
Contacts: Supported Filters, Sorting, and Search

This article covers field support for filtering, sorting, and searching in the Contacts API, the Labels API, and the Extended Fields API.

Query labels: Supported filters and sorting

This section covers the available options when calling queryLabels().

The table below shows field support for filters and sorting for the label object.

For a full description of the Label object, see LabelsQueryResult > items.

PropertySupported Sorting                                                            
_createdDateascending(), descending()
_updatedDateascending(), descending()
displayNameascending(), descending()

Query extended fields: Supported filters and sorting

This section covers the available options when calling queryExtendedFields().

The table below shows field support for filters and sorting for the extended field object.

For a full description of the ExtendedField object, see ExtendedFieldsQueryResult > items.

PropertySupported Sorting                                                            
_createdDateascending(), descending()
_updatedDateascending(), descending()
displayNameascending(), descending()

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