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Manage Your Hotel on the Go!

Get real time updates, manage your reservations, start a conversation with your guests & more, all on your mobile. With the new Wix App, you’ll never miss out.
Manage Reservations

Easily keep track of all your reservations and see your availability at a glance. And if a guest calls, add their booking right from your phone.

See when you’ve got a visitor on your site. Then start a conversation and help them find exactly what they’re looking for.

Start a Live Chat
Find out when someone’s on your site. Then reach out with a live chat to help them get what they need faster.
Blog on the Go

Use all of your blog’s advanced features no matter where you are. Create new posts, add photos and share to all your social networks in a click.

Interact with Visitors

Get real time notifications when visitors send you a message, make a reservation & more - so you can easily respond right away.

Run Your Store
Snap a product photo and add it to your online store in a click. You’ll get a notification as soon as it’s sold. Plus, you’ll stay in the know when your stock is running low.
Interact with Visitors

Get real time notifications when visitors send you a message, comment on a post & more, so you can easily respond right away.

Get the New Wix App!
Start a Live Chat

See when you’ve got a visitor on your site. Then start a conversation and help them find exactly what they’re looking for.

start chat
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blog on the go
run your store
Discover a New Way to Manage Your Website and Hotel

Get real time notifications when visitors send you a message, comment on a post & more, so you can easily respond right away.

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