
onOrderCanceled( )

Deprecated. This event will continue to work until September 4, 2024, but a newer version is available at wix-ecom-backend.Events.onOrderCanceled().

We recommend you migrate to the new Wix eCommerce APIs as soon as possible.


An event that fires when an order is canceled.

The onOrderCanceled() event handler runs when an order is canceled. For example, when an order is canceled in the site's Dashboard.

Note: Backend events don't work when previewing your site.


function onOrderCanceled(event: OrderCanceledEvent): void

onOrderCanceled Parameters


Order canceled event.


This function does not return anything.

Return Type:


Was this helpful?

An event when an order is canceled

Copy Code
1// Place this code in the events.js file
2// of your site's Backend section.
4export function wixStores_onOrderCanceled(event) {
5 const canceledOrderId = event.order._id;
8/* Full event object
9 *
10 * {
11 * "order": {
12 * "_id": "d5d43d01-d9a4-4cc2-b257-61184b881447",
13 * "_updatedDate": "2020-05-27T12:20:37.994Z",
14 * "buyerLanguage": "en",
15 * "cartId": "74621781-b3hf-7845-8c9e-09879063da9",
16 * "channelInfo": {
17 * "type": "WEB"
18 * },
19 * "enteredBy": {
20 * "id": "f6c2c0f9-4e9f-a58d-a02d-9af2497294d9",
21 * "identityType": "MEMBER"
22 * },
23 * "refunds": [
24 * {
25 * "id": "0bf46037-de62-7848-af43-3a7f3c28b041",
26 * "dateCreated": "2020-12-14T13:02:04.557Z",
27 * "amount": "50",
28 * "externalRefund": true
29 * }
30 * ],
31 * "billingInfo": {
32 * "address": {
33 * "formatted": "My company name\n235 W 23rd St\nNew York, New York 10011\nUnited States\n+15555555555",
34 * "city": "New York",
35 * "country": "USA",
36 * "addressLine": "235 W 23rd St",
37 * "postalCode": "10011",
38 * "subdivision": "NY"
39 * },
40 * "firstName": "John",
41 * "lastName": "Doe",
42 * "email": "",
43 * "phone": "+15555555555",
44 * "company": "My company name",
45 * "externalTransactionId": "7c03ca74-eaf5-4541-8678-9b857634fdcb",
46 * "paidDate": "2020-05-27T12:20:37.994Z",
47 * "paymentMethod": "VISA",
48 * "paymentGatewayTransactionId": "29A06193U6234935D",
49 * "paymentProviderTransactionId": "7c03ca74-eaf5-4541-8678-9b857634fdcb"
50 * },
51 * "buyerInfo": {
52 * "id": "f6c2c0f9-4e9f-a58d-a02d-9af2497294d9",
53 * "identityType": "MEMBER",
54 * "firstName": "John",
55 * "lastName": "Doe",
56 * "phone": "+15555555555",
57 * "email": ""
58 * },
59 * "_dateCreated": "2020-05-27T12:20:37.966Z",
60 * "currency": "USD",
61 * "fulfillmentStatus": "CANCELED",
62 * "archived": false,
63 * "activities": [
64 * {
65 * "type": "ORDER_PLACED",
66 * "timestamp": "2020-05-27T12:20:37.966Z"
67 * }
68 * ],
69 * "number": 10019,
70 * "paymentStatus": "FULLY_REFUNDED",
71 * "shippingInfo": {
72 * "deliveryOption": "Free Shipping",
73 * "estimatedDeliveryTime": "4:30pm",
74 * "shippingRegion": "Domestic",
75 * "shipmentDetails": {
76 * "address": {
77 * "formatted": "235 W 23rd St\nNew York, New York 10011\nUnited States\n5555555555",
78 * "city": "New York",
79 * "country": "USA",
80 * "addressLine": "235 W 23rd St",
81 * "postalCode": "10011",
82 * "subdivision": "NY"
83 * },
84 * "firstName": "John",
85 * "lastName": "Doe",
86 * "email": "",
87 * "phone": "5555555555",
88 * "company": "company name",
89 * "tax": 0,
90 * "discount": 0,
91 * "priceData": {
92 * "price": 0,
93 * "taxIncludedInPrice": false
94 * },
95 * },
96 * "pickupDetails": null
97 * },
98 * "lineItems": [
99 * {
100 * "index": 1,
101 * "quantity": 1,
102 * "price": 50,
103 * "name": "my product's name",
104 * "translatedName": "Nombre traducido",
105 * "productId": "3fb6a3c8-988b-8755-04bd-5c59ae0b18ea",
106 * "totalPrice": 5,
107 * "lineItemType": "PHYSICAL",
108 * "options": [
109 * {
110 * "option": "Size",
111 * "selection": "Medium"
112 * }
113 * ],
114 * "customTextFields": [
115 * {
116 * "title": "Notes for delivery",
117 * "value": "Please leave at front door"
118 * }
119 * ],
120 * "weight": 1.42,
121 * "sku": "36523641234523",
122 * "discount": 0,
123 * "tax": 5,
124 * "taxIncludedInPrice": true,
125 * "priceData": {
126 * "price": "50",
127 * "totalPrice": 50,
128 * "taxIncludedInPrice": true
129 * },
130 * "mediaItem": {
131 * "altText": "This is a description of the image",
132 * "id": "fac9dc352bf7d54ed0458d64ce41a3ec.jpg",
133 * "src": "wix:image://v1/fac9dc352bf7d54ed0458d64ce41a3ec.jpg/file.jpg#originWidth=1348&originHeight=899",
134 * "type": "IMAGE"
135 * }
136 * }
137 * ],
138 * "totals": {
139 * "discount": 0,
140 * "quantity": 1,
141 * "shipping": 0,
142 * "subtotal": 50,
143 * "tax": 0,
144 * "total": 5,
145 * "weight": 1.42
146 * },
147 * "weightUnit": "KG",
148 * "customField": {
149 * "value": "Please call when outside",
150 * "title": "Notes for delivery",
151 * "translatedTitle": "Notas de entrega"
152 * },
153 * "discount": {
154 * "appliedCoupon": {
155 * "code": "47d259d6-7d1e-4ea5-a75c79ca9bb1",
156 * "couponId": "558b511f-6eb7-82d3-53fca7374dfa",
157 * "name": "Summer sale - Free Shipping"
158 * }
159 * }
160 * }
161 * }
162 *
163 */