, creative assets, so that it can now target people based on the audience's that you choose. 

Most of the campaign's that you'll set up today, within Google ads, or any other ad platform tend to be very much bidding around your goals. So you set a target how much you're willing to pay for a lead, how much you're willing to spend for every dollar received on ecommerce, what your role is, should look like. And you can provide it audience signals, you can provide it different ways to figure out who your customer is. But it's important to understand how each of these campaigns work differently. With Performance Max, you can set an audience signal where you tell the system, these are the types of people who buy from me, but the system will then go and target whoever it wants. Whereas with something like demand gen, it's going to target strictly the audience that you're providing. And so again, using your data to tell the system who you might think your customer should be so it can go after what's important for your business. Now, you're driving traffic to your website, you're starting to see leads. It all brings you to a question like, How does Google know the difference between a good lead and a bad lead? If 10 people fill out a form on your website, and two of them become customers? And four of them are spam? How does the system know the difference? And this is another place where you have to sort of train the ad platform train the AI to really understand your data. There are several ways that you can connect your CRM, certain CRM platforms have a direct connection. 

But typically, we like to set up a Zapier connection to connect your customer data, whether it's in Wix or another platform. And you can basically set up a zap that'll, anytime a customer record is updated, somebody progresses in your sales pipeline that data pipes through. And now Google can see who your customers are. I think at this stage for where we are and how prevalent AI and algorithms are to everything we do the importance of working with data, it's not really optional anymore. You got to give the system as much of your data as possible. I think a lot of people will say, you know, the platform's don't show me data, why should I give it my data? At the end of the day, if you don't share the data, you won't get such great results. And so you really need to feed the system so that it can feed you. And as I mentioned, you can import your sales pipeline back into your Google Ads campaigns, so that as a lead progresses in the sales pipeline, you can give them a different score, and the system is able to know the value of each lead provided. So again, back to that question. If I got 10 form submissions, but two are better than the rest. You can send that data back to Google ads. Just so that it starts to know what to do with it, and which ones are worth more to your business. The way we do this is setting different values that really mimic your sales pipeline. In this example, here, you'll see, you know, we track a lead with a value of zero, as the lead becomes qualified, we'll increase that value to 200. For an example, what you know, when it becomes much further down the sales pipeline will increase that value. And ultimately, when you close a deal, a lead turns into a customer, you really want to pipe in the actual sales revenue back to Google ads. 

And all this can be done using Zapier or a tool like that to bring the data back into Google Ads. And ultimately, this is all about teaching Google what's important for your business. Our phone calls worth more than live chats, or form submissions, better quality for you, you know, whatever it is, teach the system what's important to your business, so that it can work for you and do the heavy lifting on your behalf. And lastly, how can you use AI to better understand the performance of your campaigns, a lot of of what we like to do is really use AI, you can feed it your customer data, and ask it questions like, you know, where are my most profitable customers coming from based off of a data set that you give it, and you can use it to automate report deliveries, set rules based on performance, there are a lot of things that can be done using AI, to really better understand the performance of your campaigns across the board. So at the end of the day, AI is here, it's not the future, it's now. It's another tool in the toolbox. And we really need to make sure that we're utilizing it properly, to get the best performance for our business. 

Typically, we make sure that when we're testing something new, we don't go crazy, take a small portion of your budget, or whatever test you're running, make sure you understand that it is a test and tested small scale, once you're confident in the data, and just accept the data imbalance, we need to provide the system with more data and then it's going to provide us but if you lean into this, you can really see better performance across the board. For us, what we find is make sure that you're monitoring the system, giving it the right inputs, so that it has better data to make better decisions on your behalf. Create automation so that you can do less of the heavy lifting allowed the algorithm to help you out and really push your performance forward. As I mentioned, I resisted change for a long time because I wanted to control but at the end of the day, once you realize that everything with automation, and AI is just a tool in the toolbox. The question then becomes how do we use it? And the answer that is really what we do with it is important. And I encourage everybody to get started today at some level. Thank you all for joining me today. Hope you found this insightful, I'm excited to continue and hear what Dwayne has to add on to the conversation and looking forward to the q&a after this as well.

