

Note: This SPI is currently in beta and is subject to change. Some SPIs are currently not available to all users.

The eCommerce Catalog SPI is a service provider interface that provides functionality for implementing your own custom catalog of items and/or services to be sold on your site. Define how your custom catalog interacts with the eCommerce purchase flow in a way that is not currently supported natively by Wix. For example, you can determine the number of catalogs to choose from, provide a simplified catalog of products or services, and choose the products or services you wish to sell. The custom catalog can be used instead of, or alongside, a Wix Stores catalog.

Wix eCommerce calls the SPI endpoint getCatalogItems() to retrieve the custom catalog's items. These items can then be displayed in dynamic product pages, as well as the cart, checkout, and order.

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To add a custom extension

  1. Add the extension to your site.
  2. Update the getConfig() function in the -config.js file that is added to your site during step 1.
  3. Update the getCatalogItems() function in the .js file that is added to your site during step 1.

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