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Join date: Apr 11, 2022


It can make the leaf surface of golden marble more soft and shiny. At the same time, it can also enhance the degree of flower bud differentiation when flower bud differentiation, so as to open more gorgeous flowers. When fertilizing, we also need to pay attention to the fertilization season. If fertilizing in spring, we should properly use some rotten organic fertilizer before germination, and then mix in high nitrogen compound fertilizer, which can make golden marbles grow more lush.

You can also put the leftover rice into a clean bottle, add a small piece of sweet wine Qu, crush it and mix it evenly with the rice, and then seal it. You need to wrap the double-layer gauze around the bottle mouth, and then put it in the sun for drying. The fermentation can take about a week and a half after the fermentation in summer.

What are the benefits of watering flowers with rice washing water? Rice washing water is rich in nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other trace elements. After fermentation, the rice washing water can be used to irrigate the flowers, which can play the role of organic fertilizer. Using rice washing water as flower fertilizer can not only prolong the flowering period, but also make the flowers more gorgeous and the branches and leaves grow more luxuriant. This can not only kill bacteria and insect eggs, but also produce more nutrients.

When fertilizing jinpinzi, if it is a jinpinzi bonsai that has been planted for several years, enough base fertilizer should be applied. If you have just planted golden marbles for a short time, you can't apply fertilizer. Wait until the golden marbles grow to normal conditions, and then apply some thin liquid fertilizer. When fertilizing golden marbles, it should be noted that the fertilizer should not only meet the growth needs of golden marbles, but also be properly controlled.

Avoid excessive fertilization, otherwise it may cause fertilizer damage and affect the growth of golden marbles. When fertilizing jinpinzi bonsai, the principle is to apply more fertilizer than thin fertilizer. How to fertilize jinpinzi bonsai in different seasons? Fertilizing in spring: Generally speaking, jinpinzi needs to use some rotten organic fertilizer before germination in spring, which can promote the growth of new branches and prepare for the flowering and Fruiting of jinpinzi.

It is more resistant to drought. Usually don't give it too much water, so as to prevent ponding from affecting the absorption of its roots and causing poor growth of plants. Cactus does not have high requirements for fertilizer. Generally, as long as an appropriate amount of rotten organic fertilizer is applied during the vigorous growth period, but do not apply too much to avoid yellowing. It is better to turn the pot in spring and autumn. The flowerpot should be small rather than large. Generally, it can be slightly larger than the plant body.

Timely drainage shall be carried out in rainy season, and straw can be covered on the basin soil in dry season to increase the moisture of the soil. The so-called hole tray seedling raising is a modern seedling raising technology that uses light matrix soilless materials such as peat and vermiculite as seedling raising matrix, mechanized precision sowing, one hole and one grain at a time. Due to the small pot container, rapid leaching, rapid change of pH value of matrix, salt is easy to accumulate and damage the root system of seedlings.

Golden marbles bloom in April every year, so some available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be used during flowering, which can improve the quality of flowering and fruit. Summer fertilization: the fruiting period of golden marbles is in summer. After fruiting, some compound fertilizer and rotten cake fertilizer can be mixed together, and then golden marbles can be fertilized. After entering the growth period, boxwood needs more nitrogen fertilizer because of its excessive demand for nitrogen.

However, the concentration of fertilizer should not be too high. Too strong fertilizer will damage the root system of boxwood. Boxwood is a plant that avoids strong light, so it is best to maintain it in the scattered light environment when planting. Therefore, we need to often spray some very thin nitrogen fertilizer on the leaves. We can dilute urea with water to the ratio of 1: 2000. In this way, the color of the leaves of boxwood will be very beautiful.

Burning bones to make flower fertilizer is the simplest method. Burn the prepared bones in the fire until they are broken by knocking, and then crush the burned bones and put them in the plastic plant pots. If the soil is dry, you can choose to pour some water on a sunny morning. After watering, you need to control the water. Wait for the fruit to sit down before watering.

Generally speaking, if you want to make the growth of black pine higher, you can choose to apply phosphorus fertilizer, which has an obvious promoting effect, while nitrogen and potassium fertilizer have little effect on the growth rate of black pine. Relatively speaking, the effect of applying nitrogen fertilizer to black pine is slightly greater than that of potassium fertilizer. For the growth volume of black pine, the effect of applying phosphorus fertilizer is more obvious. The application of nitrogen fertilizer has a certain effect, while the effect of applying potassium fertilizer is very small.

In winter, the black pine needs to be moved indoors for the winter to keep the soil from freezing. Fertilization method of black pine black pine is a kind of barren tree and doesn't like big fertilizer. Fertilizing several times in different seasons each year can meet the growth needs. Generally speaking, light fertilizer should be applied to black pine in spring. If the fertilizer concentration is too high, it will lead to excessive growth of branches and leaves of black pine, which will have a certain impact on the shape of black pine.

To fertilize pineapple, we must first apply enough base fertilizer. Generally, during the growth period of pineapple, only when there is sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, it will grow more vigorous and better. Pineapple actually likes a warm environment. If the light is good, its flowering quality will be very good. Generally, when we breed, we can put it on the balcony because there is enough light.

In fact, in the first half of the year, we only need to apply compound fertilizer to the pineapple every 15 days, and the compound fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When we prepare the compound fertilizer, we need to adjust the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in proportion. When the pineapple comes to winter, we don't need to apply fertilizer, because under the condition of very low temperature, the pineapple can't absorb the nutrients in the fertilizer and may burn the roots of the pineapple.

