Tell us a bit about yourself and how you found your way to a creative career.
Hello, I’m Justin Cassano. I’m an illustrator and art director in New York’s Hudson Valley. I’ve never been great at expressing myself verbally, so I turned to pictures. I can draw characters representative of myself and my emotions, without ever admitting how personal they are to me (although, I guess I just admitted it).

How did you find your medium and style, and who and what influenced you?
It took a while for my abilities to catch up to my taste, but early Tumblr days exposed me to loads of great artists and a community that were hugely influential. I learned to value substance over style and a clever idea over a breathtaking visual. My point of view comes from my experience of the world and I put a lot of stock into the idea that this is unreplicatable.
What subjects are you most fascinated with?
I’m interested in big picture items like consciousness, the universe and nature. I also love small details; eye contact, awkward smiles, the way birds work. The middle-sized stuff is for other artists to worry about.

How do you create characters, what inspires them, how do you use color?
Someone told me you have to love your characters. I think about that all the time. If I’m drawing a character and I can’t find a way to love them, it won’t be a successful drawing. I like to draw simple, accessible characters; characters with deeply human themes that we can relate to. I like colors that make you want to touch them… I don’t know if that makes sense.
If you had to pick a favorite project, which one are you most proud of and why?
I started a barefoot walking group near where I live, and I’ve made some art to promote it. I made a few posters and designed some pins that I gave out at the group. I’m proud to be fostering some community around a project and iterating on artwork as the group finds its *ahem* footing.

What’s next for you?
I’ve written and illustrated a children’s book about friendship. It’s very simple, but I think it’s clever. I’m currently shopping it around, hoping to find it a cozy home at a small publishing house.
Rapid Fire Round!
Weekend - lounge in bed / go out and party?
Party in bed.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee coffee coffee!
Cats or dogs?
Dogs. I’m quite allergic to cats.
Favorite season?
Spring. No, Summer. No, Fall! Not Winter.
Movie theater or Netflix?
Netflix, but with movie theater popcorn.
Pool or beach?
Swimming hole.
Computer or sketchbook?
Computer at home, sketchbook on the move.
Text or voice note?
Voice note.
City or countryside?
Countryside with city access.
Getting dressed: colorful or monochromatic?
Colorful, but not too colorful.

Thank you Justin!