Crystal Carter  23:29  

Thank you so much. That was really, really useful. I just wanted to jump in just quickly. And to just say, on this fantastic session on lead gen and AI and the whole thing, Duane is going to share some more tactical automation tips, including some things about Zapier. And then, for some of the folks in the chat who are wondering when we're gonna get to it, I'm going to share some links to specific examples of how you can use AI and automation including Zapier on Wix. So just to clarify that for folks who are waiting for when that's happening, that's when that's happening. And then we'll get to the q&a. So now we are going to get to Duane sharing some fantastic information about automation tactics. And I'm going to stop my share. Oh, lots of fantastic feedback up for Menachem as well, well done.

Duane Brown  24:25  

I think you've done there Crystal don't want to interrupt you. So we are going to talk about automation. We're gonna talk about, you've got, something over here with the Wix platform, you got some data, right? And you want to get that data over here to that big bad Google because you want to spend some money on Google, or any ad platform really. And so my talk is going to really build off what we just heard and talk about how to get your data from A to B. I'm going to walk through it. I'm going to give some examples and hopefully I don't talk too quickly, but I sometimes do talk fast but I will try to go at a slow pace. Because for some of you, I know this will be your first time. Alright, so we're going to talk about when you automate, because I think there's certain times you do automate, there's certain times you don't automate, we'll talk about the secret to automation, or how we think about it as an agency. We'll talk about some different ways you can automate. 

And then we'll focus down on Zapier towards the end, and then I'll give some other examples where you can connect your Wix site to Google ads. And then of course, you could apply that to meta aka Facebook and Instagram, or Microsoft or other ad platforms or even your CRM platform. Because once you get one zip done, it becomes really easy. Okay, so when do you automate? Right? I think this seems like an easy question. But I think there are certain things you got to think about when you automate, right? So sometimes people think that automation is gonna be really hard. And I think if we were having this webinar 10 years ago, or 15 years ago, I would say automation is really hard. But I think over the last five years, you know, Google, the Wix team, lots of platforms that made it really easy to use technology, because it's often just point a button, click something, you get to sort of tell you what you just did. And then it tells you what your next step needs to be. Right? The UI has gotten a lot easier when it comes to technology.

 And so automation, if it was hard for you five or 10 years ago, I think you want to revisit it today, because it's gotten on ease, and the technology has gotten a lot easier that even my mom can do it. My mom is not the most technically inclined person. So if my mom can do that, it's often a sign that things have gotten a lot easier today. All right. Sometimes people think you need like a PhD, or be some nerd. And even though I am a super nerd, I know that things have gotten a lot easier. And so if you're just willing to give yourself a chance, take a deep breath, try to figure out what you want to do. So I want to move data from here to here. And if you know what you want to do, it becomes a lot easier in the long run. Right. 

And then sometimes I hear people say that, you know, they don't want to do automation, because it's not going to save them time. But think about when you do anything new for the first time, it always takes you way longer the first time to do something than if you do it a second time or third time. So remember, there's gonna be an upfront cost right now, because it's the first time you've done it, it's gonna be really hard. But once you've done it two or three or four times, it's gonna save you time in the long run, because remember, we're thinking about saving time in the long run, we're not always about saving this time, right this second. Right, and then sometimes people say, it just takes too long, you know, some complex automations do take a while to set up, you know, we have someone on our team doing some server side tracking right now. 

And let's just say that has been an uphill battle to get set up. But once they've set that up this one time, which they should be done this tomorrow, fingers crossed, you know, it'd be a lot easier to implement across all our other clients. And so like you, this may take you a lot of time right now, the first time, but I promise you as you do it, you'll be fine. It gets easier and easier. Right. And so regardless of which of these myths people tell you, I'm going to say that they're lying, because things have gotten easier. And you just have to give yourself the chance to do it. Right. And the other reason people often don't do it is the sunken cost fallacy, right? So for those who don't know, it's the basic idea that you've done something, and you're headed down a path. And you don't want to change directions on the path because you've invested so much time. 

Now, for those who don't understand what I just said, I always like to go with waiting in line, whether you wait in line for Uber, or you're waiting in line for brunch with your BFF. It's the idea that they told you was gonna be 10 minutes wait for brunch, it's now a half an hour, and you want to leave and your friend wants to stay. That is a sunk fallacy cost at plays, you've invested so much time, why change. But when it comes to new technology, you always need to reassess whether what you're doing actually makes sense. And you should change what you're doing. So in this case, we want to add automation to what we do to make our lives easier. Right. And then if you do use automation, it's going to fever time to work on those bigger projects you have because the more things you can automate, it means you've got more free time to work on things you probably enjoy, which it could be strategically thinking about things for your business, it could be launching your website into a new country, a new territory, it can be just grown your business to try to go after bigger customers if you sell a lot of things online from an E commerce perspective. Right. 

