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Aug 25, 2022
In Velo Pro Discussion
I can't believe Wix still doesn't have the ability to change store product prices in bulk for digital products. Due to the on going inflation crisis, we need to increase the prices of over 1800 digital store products. I voted to request this feature well over a year ago and surprised it's still not possible. It's basically music that we sell and we really need to adjust prices in bulk as it will take around a year to do manually.
Oct 21, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I've recently noticied that Google stores my websites cache as the mobile version of the site not the desktop version. I've come to the conclusion that Wix tells Google to use the mobile version of the site to crawl first - Which in my case is not good as many elements of my homepage on mobile are hidden to improve mobile site speed. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or if it's possible to change it so Google indexes the Desktop version of my site instead? I found an old post from 2018 regarding this and fear I might have to start concentrating on mobile version for ranking: Matt
Jul 01, 2021
In Coding with Velo
I attended the Zoom webinar yesterday which discussed PageSpeed Insight scores with Wix and Google. I have a very high desktop score of 94 but cannot get my score on mobile above 66 and it's really frustrating. I listened to the advice from the experts from Wix and Google and have already made sure my images, fonts and layouts are ok etc. I've tried everything to get my mobile score above 75 but just cannot do it. Has anyone else managed to get a mobile score above 75? If so please could you post a link to your website URL so I can take a look. I have looked at numerous other Wix websites and not found one to date that is above 70.
Apr 08, 2021
In Site & Page Design
I've got 4 pages on my site that are password protected and they all have the same password "pony". My problem is that everytime user goes on to the page it asks for the password everytime even if they refresh. I understand that each page has it's own unique password but I'm wondering if it's possible for the pages to remember if they have already submitted it so they don't have to put it in every time? Thanks in advance
Mar 01, 2021
In Coding with Velo
My desktop sites speed rating is a decent rating of 94 whereas for mobile it gets a poor score of 44. I have disabled everything I can think of from the mobile version of the site which might be getting it a low score but Google PageSpeeds Insights (Lighthouse) is telling me that it's Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is taking too long (9 seconds) You can test your sites speed here: I would be very grateful if people could tell me what scores they are getting as I'm starting to think that the way in which Wix's mobile sites need work to speed them up a bit. It's telling me that there is stuff that needs seeing to like: "Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy - 55 resources found" Like I said though.. Desktop version is fine it's just the mobile version :( Getting worried now!
Jan 29, 2021
In Coding with Velo
I have a music database collection containing 600 tracks, all of which have their own unique fields in my database collection. The current fields in the database are: Track Name, audio, Style of Music, and a reference field (to a dynamic product pages for each track) I now have decided to add more fields to the database such as BPM and Length of track.. So I made an excel spreadsheet with them on so I can update the wix database with the new fields. My problem: If I import the excel spreadsheet into wix it will not update the current database entries and instead add new ones to it (duplicates). So I cannot update it in bulk. So I thought I could just delete it and upload a fresh one but then I would have to manually add all the audio and reference fields again causing the same problem. I cannot copy and paste in bulk the spreadsheet (bpm and lengths) into wix as it only allows one copy and paste at a time. At this point I'm preparing my soul for neverending manual entry unless anyone has a better idea? Edit: I found a similar post where someone enquired about ftp access. I know this isn't possible but be really useful for my issue:
Jan 25, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hi guys, hope you are all safe. I was looking for some advice on working with the header section of my site using a search function I made using this video: I have the search working on my homepage which directs to a search results page, but thought it would be ideal to have it in the header so that it shows on all of my 500+ site pages. I'm not bothered about showing results in a repeater on every page. I just want it so that if someone searches in the input bar at the top of the site it takes them to my search results page. I have seen you can add code to the Head section of your site but it's not the same as the corvid panel so don't know if it's possible. If not I'll just have to manually add the search to all my pages which will take ages. Matt
Dec 04, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I am trying to have selection tags so that if someone clicks a tag, it only shows results for that tag without having to deselect it when changing to another tag. Example: for my music site, you can see when you switch between kids, tense, lively etc you have to deselect them to make them go away: What I want it to do is so that when you click "Kids" it just shows kids music, then if they click "Tense" it just shows tense and they don't have to unclick kids etc . If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful :) I think it might be possible with using the onChange function for the selection tags element but not good with the code. I've pretty much done everything else to make this design work which I'm pleased about but this is the only thing left I need to sort out lol! code: import wixData from 'wix-data'; const collectionName = 'Tracks'; const fieldToFilterByInCollection = 'trackName'; $w.onReady(function () {     setRepeatedItemsInRepeater();     loadDataToRepeater();     $w('#tag').onChange((event) => { const selectedTags = $w('#tag').value;         loadDataToRepeater(selectedTags);     }) }); function loadDataToRepeater(selectedCategories = []) { let dataQuery = wixData.query(collectionName); if (selectedCategories.length > 0) {         dataQuery = dataQuery.hasSome(fieldToFilterByInCollection, selectedCategories);     }     dataQuery         .find()         .then(results => { const itemsReadyForRepeater = results.items;             $w('#repeater2').data = itemsReadyForRepeater; const isRepeaterEmpty = itemsReadyForRepeater.length === 0 if (isRepeaterEmpty) {                 $w('#noResultsFound').show();             } else {                 $w('#noResultsFound').hide();             }         }) } function setRepeatedItemsInRepeater() {     $w('#repeater2').onItemReady(($item, itemData) => {         $item('#trackname').text =itemData.title;         $item('#audioplayer149').tooltip =;     }) }
Apr 09, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I have seen multiple posts regarding my query but I cannot find a way to get our search input text box "searchBar" to search when hitting the enter key.. Any help would be gratley appreciated. On our homepage there is a search box, users can type in their keyword which brings up the results on a different page (results). Here is our code, if anyone can suggest how or where to add the code with an example it would be great! import {local} from 'wix-storage'; import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; $w.onReady(function () { }); export function searchButton_click_1() { let word = $w("#searchBar").value; local.setItem("searchWord", word);`/results`); }


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