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What Type of Writer Are You?

writers quiz - what type of writer are you

So you can write. And if you can write, then chances are you can write anything—right?

Well, maybe. Because whether you’re a writer since birth or you somehow stumbled across your literary calling later on in life, there’s a style out there that suits you best.

If you’re still trying to figure out just how to best put your magical writing powers to use, we’re here to lend a helping hand.

We’ve laid out 10 different writing jobs that may be just up your alley. From Blogger to Screenwriter, Journalist to Poet—you decide where your true calling lies!

1. Hey there, Hemingway. You’re a Novelist!

As a novelist, you’ve got a story to tell like an itch you need to scratch. You understand the importance of research and your observation skills are second to none. You’re also thick-skinned. Being edited can be a long and brutal process and passing your beloved work of art into someone else’s hands can be weird, scary and painful, but you’ve got the patience and commitment to see it through.

2. Congrats, you’ve got the X-Factor! You’re a born UX Writer.

Chances are, you’re a product lover and one of the first people to jump on the latest unpackaging ad on YouTube, or the newest feature on social media. You’re able to think logically and are great at connecting the dots, and you understand how to make every word count. Plus, you love spending time researching products and understanding the finer details of how they work. As a UX Writer, you’re able to cut out the fluff but you’re also not afraid to add a little sparkle to make your user’s journey fun.

3. Fact: You’re a Journalist.

For you, the best kind of story is one that’s true. But this probably isn’t headline news for you. As a naturally inquisitive person, you’re always hungry for the facts and get a buzz from chasing the story. You also aren’t afraid of late nights alone with copious amounts of Red Bull and looming deadlines.

4. Born salesman? You’re a Marketing Writer.

You’re full of creative ideas and you know how to sell anything in an engaging, impactful way. As a Marketing Writer, you might be asked to communicate with many different stakeholders from Project Managers to Designers, so chances are your people skills are one of your strong suits.

5. Welcome to the club! You’re a Blogger.

Those who can, Blog. Whether you write for another brand or manage your own, you’ve found your voice—and people love it! You’re passionate about words and put your heart into your writing. Plus, you can bang out a 500-word post in 30 minutes flat. You love sharing your ideas and you can even handle the asinine comments from trollers.

Looking to start a blog? Wix has got your covered with thousands of design features, built-in SEO and marketing tools, that will allow you to scale your content, your brand and your business with their blog maker.

6. You’re a Knowledge Base Writer.

You’re a natural problem solver and understand products inside out. Great at explaining complex problems, you’re able to write clearly and concisely. You’ve probably also got bags of empathy and enjoy seeing your words help others.

7. You’re a Poet, and you probably know it.

As a poet (or maybe a songwriter) you’re the timeless hero of all writing styles. You’re led by your feelings and write about things that you’re passionate about. You probably have a unique understanding and perspective of the world and a desire to create poetry that others can relate to. You might also spend your weekends roaming the dusky streets, clutching a bottle of Writer’s Tears Whisky under your arm, and contemplating the meaning of life. Or maybe you’re a dab hand at rhyme, like Eminem or Dr. Seuss.

8. You’re an Editor.

As an editor, you’ve got a great eye for potential—and for details. You’ve got a fair bit of writing experience under your belt and you’re able to impart this wisdom onto your fellow writers. You’ve also got an eye for the minutest of details (no stray comma misses your careful gaze) and you can work with others’ text to see what’s missing and how it can be improved.

9. To be or not to be? You’re a born Screen/Script Writer

Whether it’s a Hollywood blockbuster or television ad, you’ve got the imagination and creativity to make words come to life. A natural storyteller, you take inspiration from the world around you to craft your characters and story lines.

10. Simply put, you're a Technical Writer.

An instruction manual in human form, you’re usually pretty technical and curious about how things work. You enjoy taking complicated issues or products and breaking them down into understandable text. We also bet you’re the one everyone calls when the IKEA box lands on the living room floor.

So there it is, 10 wonderfully different writer-types laid bare. Whether you’re now tempted to quit your Marketing job to move to Kualalumpur and write poetry, or we’ve simply confirmed you’re exactly where you should be, we hope you gleaned some insights into your true calling.

Looking for your perfect writing gig?

Abi Yitshaki, UX Writer at Wix

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