And so the question now becomes when do you automate, obviously, many, many, many years ago, as in decades ago, there are people in factories doing things by hand, and then they automated it. So now we got to figure out how do we go from people in factories, doing things by hand to automating things today? And so I often think the first thing I want to do is I'm going to automate things that are repetitive. And so if there's a task I'm doing daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly, I start to try to understand, you know, what is this task that I'm doing? And how often am I doing it? And if I'm doing a task daily, weekly, monthly, that's usually a good sign that I should automate the task because it's something I'm doing all the time. And it's very fixed. I'm doing step A, and then I'm doing step B, and then I'm doing step c, if I'm always doing steps A, B and C, want to automate it if it's something to do every day, every week or every month. Right. And then the other thing I think about is can the technology, replicate what I do right now manually, or do a better job as long as the technology can either equal what I'm doing or do a better job than me? I think that is a great place to automate stuff because again, it frees up your time to work on bigger things. And if I combine repetitive task with technology, and both of those things are a yes, that is a sign that you should automate it. Oftentimes, we get sort of stuck in our brain. And we don't think about it. Let's take a step back and think about what we can automate in our business are what we can take off our plate. 

But oftentimes, the best way to grow your business is to take a step back, think about what do we do that's repetitive? What do we do that we don't like? What do we want to do, though, we think technology can do better, and then figure out how you can automate that stuff so we can have more free time. And maybe you don't want to grow the business. Maybe you just want to only work 20 hours a week and you automate some of the things that you can work 20 hours a week, and then spend half your year in like Jamaica or somewhere where there's a nice beach. Alright, so the secret to automation. So here's what I think when it comes right. First of all, you don't have to automate everything. The example I gave earlier was like you have step a half step b and you say half step c, maybe you want to automate step a and Step B, but you don't automate step c, because maybe you can't automate it for some reason, right? Or maybe you automate steps B and C, but you can't automate steps, hey, because for some reason, it can't be automated. Maybe there's just a technology limitation, right? It isn't really an all or nothing. I think sometimes when we think about automation, we think about how we have to automate everything. 

But I'd rather automate a few things than automate nothing. And so the example I always give right, automate 25%, right? I've got my website, I've got data normally downloaded, I maybe upload it to Google Sheets, I maybe run a script when I upload it to Google ads. And I check the script to make sure it runs, right. But if I can automate sort of the running of the script, where I just need to upload my data into Google, then Google knows how to run the script without me having to tell them to run a script, I feel that's pretty good, because I've automated one of my steps in my whole process. Right. Another scenario is, you know, you still download your data, you still upload it into Google. But now you've run the script. And now you set it up. So it automatically checks it's a script brand correctly, and sends you an email. Now that I've automated two steps in my process, I freed up more of my time. And then of course, we've got, you know, automate three steps right to automate the download of the data. Maybe Wix has got a cool platform, or I can like tell it all the ways I've gotten in the last week, and it sends it to me by email, and they send a nice little CSV. So now I'm just gonna upload that CSV into Google, by hand still, and then I still have a script, check to make sure it runs and it still sends me an email that type of script ran, okay. And so now I've automated 75% of my process, and it freed up my time to make my life easier. 

Alright, so the more steps you can automate, the better off you're gonna be, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. I often think we get caught up in it. Let's automate everything. But sometimes it's okay to do things by hand. And sometimes it's okay to do things by automation. And sometimes it's okay to do both of those things together in a process and just figure out what you automate what you don't. Right, so you got different ways you can automate. Right? So you can with Google ads, you've got like scripts, you've got rules, you've got third party technology. And Google Ads rules are basically when you tell Google when x happens, do y, right? So it's very easy to set up rules, scripts are usually little pieces of Java code, you can add your Google Ads account that tells Google to run certain things like pause keywords, increase your bids on pause, ads, scripts are great and handy. And they're really powerful, you're not use them. But we're not going to focus on this talk about them, because we could talk about scripts all day long, that we'd never get through the rest of this talk. And then you've got third party technology. 

