
elevate( )

Allows a site visitor to call a function without the required permissions.


Warning: The elevate() function enables site visitors to call functions without the required permissions. Exercise caution when using this function to prevent security vulnerabilities.

The elevate() function receives a function requiring permissions and returns an instance of the same function that any site visitor can run.

Some functions require specific roles and permissions to run. Other functions may limit functionality depending on the the visitor's roles and permissions. Using elevate() bypasses the permissions by elevating the site visitor's permissions to the highest level.

For example, the wix-bookings-backend function confirmBooking() requires Bookings Admin permissions. Use elevate() to allow any visitor to run confirmBooking().

const myElevatedConfirmBooking = elevate(bookings.confirmBooking);
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  • The elevate() function can only be used in the backend.
  • Some functions have a suppressAuth option for overriding permissions. For these functions, use suppressAuth instead of elevate(). Check your function's reference documentation to see whether suppressAuth or elevate() is supported.



This endpoint does not take any parameters

Response Object

Specified function with elevated permissions.

Returns an empty object.

Status/Error Codes

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Elevate permissions for visitors using wix-bookings-backend.confirmBooking

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1import { Permissions, webMethod } from 'wix-web-module';
2import { bookings } from 'wix-bookings-backend';
3import { elevate } from 'wix-auth';
5// Sample bookingId value: '001c0674-d7c9-4c77-acb5-b492b427b201'
7export const myElevatedConfirmBookingFunction = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, async (bookingId) =>{
9 try {
10 const elevatedConfirmBooking = elevate(bookings.confirmBooking);
11 const confirmedBookingId = await elevatedConfirmBooking(bookingId);
13 console.log('Success! Confirmed booking:', confirmedBookingId);
14 return confirmedBookingId;
15 } catch (error) {
16 console.error(error);
17 // Handle error
18 }
22/* Returns:
23 * "001c0674-d7c9-4c77-acb5-b492b427b201"
24 */
Elevate permissions for visitors using wix-crm-backend.getContact

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1import { Permissions, webMethod } from 'wix-web-module';
2import { contacts } from 'wix-crm-backend';
3import * as wixAuth from 'wix-auth';
5// Sample contactId value: 'bc0ae72b-3285-485b-b0ad-c32c769a4daf'
7export const myElevatedGetContactFunction = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, async (contactId) => {
9 try {
10 const elevatedGetContact = wixAuth.elevate(contacts.getContact);
11 const myContact = await elevatedGetContact(contactId);
13 const id = myContact._id;
14 const firstName =;
15 const lastName =;
17 console.log('Success! Got contact:', myContact);
18 return myContact;
19 } catch (error) {
20 console.error(error);
21 // Handle error
22 }
25/* Returns:
26 * {
27 * "_id": "bc0ae72b-3285-485b-b0ad-c32c769a4daf",
28 * "_createdDate": "2021-03-30T13:12:39.650Z",
29 * "_updatedDate": "2021-03-30T13:12:39.650Z",
30 * "revision": 0,
31 * "info": {
32 * "name": {
33 * "first": "Gene",
34 * "last": "Lopez"
35 * },
36 * "birthdate": "1981-11-02",
37 * "company": "Borer and Sons, Attorneys at Law",
38 * "jobTitle": "Senior Staff Attorney",
39 * "labelKeys": [
40 * "custom.white-glove-treatment",
41 * "contacts.contacted-me",
42 * ""
43 * ],
44 * "locale": "en-us",
45 * "emails": [
46 * {
47 * "_id": "5bdcce4a-37c2-46ed-b49c-d562c6e3c4ce",
48 * "tag": "HOME",
49 * "email": "",
50 * "primary": true
51 * },
52 * {
53 * "_id": "78e5f398-e148-448d-b490-7c0b7d2ab336",
54 * "tag": "WORK",
55 * "email": "",
56 * "primary": false
57 * }
58 * ],
59 * "phones": [
60 * {
61 * "_id": "820e4640-ffe0-4980-a097-62a715e73135",
62 * "tag": "MOBILE",
63 * "countryCode": "US",
64 * "phone": "(722)-138-3099",
65 * "primary": true
66 * },
67 * {
68 * "_id": "8506549e-e4f8-42f6-b6fc-9db155b582ef",
69 * "tag": "HOME",
70 * "countryCode": "US",
71 * "phone": "(704)-454-1233",
72 * "e164Phone": "+17044541233",
73 * "primary": false
74 * }
75 * ],
76 * "addresses": [
77 * {
78 * "address": {
79 * "formatted": "9834 Bollinger Rd\nEl Cajon, WY 97766\nUS",
80 * "location": {
81 * "latitude": 84.1048,
82 * "longitude": -116.8836
83 * },
84 * "city": "El Cajon",
85 * "subdivision": "US-WY",
86 * "country": "US",
87 * "postalCode": "97766",
88 * "streetAddress": {
89 * "name": "Bollinger Rd",
90 * "number": "9834",
91 * "apt": ""
92 * }
93 * },
94 * "_id": "8532051f-91f2-42d9-9a97-9f2c39e64f7a",
95 * "tag": "HOME"
96 * }
97 * ],
98 * "profilePicture": "",
99 * "extendedFields": {
100 * "contacts.displayByLastName": "Lopez Gene",
101 * "emailSubscriptions.deliverabilityStatus": "NOT_SET",
102 * "emailSubscriptions.subscriptionStatus": "NOT_SET",
103 * "custom.event-we-met-at": "LegalBigData",
104 * "emailSubscriptions.effectiveEmail": "",
105 * "contacts.displayByFirstName": "Gene Lopez"
106 * }
107 * },
108 * "lastActivity": {
109 * "activityDate": "2021-03-30T13:12:39.649Z",
110 * "activityType": "CONTACT_CREATED"
111 * },
112 * "primaryInfo": {
113 * "email": "",
114 * "phone": "(722)-138-3099"
115 * },
116 * "source": {
117 * "sourceType": "OTHER"
118 * }
119 * }
120 */
Elevate permissions for visitors using wix-pro-gallery-backend.createGallery

