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15 best UX portfolios and what we can learn from them

Talia Cohen

ux portfolio

An online portfolio is a must for designers at all career stages, from entry-level freelancers to senior staff designers. Potential clients or employers expect to see a portfolio showcasing your design skills before they make a hire. As a designer it's a type of website to make to showcase your work.

Has your curiosity piqued? Continue scrolling to view 15 of our favorite UX design portfolio examples: Feast your eyes on their impeccable design, learn from best practices and get inspired to create a website of your own.

What is a UX design portfolio and why do you need one?

Any designer working in their respective industry must have a professional portfolio. For UX designers, a portfolio is a chance to present your best work, creative process and personality. You can also provide in-depth case studies that communicate how you facilitate a user experience. However, all UX design portfolios need to balance an engaging visual experience with one that enhances usability.

15 UX portfolio website examples

This curated list of best portfolio websites highlights some of the best practices these pro UX designers have implemented on their Wix sites. Take these into account when creating your own UX design portfolio.

01. Sophie Brittain

Digital and branding designer Sophie Brittain has crafted an inviting, spacious design on her UX portfolio. A visual of brightly colored abstract shapes appears at the top of her homepage. The motif repeats throughout her portfolio, helping to define a distinct personal brand.

Key design takeaways from Sophie Brittain’s UX portfolio

Sophie utilizes the website's top fold to introduce herself and briefly clarify her areas of expertise. Stating her name and creative discipline within the field of design in large typography, site visitors won’t miss this essential information. She’s also added a friendly “hello!” and a personal touch in the form of custom icons.

When you put your own portfolio together, make your personality and expertise clear. Prospective employers and clients will likely look through dozens of UX portfolios in addition to your own, so add personable touches to make yours stand out.

ux portfolio example by sophie brittain

02. Diana Tatarenko

This 2021 Wix Playground Academy participant created a mesmerizing UX portfolio using clean lines and simple colors. The addition of a whimsical, lime green font gives off a playful vibe.

Key designtakeaways from Diana Tatarenko’s UX portfolio

The highlight of Diana’s website is its “Work” section, which not only displays her recent projects, but also explains her process. Each project outlines the problem the client faced and explains how Diana solved it through design. She shows visitors her vision, thought process and images to support each step—offering a comprehensive overview of her creative workflow.

Your portfolio is a chance to be transparent with your clients before you even meet them. By showing how you overcome challenges and solve problems when creating your final product, clients will have more confidence in your approach.

ux portfolio example by diana tatarenko

03. Run Wild

Run Wild’s UX portfolio offers an almost interactive experience, using a video background to serve as the site’s welcome screen. A tagline is written in block white letters with a button that begins the user journey placed below, starting with the designer’s bio. The entire site is whimsical and informative, plus it's a breeze to navigate through. Run Wild allows his artistic talent to shine through the use of a hamburger menu, large typography, scrolling effects and images of his design projects.

Key design takeaways from Run Wild’s UX portfolio

Run Wild uses two forms of navigation. The first is a hamburger menu, placed in the upper left corner. There is also a horizontal navigation menu in the website footer, with each menu item written across the bottom of the page.

Take Run Wild’s lead and make all the information visitors need accessible through simple and clear navigation. If someone has to hunt for your resume or contact information, they may give up and leave your site.

ux portfolio example by run wild studio

04. Saloni Joshi

This straightforward UX portfolio contains a spacious top fold dedicated to a short, introductory paragraph and links for getting in touch with Saloni. Further down, you’ll find her showcased projects.

Key design takeaways from Saloni Joshi’s UX portfolio

Saloni includes quality written content on her UX portfolio, presenting all the most crucial information in an easy-to-read and familiar (yet professional) tone.

