Confession time: Wix.com was only created out of our passion for cupcakes. We wanted to spread our love for cupcakes to as many people as possible so we reinvented ourselves as a website builder. Now, seeing that many cupcake bakers have followed in our lead and created their own Wix website, we know our efforts weren’t in vain. There are others out there and one day we hope we get to meet them.
The following websites are actually a double treat. Not only do they offer great cupcakes, they also display some of the best website designs out there, excellent visuals and great user interface. Tasty web design!
Pro tip: Try exploring the Bakery Logo Maker to inspire your own design.
Disclaimer: Whatever you eat after viewing this showcase, we’re not responsible.

The Happy Little Baker

Cupcake Camp Toledo

La Marquesa Cakes

Blossom Cupcakes


The Frosted Cupcake Bakery

Stacey Rroman Art

Pretty Tasty Cake

Happy Cupcake To Go

Cupcake Factory