Right. And so third party technology, also everything from like Zapier, which we're gonna talk about, and some other tools in a second, right. So automated rules based on settings, conditions you choose is a good thing, you just gotta choose what the rules are, and then set it. And then as long as you can change your you know, status, whether it be ads, keywords, turn them on, turn them off, remove things, you can pretty much use rules to run on anything. But you gotta also figure out like, what you want the rules to run on, right? Like, what do I want to turn off what I want to turn on what I want to increase bid wise, what I want to increase bid wise. So you got to kind of know what you want to do before you set up your role. But as long as you know, what you want to do set up your rule becomes a lot easier. And then scripts are usually just we're just like I said that you put onto your account, and they run in the background. And so you can either pause ads, you can change bids, the scripts where you can pull data into Google Sheets. So not our clients are always super, super tech people. 

So sometimes we'll take data that's in Google ads, run a script, and that will pull the data in Google Sheets. so clients can just log into that Google Sheet and sort of see the data that they want to see. Like i.e. you want to run a script to pull auction insights from Google ads, and then push it into Google Sheets so that it's a nice pretty graph. There's a script for that.

Right. And then you can also obviously, pause keywords. Again, pull data from your account, pretty much do anything you want with a script because it is just a piece of code at the end of the day. Now when it comes to third party technology, there's tons out there. So there's optimizer which is a great third party platform if you want to use it to manage your campaigns in Google, Microsoft and Amazon. Let's say you want like one place to go to manage all your sort of paid search marketplace ads, Optimizer is a good option for that. Obviously, we're going to focus a lot on Zapier today and getting your data from Wix into Google Ads. We've got free dynamics. So they're a third party management platform to manage your shopping feeds. Or if you're more familiar with paid social media commonly called catalogs. So all your SKU data that you have on your platform, use feed anomic, basically to pull out your data, and then push it into Google Merchant Centre and Google ads. 

And then you got Supermetrics. Supermetrics is just a connector platform where allows you to pull your data from Google ads, so usually performance data, or you can pull your data from a platform like Google Analytics, Google Analytics for, you know, the big difference really between sort of Supermetrics and phenomics is feed analysis really built in shopping feeds, and Supermetrics is about pulling data and pushing it basically into your Google Sheet. Alright, so data, you're gonna upload real life example. Now, I'm a big fan of uploading data that you've got in your back. And in our case, it's gonna be Wix, and push it into Google ads, because Google often will accept the last 30 days of data, right? People often say I've got data in my Google Ads account. For years, I've been running Google ads for like 10 years, I spent millions of dollars. Well, that's all great and good. But to be honest, Google doesn't care, who only cares about data that's been happening in the last 30 days, right, because it cares about recency and frequency, and it wants to make sure it's got the freshest data possible. So to understand your business today, right? If you think about the pandemic, or business, the pandemic was very different than it is probably today. And so you probably don't want Google using data from the pandemic or before the pandemic, because it's probably outdated and waterways and how you run your business today. 

And so when you think about given data into any platform, especially an advertising platform, remember, data over the last few days is more powerful than data you had a year ago. And so when you upload data from any platform into Google ads, you know, the things you want to look at is basically the email address of the person, phone number. And then first name and last name, at minimum, those are three things that you want to have, if you only have an email, that's okay. But if you can get a phone number and first name and last name, it means there's a better chance that you can match that data to a person on the platform, no different than meta right, the more data you give date, the more data that you give to meta in terms of like first name, last name, email phone number, the more likely someone can match on the platform.

 But if you want to go beyond that, if you've got things like city, state, province, you've up in Canada, right? If you give that sort of address data, that's more data that they can use to match people on the platform. Now, this data doesn't need to be hashed, like it does with first name, last name, email, the phone number, because this data isn't as privacy sensitive when it comes to what Google deems privacy sensitive. And then other things you can also look at as obviously zip code, postal code, attribution data or attributed data from a sale. So like how much somebody spent the currency because maybe you advertise in the UK and Canada and America. So you've got different currencies there. 

Right. And so uploading that data along with all the data I just talked about, means you can start to tell Google, which customers not only can imagine the platform, but which customers spend the most money with you, and which customers spend the least money with you. Right? So then I start to understand who your best customers and what sets them apart from maybe customers who don't spend as much money with you. Right, so that's kind of the data you want to upload. Now, how do we tie this all together and get from like Wix into Google? Alright, so Zapier, I found very confusing when I first started using it a couple years ago, because the terminology they use is maybe a little bit different than what we would use. 

So when they say apps, they just mean, like, applications or platforms. So Google Ads is a platform. Wix is a platform, Google Sheets is a platform, Meta is a platform. So you want to make sure you figure out where you're taking your data from platform or app wise and where you're pushing your data to. Right, and then they have Zaps, which are recipes, basically recipes are like, how do I get my data from here to here, those steps between is basically what they deem as a recipe and what we're going to talk about. Right? 

