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Image for Expert Drop: how to create templates that sell


Expert Drop: how to create templates that sell

Link to sandbox for a section with mouse parallax effect


Recreate this section with mouse parallax

Dive into the Studio Editor to create eye-catching effects that move with your mouse.

Video tutorial on how to recreate a scroll effect with blurred text on Wix Studio.


Build along to create a blurred text scroll effect

Tutorial for how to create a hero fold with transparent video and loop animation


Build along to create a hero fold with transparent video and loop animation

Tutorial for how to fix elements that overlap on different viewports.


Troubleshoot and fix elements that overlap

Tutorial for how to fix unwanted gaps and make sure they don’t appear on any screen size.


Troubleshoot and fix unwanted gaps in a section

Tutorial for how to fix a scroll effect that appears too late.


Troubleshoot and fix a scroll effect that appears too late

Tutorial for how to create a half sticky, half scrolling design.


Build along to create a half sticky, half scrolling design

Tutorial for how to recreate a horizontal scroll.


Build along to create a horizontal scroll effect

Tutorial for how to create a mouse parallax effect.


Build along to create an interactive section with a mouse parallax effect

Tutorial for how to recreate a spinning, changing scroll animation.


Build along to create a scroll effect with spinning and changing elements

Tutorial for how to recreate a text color reveal effect.


Build along to create a text color reveal effect

Link to lesson for updating your Editor X site to Wix studio


How to update your Editor X site to Wix studio

Image for Expert Drop with Monday Media


Expert Drop with Monday Media

1h 13m

Image for The Wix Studio homepage: how we built it


The Wix Studio homepage: how we built it

Link to Wix Studio Essentials course


Wix Studio Essentials course

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