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Non-Profit Reimagines the Workforce with Online Freelance Training 

Samaschool is a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that offers online freelance training to low-income learners. They’ve been featured in Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Forbes and VentureBeat for their innovative use of technology to provide greater access to the gig economy.  

Website homepage with colorful graphic.

Custom Interactions with Code 

To showcase Samaschool’s tools and resources, they’ve designed beautiful, interactive tabs. When clicked, each tab reveals a strip of new information. By using custom code with Corvid’s open dev platform, Samaschool wired a “hide and show” function to each category. Below, each strip has a repeater connected to a filtered database, which allows Samaschool to add or remove content, without breaking the format. 

Page about their organization.
Page about their organization.
Page about their organization.
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Built-in Databases 

Samaschool created their own “Work Finder” tool by using dynamic pages and 3 database collections. One database stores information on available work including expected wage, experience and language. The second database contains all the online freelance platforms including a logo, URL and description. The third database matches each work category to the platform that supports it. When visitors click on a work category, like “Dog Walking” they’ll get taken to a dynamic page that displays relevant information for that type of work.

Webpage about dog walking and dog sitting services.
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Automatic Lightboxes

To grow their mailing list, Samaschool designed a subscribe lightbox that automatically displays on their “White Paper” page. By using code, they connected this lightbox to their MailChimp Signup form to seamlessly sync new contacts to their pre-existing mailing list. They’ve also created a welcome video lightbox featuring their CEO and Board of Directors, which appears when visitors click the text button, “Watch the video”. This helps share their company’s vision and place people behind their non-profit. 

Lightbox form to join mailing list.
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Communication Mobile App

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