And so if I want to get my data from Wix into my platform, what I'm going to do is basically go to Zapier website, go to forward slash apps, it takes you to the app integration page, I'm going to type in Wix, I'm gonna bring up basically this page here, which looks at basically how do I integrate my data, which in Wix, and Google ads, which is really easy. And so I basically want to say I want to take my data that I have in Wix, so I have my customer data. And I want to push all that data into my Google ads platform. Right. And so when you go to the Integration page, if you scroll down towards the bottom, you'll see a list of workflows or recipes that are really popular, and these are generated either by the team at Zapier themselves, or people who have just made a recipe they found really helpful. And then they open sourced it to the community. And so I know that in the top right, the most popular recipe, all things being equal between back end platform, and an ad platform is usually getting your customer data from that platform into Google or meta or whatever the platform is. 

So in this case, I know that I want to take my contacts and add it to the customer list in Google ads. So I'm gonna basically click on that button. Right and then it basically gonna go to an integration page. And so this is the page you'd actually do a search for, if you get to forward slash the way so what you want to do here is click on the search at the top. And then you go to integrate your page we saw earlier. So should people want to know what that first page looks like? That's what it looks like right there. And then you basically go to this screen here. And when you go to the screen here, you basically say I want to search for the app I want to pair with. So let's say I want to take my Wix, which is the Integration page right now. 

And I want to pair it with Google ads. Basically, we're gonna say, search for Parent app. So we'll type in Google ads. And then this is the screen we saw about four screens ago. So this is basically the main Integration page that you have between your Wix platform integration and your Google Ads integration. And so one thing that happens with wakes and with any platform on Zapier is that there's an integration page right Integration page will basically tell you what recipes, what things are really popping on the platform. And then once you've told Zapier, what two platforms you want to pair together, it takes you the integration for those two platforms you want to connect together. So in this case, we obviously want to create an ad that works and want to connect Google Ads together. And so like I said earlier, I want to basically find the integration that allows me to move my data from Wix and put it into, obviously, Google ads. And so then, once I found that, I click on it, and basically it takes me to the Integration page for this actual recipe, which in this case, he tells me, I want to make a trigger, which is in Wix, ie when someone purchases on my website or fills out a form because they've been more Legion. 

And then I basically want to be able to send that data into Google Ads itself. Alright, so once you've clicked on, you want to integrate it, you basically need to sign into a Wix account. If you're already using Zapier, then you wouldn't do this step. But if it's the first time you need to sign in to Wix, and then after that, you need to sign into your Google Ads account. Again, if you're already using the API, you wouldn't need to do this. But if it's the first time you got to sign in to each of the two platforms, you want to connect together, that way that Zapier can pull the data it wants from the platform and push it to the platform, you want to in my case, I would sign in, because we're an agency, we've got a manager account, which means we have access to all our clients accounts. So I would like to sign in, and then pick my clients sub account. 

But if you only run ads for your own business, you just sign into your account like normal, and your account will be right there. And so once I've signed into both those two things, I'm feeling pretty confident. Right? Basically, at that point, what I want to do is I want to make a recipe, right? So basically, when I say I want to pull data from wicks, in this case, I want to push it into Google ads. Right. And since I've already picked a recipe, I don't have to go through a lot of steps here, I basically go to the third step in the process, which is basically what I want to do with my data. So in this case, I can either delay my data. So i.e., I want to wait till I get, let's say 30 purchases on my site, and then push data into Google ads, I could say I want to reformat my data, because maybe people sign with all capital, all capital letters, or maybe some people don't put in their full email address. 

Or I could want to filter my data, ie, you know, Google only realize you upload email addresses that are Gmail. So I'm going to filter out anyone who doesn't sign up with a Gmail address. Or maybe I know people who sign up with a Yahoo address or bad customers. And so I want to filter those Yahoo addresses out. So in this case, I'm going to say I want to filter because I want to filter down to just Gmail addresses for Google. And basically, what I want to do at this point is, I'll get this third step here, which will basically say, clicking the drop down on the far right click on email, basically going to say that once I picked email, the next step is I want to say email contains I want to say I want to contain and only push data that contains x, y, and z, in this case, a Gmail address. And then I just fill In the last box, I click Continue. And then basically, it asked me if I want to run a test to basically run a test to prove that the previous is gonna work, i.e. the recipe you built is going to work. 