Similarly, you should use written content to clarify your information (like your name and current employment status), as well as highlight opportunities of interest and project details. Like Saloni, strategically place these essential details on your portfolio using a readable font and minimal amounts of text. Visitors will want to find the details they need quickly without having to search. Additionally, we suggest adding your CV directly to the website’s menu.

ux portfolio example by saloni joshi

05. Dalya Green

Dalya Green’s one-page UX portfolio certaisonly packs a punch, leaving visitors with a well-rounded impression of her work and vision. The site is full of fun, engaging elements like the gradient background, whose color scheme visitors can change on their own.

Key design takeaways from Dalya Green’s UX portfolio

Dalia includes a white button with the words “Click to see some fun facts” on the top fold of her site. Upon clicking, five more colorful circles open up, overlapping her intro with fun facts including her morning routine and her Netflix vibe. She even has another pink button at the bottom of her page in the “Info” section that says, “Missed the fun facts?” When visitors click, the same facts appear overlaid across the screen. This creatively grabs visitors attention and entices them to continue exploring.

As a UX designer, your job entails creating smooth and effortless digital interaction, so make your portfolio an engaging experience. When you allow visitors to not simply observe your portfolio, but interact with it in unusual ways, it shows off your creativity and design skills—offering a sneak peek at what they can expect from your work. In addition, it makes your portfolio unique and memorable.

ux portfolio example by dalya green

06. Lital Karni

The energetic combination of colors stands out on Lital Karni’s professional portfolio, making the top fold appear both sophisticated and playful. The layout on the homepage is simple with an organized fullscreen grid. Lital has carefully matched a different background to each project, while also creating a cohesive homepage aesthetic.

She has also created a custom logo design that stays fixed to the screen and acts as a convenient link to her homepage. Thanks to its subtle glow, the letterform logo remains visible against any background color.

Key design takeaways from Lital Karni’s UX portfolio

Lital has used a combination of techniques for displaying contact details and allowing visitors to contact her. For example, a “Let’s Talk” button is fixed to the screen as you browse through her portfolio, tempting site visitors to reach out. Clicking it will take you to a contact form at the bottom of the page. On top of this, she’s added her email, phone number and social links on her About page, ensuring that visitors have no problem getting in touch.

When you make your own UX portfolio, make sure your contact details are visible. After all, the goal of your personal website is to draw attention to your works and ultimately get hired. Make it easy for employers or clients to get in touch by including all the necessary information in an easy-to-spot location—either on a dedicated contact page or via your website footer or About page. You may also consider adding your email address, phone number and links to your social channels.

lital karni ux portfolio

07. Jung Hoe

UI/UX designer Jung has created three simple pages on his UX portfolio (Work, About, and CV) which visitors can easily navigate through in the upper right corner menu. When landing on this site, viewers are initially taken to Jung’s Work page, which also acts as the site’s homepage.

Key design takeaways from Jung Hoe’s UX portfolio

Jung's bright yellow portfolio not only grabs your attention, but gives you a glimpse into his upbeat personality. In addition, an animated background of yellow spheres falling from the top of the screen introduce Jung along with rotating greetings in 13 different languages. English greetings include “Hi there!” and “Howdy partner!” and instantly allow visitors to emotionally connect with this designer.

Jung Hoe’s website exemplifies how a UX portfolio can extend your design brand. The look, colors and tone of voice remain consistent on each page and even extend to his CV. Jung's unified brand identity creates a memorable impression that helps visitors understand what to expect from him and his work.

ux portfolio example by jung hoe

08. Sophie Westfall

A primary tenet of Sophie Westfall’s work relates to dealing with mental health and supporting nonprofit agencies. Following this principle, she incorporates calming color tones and soothing imagery so that visitors “feel calm and safe” while looking through her work. An old black and white photo of her family sits next to a brief introductory paragraph, and a small black and white butterfly flutters in the lower left hand corner.

Key design takeaways from Sophie Westfall’s UX portfolio

Clean, symmetrical lines outline Sophie’s projects on a beige background. Her digital projects appear on a desktop, tablet or cell phone screen, conveying her ability to tailor her work to any device. The three digital showcases Sophie has chosen to feature also include props that emphasize the final product design. The right-sized images don't overwhelm site visitors, but still show off the detail of her work as well as her obvious talent.

