Dec 18, 202316 min

19 high-profit eCommerce business ideas

Updated: Mar 11

This post was last updated on December 18, 2023.

There’s nothing quite like being your own boss. And thanks to the growing ease of starting a business, launching your own online store has never been more accessible.

The first step in entrepreneurship is choosing which products you want to sell and who you want to sell them to. If you already have a specific industry or niche in mind, great.

If not, that’s okay too. There’s no shortage of eCommerce business ideas to pursue.

To help you out, we’ve put together this list of 19 profitable eCommerce business ideas with high profit potential. Learn why each category is trending and draw inspiration from some real-world examples of companies that are doing it right.

When you’re ready, create your online store with the Wix online store builder.

19 profitable eCommerce business ideas

  1. Fashion products

  2. Sustainability-focused brands

  3. Car parts

  4. Furniture and home decor

  5. Groceries and foods

  6. Shoes

  7. Jewelry

  8. CBD products

  9. Beauty products

  10. Subscription boxes

  11. Crafts and handmade products

  12. Plants and garden products

  13. Electronics and IoT devices

  14. Mental health and wellbeing products

  15. Wedding products and services

  16. Pet foods and products

  17. Women’s health products

  18. Educational materials and courses

  19. Baby and children's products

01. Fashion products

The opportunity: Global market value for the online fashion business reached $759.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to hit $1 trillion by 2025. That translates to an annual growth rate of 7.2%, according to data from Statista.

The possibilities: Fashion is a hyper-competitive industry but with so many niches and personal styles out there, there are still plenty of ways to start your own clothing line or start a t-shirt business. Alternatively, you could start an online boutique featuring handmade items and/or items curated from brands and designers that you love.

A dropshipping or print-on-demand company can help you get started quickly. Under this model, you can outsource manufacturing and fulfillment to a trusted partner, and focus your energy on designing a diverse range of products.

If you have a flair for creativity, an eye for fashion, or even just a geeky love for funny slogan t-shirts, a fashion business could be the way to go.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Celia B - Sells high-quality garments with colorful textiles and patterns inspired by cultures around the world

  • Owl Kitty - Sells t-shirts and merch featuring their Insta-famous black cat

Find the best look for your clothing business with our fashion website templates.

02. Sustainability-focused brands

The opportunity: The demand for sustainable eCommerce practices continues to rise. Nearly half (49%) of consumers paid a premium—an average of 59% or more—for sustainable goods, IBM research shows. Fashion resale in particular is expected to grow three times faster than the global apparel market overall, according to ThredUP.

The possibilities: Sustainability isn’t a product as much as it is a classification of business. It includes reusable, biodegradable, and sustainable products. Incorporating a sustainable ethos into your branding and operations can help consumers reduce their eco-footprint.

If you’re looking to create an eco-friendly brand, consider selling garments sourced exclusively from fairtrade manufacturers or dipping your toe into fashion resale. You could sell vintage clothing online, sourcing clothes from thrift stores, wholesalers, flea markets, and elsewhere. Just like any other fashion boutique, your vintage store could appeal to a specific audience—bet it people who are searching for fits from a specific decade, occasionwear, or rentable designer clothes.

Businesses to learn from:

  • By the Moon Vintage - Sells premium romantic vintage fashions

  • Mananalu - Aims to “unplastic our planet” by selling water in recyclable aluminum bottles

  • Shampoo with a Purpose - Aims to reduce plastic waste by selling shampoo and conditioners in solid bars

03. Car parts

The opportunity: The average car has roughly 30,000 parts including all the nuts and bolts that keep it in one piece. And across both B2C and B2B segments, finding car parts online is becoming increasingly popular. Having already risen 11% from 2020 to 2021, light-duty automotive aftermarket sales are predicted to jump another 8.5% in 2022, reaching $356.5 billion, according to two automotive associations.

The possibilities: To differentiate your business, consider selling car parts from specific categories, such as service parts, electrical parts, and interior or exterior parts. You could sell more complex components to mechanics, or sell hydraulic lift kits, neon light kits, and other accessories for DIY auto-enthusiasts.

