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100 Gansevoort st. NYC, NY

6 PM


9 PM

Type Electives and Wix Playground Present:

An evening of thoughtful presentations and conversations with Beatriz Lozano, Kelli Anderson, and Tré Seals of Vocal Type


Beatriz Lozano

Beatriz Lozano

Designer, Typographer, and Educator

Beatriz is a designer, typographer, and educator exploring how technology can push typography to exist at the intersection of the physical and digital world. She teaches interaction design at Parsons and AR Typography at Type Electives.

Kelli Anderson

Kelli Anderson

Artist, Designer, Animator, and Tinkerer

Kelli Anderson is an artist, designer, animator, and tinkerer who pushes the limits of ordinary materials to seek out possibilities hidden in plain view, in humble materials. making those wonders accessible on a multi-sensory, rich, human level.

Tré Seals

Tré Seals

Type designer & Founder of Vocal Type

Tré Seals founded Vocal Type, a diversity-driven font foundry showcasing underrepresented races, ethnicities, and genders. His fonts have been used in prominent political and brand campaigns, ranging from Black Lives Matter street murals to the Amazon Labor Union logo.


Beatriz Lozano

Beatriz Lozano

Designer, Typographer, and Educator

Beatriz is a designer, typographer, and educator exploring how technology can push typography to exist at the intersection of the physical and digital world. She teaches interaction design at Parsons and AR Typography at Type Electives.

Our speakers will be sharing how they approach designing from a place of criticality and love, and why that’s an important part of their practice. We'll gather around for a panel discussion to address questions such as: How can we balance working for the soul while being in a capitalistic system? What does a practice rooted in criticality and love look like?


6:00 PM


6:30 PM

Doors Open, Meet & Mix

6:30 PM


8:15 PM

Speaker Presentations & Panel Talk

8:15 PM


9:00 PM

Meet & Mix

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