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Assent - The Caravan of Death The Caravan of Death was a brutal campaign that executed military detainees in Chile during the aftermath of the coup in 1973. In this VR documentary the viewer follows the footsteps of the son of an army officer on the day the Caravan of Death arrives to his regiment.
Director: Oscar Raby, Chile/Australia
Duration: 12 mins

Dog House - Five Oculus Rift headsets sit beside the forks, knives, and plates of a set table, each one taking you inside the head of a different character at an uncomfortable family dinner—which, naturally, everyone remembers differently.

Director: Johan Knattrup Jensen, Denmark

Duration: 20 mins

Project Syria - Using new virtual reality technologies and through a meticulously researched world of a Syrian citizen caught in the conflict, Project Syria enables the audience to witness the violent events of the Syrian civil war.
Director: Nonny de la Peña, USA
Duration: TBD

Highrise: Universe Within, 2015: multimedia project that explores the lives of city dwellers and shows how online communities can shape the physical world.

Director: Katerina Cizek


Netwars/Out of CTRL, 2015: Digital war is no longer science fiction but a daily reality and a threat to us all. Netwars makes these dangers tangible through a fact-based documentation in an interactive format.
Director: Lena Thiele

THE DEEPER THEY BURY ME, 2015: A prisoner in Louisiana since 1972, Herman Wallace tells the disturbing story of his solitary confinement in a series of interactive animations.
Created by: Anghad Bhalla &
Ted Biggs

GAZA - SDEROT, 2008:
Less than three kilometers apart, Gaza and Sderot are facing each other as Palestine and Israel are caught up in an unending war. Created by: Arik Bernstein, Alexandre Brachet, Serge Gordey, Osnat Trabelsi

Quipu Project, 2015: Inspired by Quipu, the knotted thread communication system of the Incas, this interactive documentary uses phones to collect and share first­hand accounts of more than 300,000 people that were
sterilized by the Peruvian government in the late 90s.

Maria Court, Rosemarie Lerner


Steamer is proud to invite you to experience the latest in virtual reality and immersive storytelling, exhibiting three VR Installations Directed by some of the world’s greatest VR filmmakers.


Five interactive web projects presented in personal viewing stations


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