If the recipe you built works, you'll get a pass score. If it doesn't, Zapier might say, this didn't work or couldn't pull the data. And then you just got to go up to make sure you've typed in like at Gmail crackle you didn't do like at G con, as an example, right? Click the wrong keyboard, or you want to make sure that you didn't put a space between the start and the at sign. So if there's an error, just go through and check what you typed in to make sure it's correct.

And then I'm hoping you can just run your recipe. And basically every day, after you've set your schedule, what will happen is April will just go to your Wix account, all the new customer data, it will push it into Google ads and the customer list that you've picked. And then every day you'll just have Zapier right in the background. And it will just take your customer data and upload it. And the good thing about this is you can upload multiple different lists. So you can upload a list around purchases, you can upload a list, which I'll talk about the second around people who abandoned a shopping cart, you can basically upload as many lists as you want. Just keep in mind like a lot of platforms. Every time you take an email or contact from your Wix site and push them to Google Ads. You basically use up one credit and when you reach a certain credit women, you either get bumped up to the next tier or Zapier will just you know, pause your recipe until the sort of the following month, right because if you're on the lowest tier, and let's say I think the most there's like 1000 contacts a month once you reach 1000 either taper will decide to bump you up, if you tell them bump you up. Or if you don't tell them to bump it up, they'll just pause your recipe till the start of the following month and then rerun it again. So that's something to keep in mind that if you have too many contacts or businesses to go into well, you'll eventually have that part was April, just pause, things have not moved your data for you, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. 

But just something to keep in mind, if you don't want to have a crazy bill, I think for our smallest client is like $50 a month, you know, they're probably getting four or 500 sales a month. So we're not moving that much data between their platform and Google ads. So it's pretty cost effective. I think about things from a time perspective, your time is probably worth it to set up Zapier to save yourself lots of time in the long run. So I want to go over time. And some other things you can do is obviously you can send offline conversion data. So if you've got a website where people might call you, or fill out a form, and they're not gonna make it a direct purchase, you could set offline data that someone's filled out like an invoice, push that into Google ads. You could have, you know, Wix have your campaigns changed. So let's say you're about to sell out of a product, you could fire a zap to how Google Ads deposit certain campaigns, or why one stock, you know, that often happens, you know, you go online, you see something like you click on an ad, you go to website and it's sold out. We all hate that experience. 

When I set up a Zap to tell Google, hey, this is sold out from the website, let's pause that campaign and then reactivate it when we have more stock for this product. Alright, and then you can also use stuff to generate reports. If you don't like the interface. When it comes to Google ads, you could use it to set up a Zapier to pull data into a Google sheet or something like that. So there's lots of cool recipes you can do. There's lots of pre-made recipes, all you got to do is figure out where does they exist that I have right now? Where do I want to send the data and like what kind of data do I want to send, and then set up the recipe. And as long as you've done it correctly, things will work out. And then the last screen is basically here's all the different triggers and actions you can do. There's tons of stuff available when it comes to Wix and Google ads, you're only really limited by both your imagination, and then maybe what data Google will let you pull out from the API. I'm not a super nerd. So I don't know exactly everything you can pull from the API. But most people can pull most amount of data they want from the API. 

But there's just tons of different triggers you can go from like if you're in a restaurant on one, programme, pricing, loyalty, file sharing, you know, the sky's the limit, if you want it, it's probably available. Just gotta go find the recipe, connect the platforms together, and make the magic happen. And that's it. I've been to like 50 countries now and I'm gonna update that thing. But hopefully you enjoyed it, watch the recording if I talk too fast for you. And then I'm on the internet. So message me if you want to stop. Can I help you? Oh, thank

Crystal Carter  47:36  

Thank you so much, Dwayne. That was really, really useful, and really helpful for everyone. So thank you so much for that. We are getting some great feedback in the chat. I'm just going to go through quickly with a few Wix specific examples. For everyone around automation and AI and Wix. I'm going to be super quick so we can get to some of the discussion questions. Thank you all for submitting your questions earlier. So first of all, let's talk a little bit about AI at Wix. This is something that we've been talking about for a little while. Those of y'all that are familiar, we've had a really high adoption rate for our AI meta tag creator, which does AI meta titles or meta descriptions, and also your page titles. You can choose from three different types, you can also set you know the tone of voice and things like that. It can help you and it can help you refine your results and help you again, do an automation, do sort of an AI automation that works really well and helps you save time. 

