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Email Collection

Convert visitors into subscribers
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Email Collection overview

Seamless Auto-Sync: Effortlessly integrate with leading email platforms like MailChimp, MailerLite, and GetResponse
Advanced Targeting Features: Reach your ideal audience using filters based on date, device, and user behavior
Exclusive Discounts for Subscribers: Encourage sign-ups and foster loyalty with special discount codes for new subscribers
Hassle-Free Setup: Activate, personalize, and launch in just one click—no coding skills needed
Effortlessly collect emails, phone numbers, names, and other details with a fully customizable bar. The app provides unique discount codes and integrates seamlessly with popular email providers like MailChimp, MailerLite, and GetResponse. Advanced targeting options allow you to personalize user experiences, making it simple to grow your email list and boost sales—no coding required. The Email Collection Bar is designed to streamline and enhance email list building. With its customizable features, advanced targeting, and seamless integration with top email platforms, the app helps you connect with your audience in a more personalized way. Collect contact details and preferences through newsletters or choice lists to expand your email list and increase sales effortlessly.
This app is available worldwide.
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