Tell us about yourself.
I’m Brad Mead, 27, based in Norwich, UK. I currently work at a design studio in the city (, collaborating with the team on a variety of projects, from branding to web design to packaging. This is where I’ve been rounding out my skills and learning more about the industry and gaining design experience in general, though I’m mostly known for visual exploration, generally in the form of posters. This is something I started in 2020 after graduating university, to keep creating and growing as a designer, and it’s since developed into so much more than that.
Which design topics are you most passionate about?
Typography, layout, and experimentation.
A saying I’ve come to terms with is that everything’s been done before, in one way or another. But that’s not a bad thing – it’s inevitable. And it still leaves so much room for us to do new things, only we have to look at them in new ways, find new angles and techniques, and push the boundaries, rather than retreading old ground.

Do you have any special hobbies / things you like to do in your free time?
At the moment I’m writing a fiction novel which takes up a lot of my free time, especially as I’ve never trained in writing, but more on that in the future! I also like to play video games (generally ones that don’t require much brain power), read books (fantasy/design/self-help), and I spend time absorbing and saving a lot of design in my free time, which helps maintain the exciting ‘hobby’ feeling, by keeping the amazing work that others are creating fresh in my mind.
Share a project / exhibition / creative person / anything that you found recently and sparked your imagination
Someone I look up to creatively that recently shared some cool work is Matt Willey ( He’s an amazing designer, currently a partner at Pentagram. If you’re getting into typography/layout then I highly recommend you check out his work!

What’s the hardest thing about being a designer?
Realizing that not every design is going to be your best work.
When I started creating posters I made 1-a-day for 230 days, the best part of a year, and of these I’d say there are only a select few that I look at today and still like. But it was so worth making them, as that’s how I got here – that’s how we grow. And, over time, those select few will increase until you’re proud of almost everything you create.
What’s the best thing about being a designer?
Seeing my work in the world!
I remember dreaming of seeing things I’ve created on billboards and banners and in shops and people’s houses, when I first started designing. And now that I have the privilege of doing so, it never gets old. It’s amazing to me that someone, somewhere, could be looking at something that came from my mind at this very moment.

Who would you love to collaborate with?
I’ve got a bucket list of companies I’d like to work with at some point, mostly ones that like to experiment visually and aren’t afraid to go big/bold/experimental. A few are: Nike, Converse, Adidas, Vans.
Describe your dream project.
To create the visual identity for a video game or film (including the posters!)

Share the last photo you took for inspiration and explain why.
The most recent inspirational pictures in my phone are all frames of typographic animation. This is something I’ve recently started to learn, and I still have a way to go, so I’ve been collecting, practicing and recreating from tutorials to get better.
What do you do when you feel stuck and uninspired?
I look to my inspiration, or I take a break.
I’ve been collecting design books and saving things all the time on my hard drive, on Instagram, Pinterest, and in my phone notes. This last one is invaluable, as capturing ideas and thoughts as they pass is where most of my designs come from, and having these to turn to when I’m stuck can be enough to get going again. But other times – and I’m sure you’ve heard this before – the best thing to do is anything else. Go see a film, take a walk, or even go and do that housework you’ve been putting off. You’ll soon find that your brain does the work for you, and you’ll be away again in no time.
Recommend a book / movie / TV series / podcast / playlist to our readers
As I have to pick just one to recommend, it would be Sleeping Phoenix on spotify. He’s an Australian guitarist that makes a special kind of lofi, perfect for writing or designing – especially if you love Nintendo games like Zelda/Animal Crossing/Pokemon.

Thank you Brad!