Rachel Bistricer

Jan 236 min

How to start a music business

Updated: Feb 19

If you're passionate about the music industry and managing a range of musical solutions, starting a music business could be an exciting venture for you. This guide will walk you through the steps of initiating and operating a successful music business, including the advantages and challenges involved in starting a business, how to go about creating a business website and how to generate revenue in the music industry.

What is a music business?

A music business is a service-oriented business that offers various musical solutions, products and services to clients. Music businesses typically provide services such as:

  • Artist and repertoire (A&R) management

  • Music consulting and advisory services

  • Licensing and music distribution services

  • Sound engineering and production services

  • Event management and live music production

Why start a music business?

The music industry is experiencing exciting growth, projected to climb at a healthy 10.29% annual rate through 2027. That translates to billions of dollars flowing through the sector each year, with artists and businesses investing heavily in diverse music services. This dynamic landscape presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs: launching a music-related business could be a profitable venture. 

How to start a music business in 6 steps

  1. Create a business plan

  2. Select a business structure

  3. Obtain business financing or capital

  4. Set up accounting and bookkeeping services

  5. Source specific music equipment

  6. Register your music business

01. Create a business plan

Develop a comprehensive business plan that covers key aspects of your business planning such as your target market, executive summary, marketing strategy and financial projections. This plan serves as a roadmap for your business and aids in conveying your vision to potential investors when seeking funding. It should also include other important business information such as the type of business you plan to start and your choice of a business name

Here’s a music business plan template to get you started:

Music business plan template

Executive Summary

Business Name: [Your Music Business Name]

Business Structure: [Sole Proprietorship/Partnership/LLC/Corporation]

Location: [City, State]

Founding Date: [Month, Year]

Founders/Owners: [Names]

Mission Statement: [Concise statement of the business’s purpose]

Business Description

 Overview: Briefly describe your music business, highlighting key features, services and specialties.

 Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Clearly define what sets your business apart from competitors.

 Target Market: Identify your primary client demographic and market segment.

Services and Specialties

List and describe the music services and specialties your business will offer.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview: Provide an overview of the music industry, including trends and growth projections.

Competitor Analysis: Identify key competitors, analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

Target Audience: Define your target client profile and their preferences.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Plan: Outline your strategies for promoting the business, both online and offline.

Pricing Strategy: Detail your fee structure and any promotional pricing.

Sales Tactics: Describe how you will attract clients and secure projects.

Operational Plan

Location and Facilities: Describe your office location and facilities.

Suppliers: List and describe key suppliers for materials and services.

Staffing: Outline your staffing plan, including roles and responsibilities.

Financial Plan

Startup Costs: Detail initial investment requirements and startup expenses.

Revenue Projections: Provide realistic revenue projections for the first 3-5 years.

Operating Costs: Outline ongoing operating expenses, including utilities, software and staff salaries.

Funding Requirements: Specify any funding needed and potential sources (loans, investors).

Funding Proposal

Purpose of Funding: Clearly state how the funds will be utilized.

Amount Needed: Specify the amount of funding required.

Repayment Plan: Outline the proposed repayment plan for loans or investments.

Risk Analysis

Identify potential risks and challenges that may impact the success of your music business, and outline strategies to mitigate and manage these risks.


Include any additional documents or information relevant to your business plan.

Examples: Portfolio samples, resumes of key team members, mock-ups of design proposals.


Summarize the key points of your business plan and highlight the potential success of your music business.

Conclude with a call to action or next steps.

Note: This template serves as a general guide. Adjust and expand sections based on your specific business model and goals.

02. Select a business structure

Choose an appropriate business entity or structure for your music business, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC) or corporation. Each structure has its own advantages and disadvantages, so select the one that best aligns with your business goals.

Learn more: How to start an LLC

03. Obtain business financing or capital

Starting a music business involves substantial initial costs. You’ll need to secure considerable financing through methods like bank loans, grants, or investments from stakeholders to launch and sustain your business.

Costs that you’ll need to factor in when securing financing for your business include:

  • Studio space and equipment

  • Licensing and compliance fees

  • Technology infrastructure for music production software and tools

  • Talent recruitment and training costs

  • Marketing and advertising campaigns

04. Set up accounting and bookkeeping systems

Establish robust accounting and bookkeeping systems from the outset to track income, expenses and ensure financial viability. This includes managing royalty payments and music distribution revenues.

05. Source specific music equipment

Acquire the necessary equipment for your music business, such as musical instruments, studio recording equipment and other technology infrastructure based on the services you plan to offer. Some more specific examples of this include:

  • Professional sound recording and editing software.

  • Musical instruments and equipment.

  • Music distribution and streaming platforms.

06. Register your music business

Register your music business in compliance with local regulations, obtain the required licenses and secure appropriate insurance coverage.

Learn more: How to register a business, How to get a business license

Tips for managing your music business for profitability

Once you’ve got your music business off the ground, you’ll need to understand how to properly run and manage it in order to make sure it’s profitable. Here are some general tips on how to achieve that. 

Research your industry and gain a deep understanding of the music industry, including market competition, target demographics and musical preferences. If you lack experience in music, consider working with established musicians or consulting with experienced professionals.

Develop a robust marketing strategy from the beginning to proactively promote your music business. You’ll want to create a professional website to showcase your services and leverage digital marketing strategies to reach your target audience.

Provide excellent customer service to build trust and loyalty. Ensure a positive experience for clients from initial inquiries to service delivery.

Music businesses to inspire (all built on Wix)

A music label catering towards bluegrass, folk, Americana, country and jazz music. The label’s website includes an online store to purchase their artist’s music.

This sound design studio develops music, sound design and licensing for advertisers. Their website homepage hosts embedded video samples of their work.

A music fest whose mission is to promote music and art activism in the region, creating opportunities for artists, stimulating downtown economic development, and providing diverse educational resources for artists, community members, and children.

Benefits of starting a music business

The demand for music services is consistently high, particularly in areas with a substantial artistic presence. For business owners who enjoy navigating the music industry and helping artists achieve their musical goals, a music business can be rewarding on many levels.

Challenges of running a music business

Music management requires diverse skills in areas such as talent scouting, event planning and licensing compliance. You’ll need to stay informed about industry trends, music preferences and legal regulations to ensure your business remains competitive and compliant.

Coordinating musical events, managing artist expectations and ensuring legal compliance can be challenging. Implementing robust music production software and compliance measures is crucial for managing this effectively.

The music industry is competitive and standing out requires a unique value proposition and effective marketing. Building a strong reputation and client base may take time, requiring strategic planning and consistent service delivery.

How profitable is a music business?

The profitability of a music business depends on factors such as location, market demand, competition, pricing strategies and operational efficiency. Offering innovative music solutions, staying updated with industry trends and providing exceptional customer service can contribute to higher profitability. In the music industry, building trust and credibility with clients and artists is essential for long-term success.

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