Similarly, we also have AI product descriptions which allow you to create descriptions for your products really quickly as you're going through your main site. So again, you get to choose from three tags. And it works with a best practice. It's created  alongside Open AI, who are the team behind it, ChatGPT. So you get some great results there. And you can see when it clicks Create text, you've got a few different options you can choose from. And then once you choose the text, you can edit it and keep it moving in terms of you know, making sure that it sounds like your tone of voice and works really well. And then we have the other one we also have is our AI image creator, which is something that allows you to create an image from prompts. These are images that I created from our Wix Image Creator. I'm smiling at the little terrier there, I think he's quite cute. 

Yeah, you can also do things like erase backgrounds, which some platforms make you pay for, but is included as part of your Wix tooling. We also have a new tool that you might have seen in beta, which has this sort of magic eraser element that allows you to edit out images for instance, if there was something in the way you can edit that out too. And for those of you who are supporting clients, who are working at scale, Wix Studio is full of lots of great tools to help you to do some great things with AI and automation. So the text creator, which is available both on Wix Studio and Wix, but there's also responsive AI on Wix Studio and there's also an AI code assistant that allows you to troubleshoot things as you go along there. 

In terms of automation, Zapier our Zapier update, Zapier has been on Wix for a few years, but we had an update at the end of 2024, or an end of 2023. And I wrote about it on the Wix SEO Hub. So you can see all of the details there. Some of the things I covered in that was all of the different ways that you can connect to Zapier. Previously, you had to go in Wix and do lots of different things. But now you can go straight to Zapier, you can find the bits that you need, and then you can connect to a couple of so in this, this goes through some of the flow of how you do that. Duane covered that brilliantly in his section. So I will leave this too long, but you'll get the deck later. So you can look at this a little bit more as well. And you can see these are all the different stages of how you would choose which thing you wanted to do. In terms of SEO. Some of the things that you can do to help grow your website, grow traffic to your website, grow visibility for your website, is to use AI and automation or use automation to help to distribute your content. So you can automate your content distribution, for instance, where let's say you had events on your website, and you wanted to make sure that every time you did an event, you told people about it on LinkedIn. That's something you could automate with Wix and Zapier, for instance. 

Another one is automating posts to Google Business Profile. So if you are a local business, if you are a small business, this is a great way to get visibility for people in your local area who are looking up your business. And this will have posts that show up underneath your Google Business Profile. And it's a great way to automate that using Wix Blog and Google Business Profile. Another one is to send leads to your CRM. This is something that Menachem talked a lot about lead generation is really important for building things and building your business and building your growth and keeping people coming back. That's something where you can connect to see your bookings thing every time somebody booked on something like a webinar or or an appointment that you added them into like a deal or a or or something in HubSpot, for instance. And you can automate even some of your management tasks.

 So Duane talked a lot about the things that you're doing again, and again. And again, if you're using something like Monday, or, you know, Menachem mentioned Salesforce, for instance, you can use these tools to move things along to minimize the time that you're spending, managing, and making those things more consistent. In terms of automations, for Wix SEO, there's tons of automations, sorry, wicks, automations. Within the Wix automations, you have automations that are created for you and automations that are installed for you. We have information on our helpdesk about that or in our support articles, it talks about that, so I won't spend too much time on that. But if you wanted to make your own, you can go and choose from one of these tools. And then you select what you wanted to do. 

For instance, if you wanted to automate an email so that for every time you posted a blog, it sent an email to your subscribers, you would check on this. And then you would go to the tool that you wanted to do, select an email, and then you would choose which template you wanted to use. And then after that, you just need to select your recipients and make sure that you've labeled your data accordingly. So that the data, so that the list that you were sending to is the correct list. Within Wix, SEO, we have lots of automations and AI that sort of work together. So the Wix SEO chatter checkup list. Wix SEO Setup Checklist is a great tool that includes AI opportunities, and also is dynamic. So it updates automatically as you update your website. And that's to help you with your SEO process. If you're not using your Wix SEO Setup Checklist, or if you haven't used it in a while, I highly recommend that you go back and check this out. And in terms of automation, there's a lot of tools that are working across lots of different things. 

Your Google Merchant feed is also an automation every time you add a product to your Google to your store. If you have it connected to Google Merchant Centre, then it will automatically send it to Google Merchant Centre. And this is something that you can use with Wix. So if you go into marketing integrations, you can connect to your Google Merchant Centre feed, you can get free, free listings there automatically. And this is something that's super useful and free. We also automatically indexed your content by index now. And we're now going to move on to ask an expert.