Businesses to learn from:

  • I-5 Autohaus - Offers aftermarket Mustang, Explorer, and Camaro parts

  • CarbonTastic - Sells bespoke custom carbon fiber steering wheels

  • Smyth Performance - Sells kits that can turn a VW beetle into a pickup truck

04. Furniture and home decor

The opportunity: You don’t have to binge home shows on Discovery+ to cash in on the surging furniture market. Home decor sales are expected to hit $662.45 billion by the end of the year and potentially grow to $805.75 billion by 2026, according to ResearchandMarkets data.

The possibilities: Whether you’re a carpenter, interior designer, or reseller, turn your passion into a profitable business idea by learning how to sell furniture online. You could design, source, and manufacture your own products. Or, partner with a dropshipper to sell an array of ceramics, linens, and other home decor from around the world—without having to take care of storage of shipping yourself.

Artists, photographers, and graphic designers can tap into this segment too. Partner with a print-on-demand company to reproduce your work into stylish home goods.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Kaekoo - Sells a variety of thoughtfully sourced and handcrafted home goods

05. Groceries and foods

The opportunity: During the pandemic, online grocery experienced five years of growth in just five months, according to McKinsey & Company. In 2021, the surge continued, with e-grocery sales approaching the $100 billion mark, reports Supermarket News.

The possibilities: Convenience largely drives online grocery shopping. Be it to find a greater variety of foods, or to avoid hopping in a car to pick up groceries, consumers are increasingly turning to online stores to restock their pantries.

When you choose to start a food business, it’s important to define a specific niche to reach out to. Offer vegetarian or vegan products, locally harvested, or organic foods. Or, sell foods that tailor to specific dietary needs (sugar-free, gluten-free, soy-free, etc.). Another option: sell gourmet items—like handcrafted chocolates, unique jams,or infused oils—that consumers can’t find in their local stores.

You may choose to manufacture your own food products from scratch, but doing so can be difficult if you’re not familiar with how to develop, brand, and get the right approvals for consumable goods. Dropshipping is another good alternative. Just keep in mind that delivery times may be slower if you’re working with overseas suppliers.

Businesses to learn from:

06. Shoes

The opportunity: The global footwear market is expected to reach $133.2 billion by the end of 2022 and grow more than 10% annually through 2025, according to Statista data.

The possibilities: Shoes are a staple of everyone’s wardrobe, and while particular styles may rise or wane in popularity depending on trends or the time of year, footwear is always in demand. That’s why choosing to sell shoes online can be a lucrative endeavor.

If you’re thinking about jumping into this industry, consider starting off by selling shoes geared towards a specific buyer segment, e.g., women’s shoes, men’s shoes, sneakerheads, or children’s shoes. Alternatively, you could offer specialty footwear designed for ballroom dancers, ballerinas, or construction workers.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Evolve clothing gallery - Features a thoughtfully curated collection of men’s footwear to complement their apparel collection

  • b.c.e. Shoes - Offers bespoke athletic, boardroom, and casual shoes targeted at colleges and greek organizations

07. Jewelry

The opportunity: The jewelry industry is worth $229.3 billion in the U.S., according to Capital Counselor, and the online jewelry industry makes up a solid portion of that. Statista additionally reports that the global jewelry market is expected to reach $307 billion by 2026.

The possibilities: If you have the skills to create your own standout jewelry, or have a great eye for spotting trendy pieces, an eCommerce jewelry business may be right for you.

There are plenty of niches to pursue when starting a jewelry business, whether you decide to target a high-value or low-value market. You could handcraft diamond engagement rings or striking costume pieces that help consumers refine their look. Or, source fashion jewelry that mimics what’s on the catwalk, and dropship pieces from international suppliers or wholesalers.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Darby Pritchards - Sells a wide range of jewelry, fit for various occasions, at affordable prices

08. CBD products

The opportunity: Driven by expanding regulatory approvals, the CBD products market is expected to grow by an enormous 25.53% over the next five years, reaching $12.64 billion by 2026, according to ResearchAndMarkets data.

The possibilities: CBD has been making waves in the health and wellness industry over the past few years. CBD can be found in everything from skincare products to pet treats—and it’s not uncommon to find CBD products in grocery stores across the country. Popular CBD products today include teas, lotions, salves, and drops.

