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Rebecca Skurnik
Velo Team
Velo Team
Jun 21, 2022
In News & Announcements
$w() has an awesome new API! With the new Lottie API, you can add a Lottie element to your site and customize it. If you don't know what Lottie animations are, definitely check them out- they are super cool! With the Lottie API, you can do the following: Play, pause, and stop your animation. Set the speed of your Lottie animation and whether it plays in a loop. Get or set the source of the Lottie. It can either be a valid Lottie JSON such as animation.json , or an external Lottie animation URL, for example, ''.
Rebecca Skurnik
Velo Team
Velo Team
Apr 10, 2022
In News & Announcements
We added a new API to the datePicker(), onViewChange(). The onViewChange() API adds an event handler that triggers when the date picker's view changes. Some things you can do when the date picker's view changes: Set the disabledDateRanges property using public Holiday dates. Set the enabledDateRanges property using available booking slot dates.
Rebecca Skurnik
Velo Team
Velo Team
Apr 06, 2022
In News & Announcements
We deprecated the Media Manager's getFileUrl() API, and replaced it with the new getDownloadFileUrl() API. Note that the new getDownloadUrl() API contains the following additional parameters: expirationTime: The time (in minutes) it takes for the download URL to expire. downloadedFileName: The downloaded file's name. expiredTokenRedirectUrl: The redirect URL for when the download URL with a token has expired.
Rebecca Skurnik
Velo Team
Velo Team
Mar 10, 2022
In News & Announcements
We added a new example to the Velo Examples page! Custom Members Area Create a custom members area from scratch with code. The custom members area includes a login, profile, and account page. Site visitors can sign up/log in, see a list of class members and their profiles, and edit their own profiles.
New Example: Custom Members Area  content media
Rebecca Skurnik
Velo Team
Velo Team
Mar 02, 2022
In News & Announcements
New APIs and DB Drivers We released the following Media Manager APIs and DB Drivers: moveFilesToTrash(): Moves single or multiple files to the Media Manager's trash. moveFoldersToTrash(): Moves single or multiple folders, including their files and sub-folders, to the Media Manager's trash. downloadFiles(): Returns a download URL for downloading files from the Media Manager. downloadFolder(): Returns a download URL for downloading a folder from the Media Manager. Media Manager Files DB Driver Media Manager Folders DB Driver API Fix We deprecated the fileName property. It will continue to work, but we recommend that you use the updated fileUrl property instead. The fileUrl property is the Wix media URL. For example, 'wix:image://v1/<uri>/<filename>#originWidth=<width>&originHeight=<height>[&watermark=<watermark_manifest_string>]'.
Rebecca Skurnik
Velo Team
Velo Team
Dec 07, 2020
In News & Announcements
API Fixes: Editor Elements ($w), Bookings, Window, and Location We just updated the API Reference to fix a few bugs. Here’s the list of recent changes. To see every change in the API Reference, visit the Release Notes page. We love hearing your feedback! Lot’s of our bugs come from users like you and you can help us improve the docs by reporting them to us. You can report bugs and other feedback through these links found at the bottom of our docs. Editor Elements ($w) maxLength (TextInput) The instructions to remove the maximum length restriction incorrectly stated to set maxLength to 0. Fixed: maxLength should be set to null or undefined. Text We listed the supported styles and formats for text type elements but did not explain how to use them. Fixed: We clarified that you can format the text using the html property. UploadButton (reset) The reset()function was unclear. Fixed: We clarified that the reset()function clears the files in the value property. RadioButtonGroup (options) The description incorrectly stated that options is an object. Fixed: We clarified that options is an array of option objects. wix-bookings getCheckoutOptions In the getCheckoutOptions parameter table, slot_ID was formatted incorrectly. Fixed: The correct format is slotID. wix-window scrollTo In the scrollTo function we didn’t mention how to get the coordinates of a given location. Fixed: We added how to get the coordinates of a location on the page using the Editor toolbar. wix-location Introduction (URL) The layout for describing the different parts of the URL was a bit confusing. Fixed: We changed the URL breakdown to match the same layout as the wixHttpFunctionRequest object in the wix-http-functions API for consistency.
Corvid API Reference Bug Fixes (Nov 2020) content media

Rebecca Skurnik

Forum Moderator
Velo Team
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