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SEO cheat sheet for web designers

Use this SEO checklist and cheat sheet for web designers as you build. Create a site with a robust SEO foundation designed to engage your client’s target audience on search.

SEO cheat sheet for web designers

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Use this SEO cheat sheet to:

  • Follow best practices for UX and mobile-first design 

  • Set up for optimal performance by understanding the importance of Core Web Vitals and site speed

  • Get a handle on site structure that makes sense for users and search engines

  • Figure out the best page layout for your site’s needs 

  • Implement local SEO and structured data

  • Learn how to optimize images for search

Headshot of Thomas Haynes, Director of Strategy at Optix Solutions

Thomas Haynes

Director of Strategy, Optix Solutions

Thomas Haynes is a digital marketer with 16 years’ experience in SEO and digital strategy. He is currently Director of Strategy at Optix Solutions in Exeter, Devon. 

More about this topic:

Watch this webinar on designing Wix sites with SEO in mind for more information. 

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