Display your work how you want viewers to see it. Sophie’s UX portfolio shows us how to beautifully showcase work on an intended platform. If a project has both a mobile and desktop design, feature both assets so potential clients can see your full range of talent.

ux portfolio example by sophie westfall

09. Michaella Twersky

Product designer Michaella (Miki) Twersky’s portfolio has a classic look, but it simultaneously conveys her unique personality. Miki has added a hover effect on the images on her homepage. While the images first appear in black-and-white, they saturate with color when hovered over. This helps visitors focus on the specific project they’re viewing, improving their browsing experience.

Key design takeaways from Michaella Twersky’s UX portfolio

While it makes a big impression, Michaella’s portfolio only highlights six of her best projects. Since your UX portfolio show off your best skills, you don’t need to include everything you’ve worked on throughout your career. When choosing which of your own projects to display on your portfolio, include only your favorites or those that reflect the type of work you'd like to do in the future.

michaella twersky ux portfolio

10. Gautham Mukesh

This UX portfolio example perfectly reflects Gautham Mukesh’s sleek and modern design style. The dark mode-inspired color scheme is paired with clean fonts and perfectly implemented animated trigger effects to convey that this UX, product and web designer cares creating a user-friendly browsing experience.

Key design takeaways from Gautham Mukesh’s UX portfolio

Less is more. Your portfolio should highlight both your design personality as well as your work. But don’t forget the importance of white space—that is, empty space that will help draw peoples’ eyes to your strategic content.

Gautham's clean and simple website emphasizes only vital components of his work. And although it’s easy on the eyes, Gautham’s web design is still rich with sophisticated design features like customized imagery, parallax scrolling and a convenient QR code for getting in touch.

ux portfolio example by Gautham

11. Zebi Williams

Starting with a striking hero image, Zebi's UX portfolio takes visitors through a seamless journey to discover the designer's work, experience and processes. Overall, Zebi's site supports important written information with visual details, like color, animation and imagery.

Key design takeaways from Zebi's UX portfolio

Zebi's engaging portfolio delights first-time visitors. A map tracks a user's location as they scroll through the site’s homepage, encouraging continued exploration. Each section of the UX portfolio has value—whether it's detailed case studies, testimonials, supportive imagery or contact details.

ux design portfolio example by zebi williams

12. Jennifer Etsuko Higa

Jennifer's UX portfolio has a trendy 90s vibe thanks to unfiltered imagery, use of a serif font and the vintage feel of her warm color scheme. While it's clean and easy to read, Jennifer's homepage proves that you can make a bold statement with minimalistic elements.

Key design takeaways from Jennifer’s UX design portfolio

Use your knowledge of design principles to fine tune your layout. Jennifer uses her understanding of complementary colors and their effect on the visitor to create a seamless user experience that engages without overwhelming or distracting.

ux design portfolio by jennifer etsuko higa

13. Tania Soraya

Tania uses a combination of earthy, neon and neutral colors on her website to foster a more attractive experience. Tania showcases just three core projects she's worked on recently to give visitors a focused overview of her work. Using a friendly written tone and emojis throughout, Tania seems approachable, encouraging visitors to reach out for more details.

Key design takeaways from Tania’s UX design portfolio

Tania’s site uses minimal visual and written content, but communicates a clear vision of her modern style. The simple, clean layout paired with a mesh gradient background emphasizes her personal style.

Sometimes, a good website background is all you need to let your personality shine. In Tania's case, the sophisticated gradient proves two things: First, Tania definitely has her finger on the pulse of web design trends. Second, she's not afraid to jump outside of the box.

ux design portfolio example by tania sorya

14. Madison Yn

It’s the little things that make a site more attractive for visitors. Here, Madison implements strategic design elements that please the eye—like animation to grab attention and white space to create visual balance. Additionally, the use of large typography enhances the level of readability, making the site a breeze to scroll and read through.

Key design takeaways from Madison's UX portfolio

The top fold of your homepage is visible as soon as visitors reach your site. Since it takes only seconds to make an impression on a user, treat it as valuable web design real estate.

