

Indicates whether the body of the response has been used yet.


The response's body is considered used once it has been read. For example, after calling the response's json() function, the value of bodyUsed will be true.


booleanRead Only

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Get whether the response's body has been used.

Copy Code
1let wasBodyUsed = httpResponse.bodyUsed; // false
Get a resource and the response information

Copy Code
1import {fetch} from 'wix-fetch';
3// ...
5fetch("", {"method": "get"})
6 .then( (httpResponse) => {
7 let url = httpResponse.url;
8 let statusCode = httpResponse.status;
9 let statusText = httpResponse.statusText;
10 let headers = httpResponse.headers;
11 let bodyUsed = httpResponse.bodyUsed;
12 if (httpResponse.ok) {
13 return httpResponse.json();
14 }
15 else {
16 return Promise.reject("Fetch did not succeed");
17 }
18 } )
19 .then( (json) => {
20 console.log(json.someKey);
21 } )
22 .catch( (err) => {
23 console.log(err);
24 } );