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Troubleshoot and fix images that appear cropped.


Troubleshoot and fix images that appear cropped

Link to Expert Drop webinar on Figma to Wix Studio


Expert Drop Figma to Wix Studio—from ideation to creation

Troubleshoot and fix text that appears too big or small across different breakpoints.


Troubleshoot and fix text that appears too small across different breakpoints

Troubleshoot and resolve issues with sections and containers that won’t resize.


Troubleshoot and resolve issues with sections and containers that won’t resize

Troubleshoot and fix elements not staying in the right place on different breakpoints.


Troubleshoot and fix elements not staying in the right place across different breakpoints

Troubleshoot and resolve fixed section elements misplaced on a different breakpoint.


Troubleshoot and resolve misplaced elements in a fixed behavior section

Build along to create a card hover effect.


Build along to create a card hover effect

Troubleshoot and fix elements not aligning properly for different screen sizes.


Troubleshoot and fix elements not aligning properly for different screen sizes

Link to Expert Drop webinar with les marteau


Expert Drop with Les Marteau Creative Studio

Build along to create an interactive grid section with custom cursor.


Build along to create an interactive grid section with custom cursor

Build along to create a gradient color change on scroll effect


Build along to create a gradient color change on scroll effect

Tutorial for how to export Figma designs to Wix Studio


How to export Figma designs to Wix Studio

Image for Expert Drop: how to create templates that sell


Expert Drop: how to create templates that sell

Link to sandbox for a section with mouse parallax effect


Recreate this section with mouse parallax

Dive into the Studio Editor to create eye-catching effects that move with your mouse.

Guide for exporting designs from Figma to Wix Studio


Step-by-step guide: Figma to Wix Studio best practices

Video tutorial on how to recreate a scroll effect with blurred text on Wix Studio.


Build along to create a blurred text scroll effect

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