During fruit setting, pepper should ensure sufficient nutrients. If the nutrients are not sufficient, the yield will be poor, or the quality of the results will be poor. It can be fully fermented in about half a month. We can pour the fermented rice washing water and clear water into the basin of green pineapple. It doesn't need to be poured too many times. Watering once every five days or so can meet the growth of green pineapple.

When we apply base fertilizer to potted pepper, we can prepare the soil first. Generally, we use fertile soil with good drainage. At the same time, the fertilizer should keep up with it, otherwise it will affect the growth of pepper. With the growth of pepper, we have to topcoat it. When topdressing the pepper, wait until the vigorous growth period of the pepper. At this stage, it needs a lot of nutrition, so topdressing is needed.

In fact, in the full fruit period, the fertilizer absorption capacity of the root of pepper will decline, so at this time, we can spray fertilizer on the root every week, once every seven days, about three times, which can make the growth period of pepper longer and the quality of pepper better. And when fertilizing the pepper, you can re apply the base fertilizer and skillfully apply the topdressing, which will make the pepper grow better and more vigorous.

Precautions for watering green pineapple with rice washing water. You can't directly use rice washing water to water green pineapple. That's easy to harden the soil of green pineapple. Moreover, rice washing water will ferment in the soil, produce high temperature, and finally rot the root of green pineapple. In autumn, we can apply several times of rotten thin cake fertilizer to the black pine, which will make the black pine grow stronger and the branches thicker.

You can dig out the rectangular pit, put the potted aloe into the pit, use a bamboo frame on the top, and put on a double-layer plastic film for sealing. Maintain the air permeability of the soil and loosen the basin soil properly. You can loosen the soil with a single tooth or double tooth small rake made of bamboo stick or iron wire, and the depth should be 1.5-2 cm. The solution is to put aloe vera in a proper shade to avoid long-term direct sunlight. Being frozen in winter can cause leaves to turn red.

Hui will grow faster in a humid environment, so if you cultivate aloe, you should water it frequently. The culture soil is composed of 4 parts of pastoral soil, 4 parts of compost and 2 parts of sand or sawdust. Or dry and grind the river mud, mix it with pig manure, pile up and ferment, and mix it with an appropriate amount of sand or sawdust after decay. After covering the cactus with soil, we can't walk away, let alone water it immediately.

Apply rotten thin liquid fertilizer every 10 days to half a month, and do not apply fertilizer in winter. If it is a house with good load-bearing capacity, you can carefully create the desired garden, and then you can create an open garden according to the layout of the garden. Under the condition of indoor scattered light, it can grow well in a very dry environment.

During the growth period, the disappointment reaches 30 to 40 degrees during the day and 15 to 25 degrees at night, which is very beneficial to the growth of Rosa roxburghii. In order to strengthen drainage. In cultivation, a small amount of broken bricks and ceramic tiles can be placed at the bottom of the pot, and the effect is very good. The lower the temperature, the more dry the basin should be. The adult big ball is more resistant to drying than the seedling. Watering in winter should be carried out on a sunny morning.

Some southern flower friends, the winter temperature is still more than ten or twenty degrees Celsius, cactus generally will not enter dormancy, but will continue to grow, but we should also pay attention to water control. No matter which planting material is selected and how to prepare it, it should meet the basic requirements of plants, consider all aspects and grasp it flexibly. Basically, it doesn't need to be poured too often. You can pour it every two weeks. Usually, it can be poured after the soil becomes dry.

It depends on the environment. If the basin is large and deep, watering is not easy to dry, which will lead to rotten roots. Watering for ten years is the easiest and most difficult. Under warmer ambient conditions, it will not open if the ambient temperature does not reach 20 degrees or higher. You can move the flowers to the windowsill or balcony, hang a gauze curtain on the window, and then let the sun shine, so that the flowers will not be damaged while enjoying sufficient sunlight.

The sunshine time in autumn is short to meet its flowering needs, so it won't care how tall the seedlings are. When the conditions are met, it will bud and blossom. The soil for the upper basin shall be moist, that is, it will be kneaded into a ball and scattered as soon as it is rubbed. The autumn and winter eggplant in solar greenhouse is cultivated in the middle and late June, grafted in the middle and late August, planted in the first and middle of September and harvested in the middle and late October.

The cavity disc can not be used more than two or three times at most. Excessive use will crack the cavity disc, expand the permeable hole, and the matrix will leak out from the bottom of the cavity disc. The seedling age is 60 ~ 70 days in winter and spring and 40 ~ 50 days in summer and autumn according to the seedling raising season. The seedling age of grafted seedlings was prolonged by 10 ~ 15 days. If the substrate is loose, the root system of strawberry will be better, because strawberry has air rooting.

Transport the seed tray to the germination chamber, stack it on the diaphragm of the seed tray of the germination rack, promote germination under the set environmental conditions, and transport about 60% of the seed cotyledons to the seedling bed of the seedling raising facility when they arch out. Therefore, the regulation of plant height is very important and necessary in the process of vegetable plug seedling production in the current seedling farm. The amount of soil used for each tray is about 2.2kg. First place the motherboard flat on the bowl plate, put the configured bed soil on the motherboard and spread it evenly.

The water culture of longevity flower can be divided into two situations: one is water rooting and then soil planting, and the other is that as a hydroponic plant, it has been hydroponically cultivated all the time. Let's sort out these two kinds. If a greenhouse with an area of 360 square meters can hold 2000 plates, each plate contains about 5 kg of soil, and the seedling plate soil of a greenhouse is about 10000 kg. After rooting, if you can't divide the pots as soon as possible, you can apply fertilizer in the cutting pots, and the same species can be managed normally in the pots.


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