If you want to sell CBD online, you’ll need to do plenty of research before you source, create, or dropship any products. You’ll need to comply with federal, state, and local laws, and FDA guidelines in the U.S., along with strict marketing and copywriting restrictions. Furthermore, you’ll need to identify a payment provider that works with CBD merchants. For more information, check out the FDA’s guidelines or consult a lawyer.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Physicians' Preferred - Sells U.S.-grown CBD products that are non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free

  • Go Green Hemp - Offers a wide range of CBD products online, plus uses their website to educate shoppers about CBD and share lab test results that show the purity and potency of their products

09. Beauty products

The opportunity: While online cosmetic sales recently showed a decline, according to 1010Data, they’re still above pre-pandemic levels, and overall sales for prestige beauty merchants are up 36.7% over the last two years.

The possibilities: The beauty industry keeps undergoing its own makeover, with niche markets finally getting the attention and support they’ve long deserved. Products for people of different ethnicities, organic beauty products for users with sensitive skin, and sustainable beauty products are among the top sub-markets.

If you’re ready to start a makeup line in a space dominated by major players, you’ll need to focus on creating distinctive products. Stand out by offering high-quality products and white-glove customer service. Focus on what customers want: easy application, long-lasting and vibrant colors, and/or eco-friendly ingredients.

Learn more: How to start a beauty business

Businesses to learn from:

  • House of Suppliez - Sells monthly nail and lash beauty box subscriptions at affordable prices

10. Subscription boxes

The opportunity: Subscription customers spend up to 2.5 times more than regular customers, according to McKinsey & Company. Sales from subscription eCommerce are expected to grow by another 65% by 2023, says Insider Intelligence.

The possibilities: If you have great products that are ideal for repeat purchases, then subscription boxes may be a good core offering or extension of your existing business.

Selling subscriptions is lucrative and unlimited. For example, you could start a subscription box for just about anything: clothes, socks, pet toys, chocolate, coffee, children’s educational toys, luxury goods, makeup, home decor, meals, produce, and even puzzles. The great thing about a subscription business is that it offers you regular recurring revenue.

A helpful hint: consider targeting younger generations. More than one-third of millennials (34%) and one-fifth of Gen Z shoppers (22%) are currently trying and are likely to continue to use subscription services, according to GFK.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Napa Wild - Offers weekly shipments of fresh produce boxes

  • Beacon Book Box - Offers monthly subscriptions for fans of young adult fiction

  • Divinia Water - Offers subscriptions for cases of premium pure bottled water

11. Crafts and handmade products

The opportunity: Sales in arts and crafting grew by 133% during the pandemic, according to a Wix eCommerce analysis. And specific craft categories keep trending upwards. For example, the global candle industry hit $6.8 billion in 2021 and is on track to reaching $9.9 billion by 2028, says Vantage Market Research.

The possibilities: Turn a personal hobby into a business by selling crafts online. There are many things to make and sell like custom art or handmade jewelry. Or sell custom metalwork, pottery, and hand-knitted mittens. You could even learn to start a candle business, which offers low startup costs and high profits.

Whatever it may be, make sure you choose a craft that’s sustainable and scalable.

There are multiple places where you can cash in on your crafts, including marketplaces like Etsy, an online store, or niche alternatives to Etsy. It’s recommended that you don’t solely rely on marketplaces where you lack control of the user experience and branding. Instead, create an online store that serves as the flagship destination for your brand, and expand to marketplaces for additional exposure.

Businesses to learn from:

Learn more: eCommerce business ideas

12. Plants and garden products

The opportunity: One out of every three people surveyed by researchers from the University of Georgia said they began gardening during the pandemic because they were home more. That trend is still going strong: searches for “buy plants online” continue to drive steady demand post-pandemic, according to Google Trends. Searches for “best places to buy houseplants online” are up 50% YoY from August 2021 to August 2022.

The possibilities: Turn your green thumb into profits by selling plants online. You could sell a variety of houseplants, tropicals, or succulents—three categories that accounted for the biggest growth in garden center sales in 2021, according to Garden Center Magazine.

If you’re targeting plant sales to specific age groups, don’t leave out millennials. Seven in 10 millennials reportedly call themselves “plant parents,” and 40% of them say they’re looking to buy new houseplants (or should we say “plant babies”),

Businesses to learn from:

  • Robert Plante Greenhouses - This Ottawa-based garden center made a spectacular pivot from brick-and-mortar sales to eCommerce during the pandemic, and their online store remains strong today

Learn more: How to start a flower business, How to start a landscaping business, How to start a lawn care business

13. Electronics and IoT devices

The opportunity: Nearly 130 million households own one smart speaker, and as many as 335 million households will own one over the next five years, according to Statista. Smart speakers are just one type of popular Internet of Things (IoT) device, and global spending on IoT products is forecast to reach $1.1 trillion in 2023.

