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11 best blog post templates [that get results]

Cecilia Lazzaro Blasbalg

When you set out to create a blog, with a blog maker, you want great content to go with it. But this takes time and practice.

Luckily, as bloggers, we come from a world of gifted writers and makers. All of us could learn a thing or two about crafting quality content from each other.

To save you hours of aimless writing, look no further than the following 11 blog post templates. Read through each one to find which type of website and blog post is the best fit for your blog and audience.

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Best blog post templates

01. The listicle

Undeniably popular in today’s content-driven world, list posts (or listicles) are highly effective articles that catalog ideas or items. Typically, they consist of tips, tools and even fun facts, as seen in these examples: “120 Profitable Blog Niche Ideas and How to Pick the Right One” and “31 Things That Happened In ‘Friends’ That Make No Sense Now That I’m Older.”

With so much data out there, readers value the list-format because it can break down complex ideas into digestible pieces, filtering the precise details they need to know. Listicles can also make us feel organized and help us process information far more intuitively due to their categorization structure. They reflect a facet of our fast-paced reality.

Additionally, content that offers numbered items may provide for a more desirable reading experience. Think about the fact that most of us do inspectional reading on a daily basis. When caught between choosing to read or not read an article, many will instinctively skim through the writing in order to evaluate whether it’s worthwhile to go deeper. In the same way, listicles invite you to scan the content before you invest more time. The candor of this blog post template is welcomed by all regardless of the type of website they sit on.

Listicle blog post template:

XX Steps to

[Fun Adjective] XX Tips/Examples

XX Reasons to The XX Best [Products] of 2021

  • Write a concise introduction

Listicles are meant to be skimmed, so keep your introduction short, sweet and to the point. All you need to do here is link your table of contents and set the mood for a light and breezy read in a few words.

  • Make subheadings for list items

You can use the <h2> heading to create a subheader for each item on your list. Make sure the subheading is representative of each point you’re making.

  • Wrap up with a call-to-action

After you’ve given readers a list of ideas or ways to reach their desired outcome, you can conclude with a call-to-action, such as “start now” and “begin today.”

02. How-to post

Content can be a powerful tool for teaching others how to do something - like this how to create a website guide. As implied in its name, the how-to post does just that. It gives practical instruction in a series of chronological steps that someone needs in order to achieve a desired outcome. For example, you can learn how to write a blog post for your audience by simply following the steps outlined in the article, without needing prior knowledge.

That’s why people searching for answers to their queries are immediately drawn to the how-to in a headline. It’s a signal that there's a solution on its way to you. How-to articles not only address the issue at hand, but also present proof that it will be resolved by offering a game plan.

When writing yours, you’ll want to turn each step into a section of its own. This lets you organize the article and control the flow of information in the best way possible for your reader. Furthemore, by providing steps in a specific order, you can easily guide them from the beginning to the end of the process. The coherence of this blog post template makes it one of the most sought-after and most read online.

How-to blog post template:

  • Create a how-to title

How to [Desired Outcome] in XX Steps

How to [Desired Outcome] From Start to Finish

How to [Desired Outcome] in 2021

How to Create [Desired Outcome] in Under an Hour

How to Write [Noun], with Examples

  • Use steps for subheadings

You’ll want to create separate headings to break down the process into actionable steps. If it’s a step-by-step guide, each previous step must connect to the next one. Remind your readers not to skip through.

Pro tip: Utilize the power of AI with our blog post title generator to craft more creative titles.

How-to blog post template

03. Expanded definition

What is the meaning of life? While our best philosophers continue to work toward defining history’s first theme, there has been progress elsewhere (on the internet side) tackling today’s most popular topics. As a web writer, you can try your hand at writing an expanded definition post to delve into your readers’ burning questions.

Definition writing provides regular folks with much-needed context so that they can follow the workings of a specific subject. For example, your target audience needs to understand the definition of a blog before learning how to create a free blog. Using this blog post template will help you cover all aspects of your topic and give readers a deeper understanding of whatever you set before them.