George Nguyen  54:38  

All right, let's get this thing going. One of the more popular questions that was asked was about practical uses of AI and automation. So I want you both to think about how you practically use those because people want like something very tangible, I suppose. And so I'm gonna start with myself. I'm at content SEO primarily, I guess that's the most accurate description. So a lot of blog related content, I use ChatGPT, the free version for background information for assessing an idea. I use the Wix AI image generator for images when I need it. And also the Bing AI image generator and I use Wix is AI title tag and Meta Description generators as well. And that saves me a lot of time. And I know a lot of you in the comments are saying something like, if it sounds like I have to hire someone to do this, right, maybe perhaps I don't know what your level of proficiency is. 

But if you haven't tried the tools, especially the ones that are free, if you haven't even tried them yet, and you're interested in saving money, try them out, at the very least before you actually go out and start talking to people because that's gonna cost you money. Alright, let's get back to our experts. So Minako practical uses of AI, I'm supposing for here, you're gonna want to talk about sales, perhaps. But yeah, let's start with Menachem then go to Duane. You're on mute there, Menahcem.

Menachem Ani  56:01  

Sorry. I think for me, it's a lot of the same, like using AI as a tool to help do things faster, get more data. So definitely, you know, for the things you mentioned, which is coming up with copy descriptions, headlines, things of that nature. But I think like I mentioned before, really trying to understand the market, you know, like, maybe asking questions about who your consumer might be, and how to best sell to them is really like the place that I've used before. But definitely, you know, the image generation is pretty cool. Using that to augment if you don't have a lot of creative assets, kind of leaning onto that, but really just helping you do more with less, I'd say.

George Nguyen  56:47  

Of course, of course. Duane?

Duane Brown  56:50  

Yeah. You know, AI, I think it's like an interesting thing. Like, we don't use that the agency, I'll be the first to say that. And I think part of that is from like, a legal perspective, right? Like, if you use an AI tool, like where's it pulling the information from and is it infringing someone's IP rights, you know? We're dealing with lots of clients, both in Canada, America and in Europe. And so I don't want to get into legal trouble by saying we use an AI tool it took from source we didn't know, and then someone Sue's us. And so our phosphate at this current point is until we can verify that it's taken it from like a free source that is inefficient, someone's right, we're just not going to use it. You know, a lot of our clients, though, do create a lot of their own creative internally. So if we're running like, let's say, Facebook, or TikTok, or whatever, for a client, they've got designers in house, they're gonna make all the creative anyways. And so it hasn't really impacted us, you know, as an agency, when it comes to creative in terms of like, ad copy, I'm old school, I'm like, You need to like pull your piece of paper or sit down and think about, like, who going after why going after them? 

You know, I think tools are great. But I think the challenge of tools is kind of like 10 years ago, when people said, we just need more content, well, more content isn't gonna solve your problem if the content is crap. And so using technology to make you more ad copy, that might be crap isn't actually going to solve your problem, you need to put a lot of that through, like a human filter to make sure that this actually makes sense. You know, especially if you're doing things around why translation, you know, being Canadian, I speak a bit of French, I speak a lot of English. And so trying to translate things and using the tool to do that. I wouldn't, because translation isn't necessarily a localization, translation and localization are two very different things. We do a lot of work in Europe, and you know, you look at Germany, or Austria, they speak in three or four different languages. So I'm not going to put my clients at risk, because I want to use a tool because it was hip and cool. So that's my philosophy on it so far, until my clients say this is okay. They will take the responsibility and legal liability for me to them. Not worth it.

George Nguyen  58:38  

Yes, and I think that just because we talked about AI here and automation in this webinar, it's very important that you remember that those aren't exactly the same things. The technologies that work here are like automation just makes things more automatic. AI takes information from different sources. So keep that in mind in terms of the way you use it. Crystal, I think we're all about out of time here any final messages before we wrap this up?

Crystal Carter  59:00  

And just to say that we have for those of you who are interested, particularly in some of the practical applications, we have just published on the Wix SEO Learning Hub, an article from Duane talking about some of the ways that you can integrate some of these elements into your workflow. So check that out. If you'd like to follow along again and get more information about this. And please watch the YouTube video again. And you can also find it in the same place where you registered for this webinar as well. We will be sharing the decks from Menachem which was fantastic, thank you so much. We will be sharing the deck from Duane, which was fantastic. Thank you so much. And we will see you next month. Thanks everyone, and good day.

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