
onOrderApproved( )

An event that triggers when an order is approved.


The onOrderApproved() event handler runs when an order is created and its status is updated to "APPROVED". The received OrderApprovedEvent object contains information about the order that was approved and event metadata.

Note: Backend events don't work when previewing your site.


function wixEcom_onOrderApproved(event: OrderApprovedEvent): void

onOrderApproved Parameters


Information about the order that was approved and metadata for the event.


This function does not return anything.

Return Type:


Was this helpful?

An event fired when an order is approved

Copy Code
1// Place this code in the events.js file
2// of your site's Backend section.
3// Add the file if it doesn't exist.
5export function wixEcom_onOrderApproved(event) {
6 const orderId =;
7 const orderTotalPrice =;
8 const eventId =;
9 console.log('Order approved', event)
13/* Full event object:
14 *
15 * {
16 * "metadata": {
17 * "id": "8f0a09a4-1fd1-4ff2-976a-21f1b2e0fe2f",
18 * "entityId": "67668940-527d-4465-94c6-5475d8c7a412",
19 * "eventTime": "2022-07-31T13:42:20.141721Z",
20 * "triggeredByAnonymizeRequest": false
21 * },
22 * "data": {
23 * "order": {
24 * "_id": "67668940-527d-4465-94c6-5475d8c7a412",
25 * "number": "10124",
26 * "_createdDate": "2022-07-31T13:42:13.136Z",
27 * "_updatedDate": "2022-07-31T13:42:20.026Z",
28 * "lineItems": [
29 * {
30 * "_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
31 * "productName": {
32 * "original": "Brazilian Arabica",
33 * "translated": "Brazilian Arabica"
34 * },
35 * "catalogReference": {
36 * "catalogItemId": "0614129c-8777-9f3b-4dfe-b80a54df10d5",
37 * "appId": "215238eb-22a5-4c36-9e7b-e7c08025e04e",
38 * "options": {
39 * "options": {
40 * "Weight": "500g",
41 * "Ground for": "Stovetop"
42 * },
43 * "variantId": "00000000-0000-003f-0005-a316f7c67df7",
44 * "customTextFields": {
45 * "What would you like written on the custom label?": "Enjoy our finest coffee."
46 * }
47 * }
48 * },
49 * "quantity": 1,
50 * "totalDiscount": {
51 * "amount": "0",
52 * "formattedAmount": "$0.00"
53 * },
54 * "descriptionLines": [
55 * {
56 * "name": {
57 * "original": "Weight",
58 * "translated": "Weight"
59 * },
60 * "plainText": {
61 * "original": "500g",
62 * "translated": "500g"
63 * },
64 * "lineType": "PLAIN_TEXT",
65 * "plainTextValue": {
66 * "original": "500g",
67 * "translated": "500g"
68 * }
69 * },
70 * {
71 * "name": {
72 * "original": "Ground for",
73 * "translated": "Ground for"
74 * },
75 * "plainText": {
76 * "original": "Stovetop",
77 * "translated": "Stovetop"
78 * },
79 * "lineType": "PLAIN_TEXT",
80 * "plainTextValue": {
81 * "original": "Stovetop",
82 * "translated": "Stovetop"
83 * }
84 * },
85 * {
86 * "name": {
87 * "original": "What would you like written on the custom label?",
88 * "translated": "What would you like written on the custom label?"
89 * },
90 * "plainText": {
91 * "original": "Enjoy our finest coffee.",
92 * "translated": "Enjoy our finest coffee."
93 * },
94 * "lineType": "PLAIN_TEXT",
95 * "plainTextValue": {
96 * "original": "Enjoy our finest coffee.",
97 * "translated": "Enjoy our finest coffee."
98 * }
99 * }
100 * ],
101 * "image": "wix:image://v1/nsplsh_306d666a306a4a74306459~mv2_d_4517_2992_s_4_2.jpg#originWidth=4517&originHeight=2992",
102 * "physicalProperties": {
103 * "weight": 0.5,
104 * "shippable": true
105 * },
106 * "itemType": {
107 * "preset": "PHYSICAL"
108 * },
109 * "fulfillerId": "85e29287-a5bf-4c25-b303-a2ddc9d975e2",
110 * "refundQuantity": 0,
111 * "price": {
112 * "amount": "48.75",
113 * "formattedAmount": "$48.75"
114 * },
115 * "priceBeforeDiscounts": {
116 * "amount": "48.75",
117 * "formattedAmount": "$48.75"
118 * },
119 * "totalPriceBeforeTax": {
120 * "amount": "48.75",
121 * "formattedAmount": "$48.75"
122 * },
123 * "totalPriceAfterTax": {
124 * "amount": "50.70",
125 * "formattedAmount": "$50.70"
126 * },
127 * "paymentOption": "FULL_PAYMENT_ONLINE",
128 * "taxDetails": {
129 * "taxableAmount": {
130 * "amount": "48.75",
131 * "formattedAmount": "$48.75"
132 * },
133 * "taxRate": "0.04",
134 * "totalTax": {