Definition blog post template:

What Is [Concept] and How to Create One

What Is a [Concept]? Examples and Common Uses

What Is [Concept]? A Guide to X

What Is [Concept] and Why Is It Important For X?

  • Define the term in your introduction

Define the term right off the bat. People are heading to your article because they are eager to learn “What is [concept]”? Get ready to write your most comprehensive definition yet.

Expanded definition blog post template

04. Pillar page

A pillar page acts as a broad overview of a particular topic on your site. By creating a pillar page, you’ll be able to connect a cluster of related content back to a single web page. This keeps your topic cluster tightly woven via the same hyperlinked keyword. More importantly, helps Google associate the pillar page (and entire cluster) as an authority for that topic. In turn, Google is more likely to improve your ranking for that topic.

When setting out to start a blog, it helps to structure your content in line with topics you’ll want to rank for. For example, if you’re writing about fitness, you can create a pillar page about types of workouts.

Then, you’ll need to dive into specific areas of fitness workouts, from aerobic, muscle strengthening and flexibility. This way, you’ll be able to create cluster content that encompasses an array of related topics. Furthermore, using the cluster model lets you organize your blog posts in a way that can close any content gaps which could otherwise keep a searcher from finding your site on a relevant query.

Pillar page blog post template:

  • Choose a topic that’s right for your blog and audience. It should appeal to them as much as it interests you.

  • Analyze the topic so that you’re better prepared to write about it. Think about how you will approach the subject matter and how you add your own creative spin.

  • Write an outline that includes everything your readers will need to know about the topic. While you begin filling out your sections, you should identify any content gaps and reinforce them by providing more resources.

  • Link to related articles as part of your internal linking strategy. If you already have blog posts that are part of your topic, you’ll want to include these links in your pillar page. Remember that the topic cluster model is designed to create perfect interlinking opportunities. This signals to Google that you host the right content for your readers.

Pillar page blog post template

05. Case study

A case study is an in-depth examination of an individual or community within the real world. This blog post template is particularly useful for businesses in their early stages that need a way to prove the value of their product or service to bring in more customers.

In terms of content creation, you can interview past clients and even your own employees who have found success using company products. It’s important to note that most people searching for case studies aren’t doing it on search engines. Rather, this type of search happens directly on a business website. This means that the searcher’s intent is to evaluate the exact product or service.

Case study blog post template:

  • Create a case study title

[Company Name]’s Success Story

How [Company Name] Built a Million Dollar Business

Here’s How [Company Name] Increase Their Sales

‘Pull Quote’

  • Use a video testimonial

People want to hear directly from the source. In addition to writing a blog post, you can ask to interview your subject and record the session. Then, you can upload the video on YouTube, embed it on your blog, or stream it directly from your website.

Case study blog post template

06. Product showcase

As a business owner, you need to find new ways to display your bestselling products or services. You can do so by creating a showcase blog post. These highly visual articles feature examples that are meant to inspire and educate readers.

In order to make an impact with your showcase post, choose samples that represent different product capabilities, styles and looks. Take a glance at our own article, “10 Blog Examples for Your Inspiration,” which is a compilation of some of the best user blogs in the field. Each of these examples provides an in-depth look at how successful bloggers are able to utilize blog design, content and storytelling on their website.

Showcase blog post template:

  • Create a title

[Fun Adjective] Examples That Will Inspire You

Best Types of [Product/Item]

Effective Tools to Boost Your Business

  • Turn examples into subheadings

This is an opportunity to shine the spotlight on your products or services. Turn each example into its own subheader to highlight each one.

Showcase blog post template

07. Myth debunker

By using this blost post template, you’ll become a hero in the eyes of your readers as you debunk common myths of your industry. You will not only enjoy the more creative writing style, but will also benefit from standing out as an expert with a fresh approach. For example, this article 10 Photography Myths You Need to Stop Believing In gives its readers a real dose of reality and sheds light on common misconceptions.

When writing your own myth debunker post, take the time to jot down some hot topics that have inspired discussions concerning their truths or misreadings. This is the moment to show off your knowledge and make an impact in your field.

