
limit( )

Limits the number of items the query returns.


The limit() function defines the number of results a query returns in each page. Only one page of results is retrieved at a time. The next() and prev() functions are used to navigate the pages of a query result.

By default, limit is set to 50.

The maximum value that limit() can accept is 1000.


function limit(limit: string): EventsQueryBuilder

limit Parameters


limit The number of items to return, which is also the pageSize of the results object.


Contains functionality for refining a Wix events query.

Return Type:

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Add a limit to a query

Copy Code
1const query = wixEvents.queryEvents().limit(10);
Create a query, add a limit, and run it

Copy Code
1import { wixEvents } from 'wix-events-backend';
3// ...
6 .limit(10)
7 .find()
8 .then((results) => {
9 if (results.items.length > 0) {
10 const items = results.items;
11 const firstItem = items[0];
12 const totalCount = results.totalCount;
13 const pageSize = results.pageSize;
14 const currentPage = results.currentPage;
15 const totalPages = results.totalPages;
16 const hasNext = results.hasNext();
17 const hasPrev = results.hasPrev();
18 const length = results.length;
19 const query = results.query;
20 } else {
21 // handle case where no matching items found
22 }
23 })
24 .catch((error) => {
25 const queryError = error;
26 });
Retrieve the first 5 upcoming events for a given event manager

Copy Code
1import { Permissions, webMethod } from 'wix-web-module';
2import { wixEvents } from 'wix-events-backend';
4export const myQueryEventFunction = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, () => {
5 return wixEvents.queryEvents()
6 .eq("createdBy", "4c47c608-cfa8-4037-93ac-738f09560ed3")
7 .hasSome("status", ["SCHEDULED", "STARTED"])
8 .ascending("scheduling.startDate")
9 .limit(5)
10 .find()
11 .then((results) => {
12 const firstItem = results.items[0]; //see item below
13 })
14 .catch((error) => {
15 console.error(error);
16 });
19/* firstItem is:
20 *
21 * {
22 * "about": "<p>Save the date! Great fair for health-minded people who care about the environment and healthy living. </p>",
23 * "assignedContactsLabel": "custom.crafts-wholistic-craft-fair-time-is-tbd",
24 * "calendarLinks": {
25 * "google": "",
26 * "ics": ""
27 * },
28 * "createdBy": "4c47c608-cfa8-4037-93ac-738f09560ed3",
29 * "_createdDate": "2021-04-28T06:10:36.714Z",
30 * "description": "This is the annual wholistic craft fair for organic and health-conscious foods, arts, items, crafts, sessions.... and more! ",
31 * "eventUrl": {
32 * "baseUrl": "",
33 * "path": "/event-details/crafts-wholistic-craft-fair"
34 * },
35 * "form": {
36 * "inputGroups": [
37 * {
38 * "_id": "name",
39 * "inputs": [
40 * {
41 * "additionalLabels": [],
42 * "label": "First Name",
43 * "maxLength": 50,
44 * "name": "firstName",
45 * "options": [],
46 * "required": true,
47 * "type": "TEXT"
48 * },
49 * {
50 * "additionalLabels": [],
51 * "label": "Last Name",
52 * "maxLength": 50,
53 * "name": "lastName",
54 * "options": [],
55 * "required": true,
56 * "type": "TEXT"
57 * }
58 * ],
59 * "orderIndex": 0,
60 * "system": true,
61 * "type": "NAME"
62 * },
63 * {
64 * "_id": "email",
65 * "inputs": [
66 * {
67 * "additionalLabels": [],
68 * "label": "Email",
69 * "maxLength": 50,
70 * "name": "email",
71 * "options": [],
72 * "required": true,
73 * "type": "TEXT"
74 * }
75 * ],
76 * "orderIndex": 1,
77 * "system": true,
78 * "type": "INPUT"
79 * }
80 * ],
81 * "messages": {
82 * "checkout": {
83 * "checkoutLabel": "Continue",
84 * "title": "Add Your Details"
85 * },
86 * "registrationClosed": {
87 * "exploreEventsLabel": "See other events",
88 * "message": "Registration is Closed"
89 * },
90 * "rsvp": {
91 * "noMessages": {
92 * "confirmationTitle": "Sorry You Can't Make It",
93 * "shareLabel": "Share",
94 * "title": "Add Your Details"
95 * },
96 * "rsvpNo": "Not Going",
97 * "rsvpYes": "I'm Going",
98 * "submitRsvpLabel": "SUBMIT",
99 * "waitingMessages": {
100 * "addToCalendarLabel": "Add to Calendar",
101 * "confirmationMessage": "We'll update you if additional spots become available.",
102 * "confirmationTitle": "Thanks! You've been added to the waitlist.",
103 * "shareLabel": "Share",
104 * "title": "Looks Like This Event Is Full. Join the waiting list"
105 * },
106 * "yesMessages": {
107 * "addToCalendarLabel": "Add to Calendar",
108 * "confirmationMessage": "An email with all the event info was sent to you.",
109 * "confirmationTitle": "Thank you! See you soon.",
110 * "shareLabel": "Share",
111 * "title": "Add Your Details"
112 * }
113 * }
114 * }
115 * },
116 * "guestList": {
117 * "public": true
118 * },
119 * "_id": "265e0437-7730-43d6-ae24-7918bb9bb05b",
120 * "language": "en",
121 * "location": {
122 * "name": "My Location",
123 * "tbd": true,
124 * "type": "VENUE"
125 * },
126 * "mainImage": "wix:image://v1/c1ec532b6db54aa4bc3275363c5ba35e.jpg/file#originWidth=2700&originHeight=1800",
127 * "registration": {
128 * "initialType": "TICKETS",
129 * "restrictedTo": "VISITOR",
130 * "rsvp": {
131 * "responseOptions": "YES_ONLY",
132 * "waitlist": false
133 * },
134 * "status": "OPEN_TICKETS",
135 * "tickets": {
136 * "currency": "USD",
137 * "formAssignedPerTicket": false,
138 * "highestTicketPrice": {
139 * "currency": "USD",
140 * "value": "20.50"
141 * },
142 * "highestTicketPriceFormatted": "$20.50",
143 * "lowestTicketPrice": {
144 * "currency": "USD",
145 * "value": "10.25"
146 * },
147 * "lowestTicketPriceFormatted": "$10.25",
148 * "tax": {}
149 * },
150 * "type": "TICKETS"
151 * },
152 * "scheduling": {
153 * "endDate": "2021-10-01T03:00:00.000Z",
154 * "formatted": "September 30, 2021, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM",
155 * "hideEndDate": false,
156 * "showTimeZone": false,
157 * "startDate": "2021-09-30T23:00:00.000Z",
158 * "startDateFormatted": "September 30, 2021",
159 * "startTimeFormatted": "7:00 PM",
160 * "tbd": false,
161 * "timeZoneId": "America/New_York"
162 * },
163 * "slug": "crafts-wholistic-craft-fair",
164 * "status": "SCHEDULED",
165 * "summary": {
166 * "rsvp": {},
167 * "tickets": {
168 * "revenue": {},
169 * "totalSales": {}
170 * }
171 * },
172 * "title": "Crafts: Wholistic Craft Fair",
173 * "_updatedDate": "2021-07-12T14:18:07.000Z",
174 * "videoConferencing": {
175 * "session": {}
176 * }
177 * }
178 */