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1import { Permissions, webMethod } from 'wix-web-module';
2import { proGallery } from 'wix-pro-gallery-backend';
3import { elevate } from 'wix-auth';
5// Sample cloneFromGalleryId value: '10874ccf-5867-4225-9550-3885079bad66'
7export const myCreateGalleryFunction = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, async (cloneFromGalleryId) => {
9 try {
10 const elevatedCreateGallery = elevate(proGallery.createGallery);
11 const newGallery = await elevatedCreateGallery({cloneFromGalleryId});
13 const id = newGallery._id;
14 const name =;
15 const items = newGallery.items;
16 const firstItemTitle = newGallery.items[0].title;
18 console.log('Success! Created a new gallery:', newGallery);
19 return newGallery;
20 } catch (error) {
21 console.error(error);
22 // Handle the error
23 }
26/* Returns:
27 * {
28 * "gallery": {
29 * "_createdDate": "Sun Jul 10 2022 07:23:47,
30 * "_id":"d4960668-a1f9-421b-99ed-974b632107c0",
31 * "items": [
32 * {
33 * "_createdDate": Sun Jul 10 2022 07:23:47,
34 * "_id": "229265c7-0f61-45ve-b433-791nncadf4c5",
35 * "_updatedDate": Sun Jul 10 2022 07:23:47,
36 * "description": "This is the first item in my gallery.",
37 * "sortOrder": 1657439075188,
38 * "title": "Item 1",
39 * "type": "IMAGE",
40 * "image": {
41 * "imageInfo": "wix:image://v1/38939f9568z222d6avc6285c9ac1e9129.jpg/38939f9568z222d6avc6285c9ac1e9129.jpg#originWidth=200&originHeight=199"
42 * }
43 * },
44 * {
45 * "_createdDate": Sun Jul 10 2022 07:29:27,
46 * "_id": "4507a07b-ab93-4326-a222-6d0bd8da0625",
47 * "_updatedDate": Sun Jul 10 2022 07:29:27,
48 * "description": "This is the second item in my gallery.",
49 * "sortOrder": 1857439076244,
50 * "title": "Item 2",
51 * "type": "IMAGE",
52 * "image": {
53 * "imageInfo": "wix:image://v1/25139f9568b74d8aac6286c9ac1e8186.jpg/25139f9568b74d8aac6286c9ac1e8186.jpg#originWidth=4000&originHeight=2667"
54 * }
55 * }],
56 * "name": "My New Gallery",
57 * "sortOrder": "1098567432267",
58 * "totalItems": 2
59 * }
60 * }
61 */