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Submit your template

Before submitting your template, please keep in mind:

Our team will review your submission, so make sure you’re familiar with the requirements and guidelines

The details you add here will be displayed on the template’s Marketplace listing

You have to provide buyer support for your template

About you

*This info is pre-filled from your last submission

Profile image*

Profile image avatar

Enter a valid email address.

A headshot or logo puts the focus on your brand.
Pick a high quality image that’s at least 190x190 px.
Use a light-colored background.

Avoid using "Wix” as part of your business name.

Enter a valid email address.

Enter a valid email address.

The email address where buyers can reach out to you with questions about the template.

Enter a valid email address.

Template details

Avoid using "template", "Wix”, or "Wix Studio" as part of your template name.

Enter a valid email address.