135 * "amount": "1.95",
136 * "formattedAmount": "$1.95"
137 * }
138 * }
139 * }
140 * ],
141 * "buyerInfo": {
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143 * "email": "",
144 * "visitorId": "b52ec002-40dd-469c-9f9f-833988e8048d"
145 * },
146 * "paymentStatus": "PAID",
147 * "fulfillmentStatus": "NOT_FULFILLED",
148 * "buyerLanguage": "en",
149 * "weightUnit": "LB",
150 * "currency": "USD",
151 * "taxIncludedInPrices": false,
152 * "priceSummary": {
153 * "subtotal": {
154 * "amount": "48.75",
155 * "formattedAmount": "$48.75"
156 * },
157 * "shipping": {
158 * "amount": "5.0",
159 * "formattedAmount": "$5.00"
160 * },
161 * "tax": {
162 * "amount": "1.95",
163 * "formattedAmount": "$1.95"
164 * },
165 * "discount": {
166 * "amount": "0",
167 * "formattedAmount": "$0.00"
168 * },
169 * "totalPrice": {
170 * "amount": "55.70",
171 * "formattedAmount": "$55.70"
172 * },
173 * "totalWithGiftCard": {
174 * "amount": "55.70",
175 * "formattedAmount": "$55.70"
176 * },
177 * "totalWithoutGiftCard": {
178 * "amount": "55.70",
179 * "formattedAmount": "$55.70"
180 * }
181 * },
182 * "billingInfo": {
183 * "address": {
184 * "addressLine1": "525 5th Avenue",
185 * "city": "New York",
186 * "subdivision": "US-NY",
187 * "country": "US",
188 * "postalCode": "10173"
189 * },
190 * "contactDetails": {
191 * "firstName": "Jane",
192 * "lastName": "Doe",
193 * "phone": "0555555555"
194 * }
195 * },
196 * "shippingInfo": {
197 * "carrierId": "c8a08776-c095-4dec-8553-8f9698d86adc",
198 * "code": "a0fde0a4-6f4e-3716-64be-c0acbde1696a",
199 * "title": "U.S Shipping",
200 * "logistics": {
201 * "deliveryTime": "3 - 5 business days",
202 * "shippingDestination": {
203 * "address": {
204 * "addressLine1": "525 5th Avenue",
205 * "city": "New York",
206 * "subdivision": "US-NY",
207 * "country": "US",
208 * "postalCode": "10173"
209 * },
210 * "contactDetails": {
211 * "firstName": "Jane",
212 * "lastName": "Doe",
213 * "phone": "0555555555"
214 * }
215 * }
216 * },
217 * "cost": {
218 * "price": {
219 * "amount": "5",
220 * "formattedAmount": "$5.00"
221 * },
222 * "totalPriceBeforeTax": {
223 * "amount": "5",
224 * "formattedAmount": "$5.00"
225 * },
226 * "totalPriceAfterTax": {
227 * "amount": "5.0",
228 * "formattedAmount": "$5.00"
229 * },
230 * "taxDetails": {
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232 * "totalTax": {
233 * "amount": "0.0",
234 * "formattedAmount": "$0.00"
235 * }
236 * },
237 * "discount": {
238 * "amount": "0",
239 * "formattedAmount": "$0.00"
240 * }
241 * },
242 * "region": {
243 * "name": "Region 3"
244 * }
245 * },
246 * "buyerNote": "This is a buyerNote",
247 * "status": "APPROVED",
248 * "archived": false,
249 * "taxSummary": {
250 * "totalTax": {
251 * "amount": "1.95",
252 * "formattedAmount": "$1.95"
253 * },
254 * "manualTaxRate": "0.04"
255 * },
256 * "appliedDiscounts": [],
257 * "activities": [
258 * {
259 * "_createdDate": "2022-07-31T13:42:13.136Z",
260 * "type": "ORDER_PLACED"
261 * }
262 * ],
263 * "attributionSource": "UNSPECIFIED",
264 * "createdBy": {
265 * "visitorId": "b52ec002-40dd-469c-9f9f-833988e8048d"
266 * },
267 * "channelInfo": {
268 * "type": "WEB"
269 * },
270 * "seenByAHuman": false,
271 * "checkoutId": "62d01935-e0d3-4063-9e78-da099462e90c",
272 * "customFields": [],
273 * "cartId": "52fec024-4379-4a96-9237-9660030be6fe",
274 * "payNow": {
275 * "subtotal": {
276 * "amount": "48.75",
277 * "formattedAmount": "$48.75"
278 * },
279 * "shipping": {
280 * "amount": "5.0",
281 * "formattedAmount": "$5.00"
282 * },
283 * "tax": {
284 * "amount": "1.95",
285 * "formattedAmount": "$1.95"
286 * },
287 * "discount": {
288 * "amount": "0",
289 * "formattedAmount": "$0.00"
290 * },
291 * "totalPrice": {
292 * "amount": "55.70",
293 * "formattedAmount": "$55.70"
294 * },
295 * "totalWithGiftCard": {
296 * "amount": "55.70",
297 * "formattedAmount": "$55.70"
298 * },
299 * "totalWithoutGiftCard": {
300 * "amount": "55.70",
301 * "formattedAmount": "$55.70"
302 * }
303 * },
304 * "balanceSummary": {
305 * "balance": {
306 * "amount": "0.0",
307 * "formattedAmount": "$0.00"
308 * }
309 * }
310 * }
311 * }
312 * }
313 *
314 */