Madison takes full advantage of this concept. The top fold of her home page is rich with color. It includes a short professional bio, CTAs and a succinct navigation menu. On top, Madison's animated logo makes a striking impact to the overall design.

ux design portfolio example by madison yn

15. Sophie Chen

We appreciate how Sophie Chen’s UX portfolio gets straight to the point. The timeless web design dives right into a display of work experience examples, starting at the top fold of her homepage.

Each piece of her portfolio examples includes a title, short summary and a button that leads to the “case study.” Visitors have the option of learning more about Sophie’s process and the specific tools she used for each project.

Key design takeaways from Sophie Chen’s UX design portfolio

The straightforward layout used on Sophie's portfolio translates well on mobile devices. The same information viewed on the desktop version can be comfortably accessed from a smaller screen. The content fits perfectly into the user interface, especially thanks to the hamburger menu which allows more room to display each page's content.

When creating a UX portfolio of your own, make sure you use either adaptive or responsive design methods to perfect the mobile version. And with almost 60% of online traffic coming from mobile devices, you'll avoid missing out on customers who discover your portfolio on-the-go.

ux design portfolio example by sophie chen

What makes a good UX portfolio?

A strong UX portfolio not only demonstrates your expertise but also tells a compelling story that resonates with potential employers or clients. To achieve this, each project should include a comprehensive case study outlining the design process from research and ideation to prototyping and testing. Highlight your results and impact metrics to showcase the effectiveness of the designs in improving user experiences. Make sure to use personal branding and storytelling to really showcase your work.

To stand out, you should regularly update and refine your portfolios, incorporating new projects and skills while seeking feedback for continuous improvement. By showcasing a diverse range of projects, emphasizing user-centered approaches and infusing personal branding, you can effectively communicate your expertise and passion for creating exceptional user experiences, ultimately attracting opportunities for career advancement.

10 best practices for your UX portfolio

After drawing inspiration from fellow creators and other UX research websites, gather your takeaways and craft your own online presence. Here are the essential design portfolio tips to learn how to make a portfolio from the selection of UX industry examples above:

  • Make it instantly clear who you are and what you do.

  • Be easy to contact.

  • Present your portfolio with high quality imagery.

  • Describe your work using succinct copy.

  • Present your process, and not just your final product.

  • Use your website to establish your brand.

  • Add an updated copy of your CV.

  • Mention the basic details of each project.

  • Only include your best work.

  • Make sure your site looks good on mobile.

How to make a UX portfolio website on Wix

Ready to start a portfolio of your own? Take these steps to learn how to make a website. You can start with portfolio templates to speed up the process or hone your design skills and make one from scratch. Once you've laid a foundation, customize your UX portfolio keeping best practices in mind.

  1. Choose a portfolio website template

  2. Personalize your site with website design features

  3. Dive into the Wix Editor to drag and drop your elements into place

  4. Upload your media

  5. Add an About page

  6. Add a Contact Form

  7. Publish and promote your site

"You can use the template as a starting point in different levels of design - from using it as a layout base or as a wireframe; taking design language and colors as inspiration; using the site structure and content offering; or taking it as it is and just replacing your content. You can get very creative and different results from using a template and it can save a lot of time and effort."
Dafna Rabin, Template Design Team Lead at Wix

UX portfolio FAQ

What does a UX portfolio consist of?

A UX portfolio should showcase your best work through carefully selected projects with comprehensive case studies. It should include the following elements:

  • An About Me page that introduces you and your work.

  • Case studies that detail your design process, problem-solving abilities, and outcomes.

  • Visual examples of your work, such as screenshots or videos.

  • Design artifacts such as personas, user journey maps, and information architecture diagrams.

  • Your skills and tools relevant to UX design.

  • Contact information so potential employers can reach you.

How do I start a UX portfolio for beginners?

How do you make a killer UX portfolio?

Do UX designers need a portfolio?

What's the best format for a UX portfolio?

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