The possibilities: Smart devices and advanced electronics add convenience to our on-the-go lives. That makes selling IoT products a top eCommerce business opportunity. Sell doorbell cameras, Wi-Fi controlled thermostats or other popular smart home devices. Alternatively, sell drones and drone accessories to real estate agents, wedding photographers, videographers, and Instagram influencers who now use them regularly.

If you’re technically savvy, you can design and manufacture your own IoT device. But if you’re not a techie, you can hire people to bring your idea to life or choose a dropshipper who will supply a range of low-cost electronics that you can sell.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Beagle Drones - Offers drones and drone accessories, using its online store to feature impressive footage shot with its products

14. Mental health and wellbeing products

The opportunity: With more people making self-care a priority post-pandemic, the “wellness economy” has hit $4.4 trillion globally, with a growth rate of between 5% to 10% in recent years, says Selazar. Interest in mindfulness and meditation alone has grown by 25%.

The possibilities: Between weighted blankets, calming teas, and natural oil diffusers, there’s a large variety of products that you can consider selling in the wellness category. Products like acupressure mats, light therapy lamps, and meditation apps are growing in popularity as younger generations look to enhance their mental health and wellbeing.

If you choose to enter this field, be sure to emphasize any credentials or professional endorsements that can build trust. Thoroughly explain how your products work and how they benefit the body in your product descriptions, and back up all claims with scientific evidence.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Sootheze - Sells an array of microwave-safe weighted and aromatherapy products (including stuffed teddy bears, blankets and wraps) that reduce anxiety

15. Wedding products and services

The opportunity: When brides-to-be and grooms-to-be brainstorm their perfect weddings, a growing number of them are jumping online for inspiration. According to Applied Analytics, the global wedding industry is expected to grow by 4.8% and reach $414.2 billion by 2030.

The possibilities: As more couples take their wedding registries online and search ideal locations for their destination weddings, the opportunity is ripe for eCommerce sellers.

Consider offering custom wedding signage or accessories, like centerpieces and guest books. Other product ideas: artificial flowers, handmade wedding gowns, bow ties, wedding guest favors, custom cake toppers, and more.

If you’re a super-organized person who works well under pressure, you could even offer wedding planning services virtually, in addition to selling products. Some eCommerce businesses cater to the entire wedding journey, from engagement to the honeymoon, in an effort to tap into a wider market.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Box and Bow - Sells gift boxes for bridesmaids, alongside bespoke hand-carved proposal boxes

16. Pet foods and products

The opportunity: In the U.S., 70% of households own a pet, according to American Pet Products Association data. The global pet industry market is also expected to hit $261 billion by the end of 2022 and reach $350 billion by 2027, reports Statista.

The possibilities: Finding a pet care niche to break into and curating related products could bring you plenty of bacon. Some online pet care brands have practically become household names, showing how much people love pampering their pets with carefully selected treats, toys, and cushy beds.

You might choose to take a practical path, sourcing durable toys for tough chewers, supportive beds, and joint supplements for dogs with hip dysplasia. Or, you might choose a more fun and playful route like beautiful pet kennels, decorative jackets, or training hoops.

You could design and manufacture new products to meet pet owners’ pain points or exercise your culinary skills by making delicious pet treats. Think about what niche is underserved and target that.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Instachew - Sells a complete line of smart, practical, and innovative pet products, including their signature Instachew Smart Pet Feeder

17. Women’s health products

The opportunity: Increasing interest in healthy living is driving growth in the global health and beauty supplements market, which is expected to reach $84.8 billion by 2030, according to Report Linker data.

The possibilities: New women’s brands are popping up in every conceivable category, including vitamins and supplements, hair care tools, hair accessories, and size- and color-exclusive shapewear. Electronic gadgets for facial skincare are also among the top-trending women’s products.

Think, what could be your USP? What pain point do you want to solve and how can you do it better than the products already out there?

If you’re new to the women’s health space, note how women’s products have always had a “pink tax” associated with them, but quality hasn’t always measured up to the price. So, your brand could benefit from focusing on quality, as well as products made from eco-friendly, nontoxic materials.

