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Mega Search

Mega Search

Filter a repeater using multiple input components.





March 22, 2020

Girl Enjoying her Drink


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Example Description

In this example we demonstrate how to search a list of real-estate properties according to multiple types of components. The results are displayed using a repeater.

To improve performance and UX, we use a debounce timer on the input components.


Example Code

Tab 1


Tab 2


Tab 3


This code solution can be complicated.

How We Built It


We used a collection of real-estate properties which includes all the information that should be displayed in the repeater.

Page Elements

In our site we added the following page elements:

  • Repeater: To display the properties.

  • Search components: radio buttons, dropdown, sliders, checkboxes.


Note: We used the lodash NPM module to simplify our code.

In $w.onReady() we run three functions:

  1. initComps() populates the dropdown with entries from the collection, sets the max price, defines the debounce function and binds it to all user input components.

  2. initRepeater() binds the data to the repeater components.

  3. buildFiltersAndPopulateRepeater() creates the filter logic and sends the data to the repeater.

We also Implemented the debounce timer and store it as a variable called debounceFunction. We call this function on input onChange event.

APIs We Used

Non-code example.

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