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The Journey from On-Premise to Multi Cloud

Golan Parashi

Learn Once, Write Anywhere: Intro to React Native

Aaron Greenwald

Sane Automation Testing Without Breaking

Roi Ashkenazi

From Keyboard to Production

Alon Bar Lev

Self Service Real-Time Monitoring

Alex Ulstein & Roy Maulbogat

Test or Rest (in Peace)

Carmel Cohen

Browser Graphics Under the Hood

Noam Rosenthal

How Shit Works - Storage

Tomer Gabel


This presentation reviews some of the services that the Wix Media group offers, the technology they use, and how it’s integrated into the Wix platform and other third parties.

Packaging, integration, and deployment are problems every software company faces. Our dev-centric approach at Wix led us to build Lifecycle™, a way to supply engineers with the tools they need to independently build, monitor, and ship products.


Lifecycle is one of the tools that drives our ability to deploy hundreds of times a day across all development stacks, be it Scala, JavaScript or even Python. Behind the UI you know and love lays a set of interconnected services which the CI team has mastered. In this talk, we'll follow your commit as it makes its way through services such as Buildoscope, Artifactory and TeamCity to our customers. We’ll make stops along the way to explore interesting scenery.

Learn about our self-service real-time monitoring system that lets client and server developers create BI events in a BI catalog and make them available in our real-time monitoring solution.

The beautiful thing about software engineering is that it gives you the warm and fuzzy illusion of total understanding: I control this machine because I know how it operates. This is the result of layers upon layers of successful abstractions, which hide immense sophistication and complexities. As with any abstraction though, these sometimes leak, and that's when a good grounding in what's under the hood pays off.


This first in what will hopefully be a series of talks covers the fundamentals of storage, providing an overview of the three storage tiers commonly found on modern platforms (hard drives, RAM and CPU caches). You'll come away knowing a little bit about many of the different moving parts under the hood - after all, isn't understanding how the machine operates what this is all about?

Facebook has given us a new way to build mobile apps with JavaScript. Learn how the process works, how it differs from the competition, and why we want to use it at Wix.

Come learn about the test state pattern for stable automation, and how we implemented this pattern with a client-server project.

One of the biggest challenges FEDs face is the inability to automatically test the entire client. A few testing levels and frameworks are being developed to solve this issue. But how do you decide at which level you should test a specific feature? Can it be covered in the UT level? Should we include it in an E2E test?


Are you facing the same questions, too? Do you want to consider testing coverage like folding a parachute? Something that you trust your life with? Then this talk is for you!*


*Disclaimer: 653 skydiving fatalities have been reported since 2004.

Join us as we explore these topics:

  • Browser rendering chain: layout, rasterize, composite

  • GPU vs. CPU rendering in the browser

  • Tiling and composited layers

  • Mobile viewport

  • Canvas, WebGL, requestAnimationFrame

Alex & Roy
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