Businesses to learn from:

  • NuolaWigs - Offers natural looking wigs for women with complete or partial hair loss

  • Fertilix - Specializes in prenatal dietary supplements that support optimal reproductive health

18. Educational materials and courses

The opportunity: Before the pandemic, roughly 2.3 million U.S. students were homeschooled. Today, that number has grown to 3.7 million, says the National Home Education Research Institute. In addition, the global elearning market is forecast to hit $325 billion by 2025, nearly doubling in a decade, says Techjury.

The possibilities: Whether you’re targeting parents looking for homeschooling aids or educators looking for schooling resources in science, math, and literacy, there are many sectors to tap into.

It pays to get creative and think outside the box, too. Kits teaching kids about cooking, astronomy, or a foreign language can take off just as quickly as a classic math kit.

Note that digital education isn’t limited to kids. Since the pandemic, adults across the world have had added time to take up new languages, hobbies, and interests. Digital products and courses are top-or-the-class in this market. Users want the freedom to learn through any device, whenever—and wherever—it suits.

No matter which path you choose, create a clear mission statement and show how your products or services will help people improve their lives.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Tools 4 Reading - Sells teaching packs to improve child literacy and offers development courses for teachers

  • Hanson’s Anatomy - Sells bright and colorful study guides

Learn more: How to start a tutoring business

19. Baby and children’s products

The opportunity: Oh, baby. The market for infant toys, baby gear, and baby apparel alone is expected to grow to $13.61 billion by 2026, according to data from Technavio.

The possibilities: Many parents will spend a pretty penny on their little ones, which is why selling children’s toys, clothing, or accessories can be a profitable venture.

Some ways that you can differentiate your business: offer lower-cost products that cater to budget-minded parents. Or, sell sustainably made or heirloom-quality products that appeal to parents who are willing to pay extra for higher-end items.

In this market, word of mouth is powerful, so sharing customer reviews and providing social proof across your digital channels will help you grow your business. Wix stores that add third-party review apps see an average 10% increase in both overall sales and average order value within the first 60 days.

Businesses to learn from:

  • Bonsie - Sells baby wear that promotes skin-to-skin contact between infants and mothers

  • Cotton Balloon - Offers curated wooden educational toys and children’s bedroom decor

Choosing an eCommerce business idea: 4 questions to ask

With so many options for your business, how do you select which niche is best for you? Start by asking yourself these questions.

  1. What am I interested in and what do I know? If you love fine jewelry but don’t know how to tell a diamond apart from a CZ, you’ll face a steeper learning curve and will need to recruit an expert before getting started. However, if you know everything there is to know about animation, then you can consider making money as an animator. So, think about what you’re passionate about, what you already know, and see where you have an upper hand.

  2. What do I have the startup funds for? Print-on-demand businesses carry smaller startup costs when compared to eCommerce businesses that choose to manufacture their own prices. While you can always bootstrap your business, think about how you can start on solid financial ground.

  3. What problems can my products help solve? For example, do you personally struggle to find pet-safe, weed-killing products for landscaping? There’s likely other people who do too. Explore if this is something you can find a solution for and can effectively market to people who face a similar problem.

  4. What’s trending in my market? Is there an abundance of competition in the industry that you’re considering? Is someone already doing what you want to do? Competition is an important factor when deciding on the right line of business. Heavy competition may mean it will take your business longer to reap profits, but if you have a great eCommerce business idea, you can make it stand out with outstanding marketing, customer service, and a beautiful website.

Get cracking on your next big business idea

Inspired to launch your new eCommerce business? Get started on the right foot with Wix eCommerce, which makes creating your eCommerce website and managing your operations easy. Even better: Wix provides easy-to-use online store templates for specific industries that can help you hit just the right notes with your customers. Get started today.

eCommerce business ideas FAQ

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Allison Lee

Editor, Wix eCommerce

Allison is the editor for the Wix eCommerce blog, with several years of experience reporting on eCommerce news, strategies, and founder stories.

Geraldine Feehily

Marketing Writer, Wix eCommerce

Geraldine is a marketing writer for Wix eCommerce. She uses her broad experience in journalism, publishing, public relations and marketing to create compelling content and loves hearing user success stories.