Myth debunker blog post template:

  • Create a myth debunker title

XX Common [Noun] Myths

XX Deadly [Noun] Myths: Buster

XX Popular [Noun] Myth Debunked

Debunking Myths About [Noun]

  • Write a comprehensive post

People are waiting to read how you debunked a common myth. Don’t skim on this one. You’ll want to go into depth about where the myth comes from and why it isn’t real. This may require you answering additional questions and showing supporting evidence, but it will also put you in a position of authority and credibility.

08. The beginner’s guide

Your beginner’s guide must provide a complete overview of a given topic. When writing it, you need to be as clear in your explanations and definitions as possible. Give your audience plenty of background information and relatable examples to support your claims. You’ll want to break down large concepts by providing the “what,” “how” and “why” of each one.

In many cases, you’ll have the privilege of introducing to readers a topic or concept from scratch. This means that your content will be treated as an educational resource by others. You can reinforce the blog post by using rich examples and simple language, avoiding industry jargon.

Beginner’s guide blog post template:

  • Create an explanatory title

How to [Concept]: A Beginner’s Guide to [Concept]

A Beginner’s Guide to Getting [Concept]

Beginner’s Guide: How to [Concept]

[Concept] for Beginners: The Complete Guide

  • Dive deep in your text

You’ll need to cover everything your audience needs to know about the topic. Use definitions, examples, tips and steps.

Beginner's guide blog post template

09. Expert roundup

An expert roundup post brings expert opinions around a topic at the forefront of your content. Often, these are well-known authority figures in their industry. They will most likely share your published post on their social media channels and may even link back to your site.

That said, you’ll want to keep in mind that the goal of an expert roundup is to create highly informational pieces for your audience. While most people aren’t specifically searching for this type of blog on Google, it can be a good source of social media shares and backlinks. Hence, this blog post template will be a nice addition to your content strategy.

Expert roundup blog post template:

  • Create an eye-catching title

XX Top Thinkers Share Their Most Successful Strategies

XX Valuable Lessons From the Experts

Top XX CEO quotes of 2021

XX Experts Reveal Their Hottest Tips

  • Use expert quotes

You can enrich your content using valuable quotes from experts. In order to get your hands on some juicy soundbites, you’ll need to ask the right questions. Base your queries on topics that interest your readers and things they are dying to know the answer to.

10. Survey post

Survey posts include any newsworthy statistics and other shareworthy findings. By doing some research and gathering data, you can provide your readers with further insight into a topic and bring to light new questions concerning the numbers. The article title should lead with the most interesting stat based on the survey question you’ve asked.

How to use this survey template:

  • Add the stat in the headline

Half of [Respondents] Say They [X]

XX% of [Respondents] Prefer X over Y

Survey: XX% of [Respondents] Can’t Do This

Poll: One -Third of [Respondents] Buy More of X

  • Analyze your findings

Go into detail about your survey results. Expand on any interesting findings and segment them by demographic or geographical location to make them more relatable for your readers. Remember to include your methodology (how you collect data and how many people were polled).You can also use graphics and other types of visual content to show off your discoveries.

11. X vs. Y post

Every audience has unique needs and every business wants to meet them. Maybe you have the right solution for your potential customers. In that case, you can write an X vs. Y blog post that compares your product with another to help readers decide between the two.

By creating a side-by-side comparison, people can better understand the advantages and disadvantages of a product or service. In turn, you can talk about the ways your offerings are superior to those of your competitors.

How to use this X vs. Y template:

  • Create a X vs. Y post title

X vs. Y: Which is Better

X vs Y: How Are They Different

What’s the Exact Difference Between X vs. Y?

  • Pros and Cons of X and Y

Break down the pros and cons of each item. It’s helpful to use a bulleted or numbered list to compare them. Keep in mind that the purpose of your post is to guide your reader’s decision-making process.

Bonus: In addition to these 11 blog post templates, you can also use this downloadable blog post template to help through the writing process:

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