
find( )

Returns the items that match the query.


The find() function returns a Promise that resolves to the results found by the query and some information about the results. The Promise is rejected if find() is called with incorrect permissions or if any of the functions used to refine the query are invalid.

Note: A guest can only view their own events. You can override the permissions by setting the suppressAuth option to true.


function find([options: QueryOptions]): Promise<EventsQueryResult>

find Parameters


Options to use when performing a query or query count.


Fulfilled - The results of a Wix events query, containing the retrieved items. When you execute a query with the find() function, it returns a Promise that resolves to an EventsQueryResult object. This object contains the items that match the query, information about the query itself, and functions for paging through the query results. Rejected - Error that caused the query to fail.

Return Type:

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Perform a find on a query

Copy Code
1import { wixEvents } from 'wix-events-backend';
3// ...
6 .find()
7 .then((results) => {
8 if (results.items.length > 0) {
9 const items = results.items;
10 const firstItem = items[0];
11 const totalCount = results.totalCount;
12 const pageSize = results.pageSize;
13 const currentPage = results.currentPage;
14 const totalPages = results.totalPages;
15 const hasNext = results.hasNext();
16 const hasPrev = results.hasPrev();
17 const length = results.length;
18 const query = results.query;
19 } else {
20 // handle case where no matching items found
21 }
22 })
23 .catch((error) => {
24 const queryError = error;
25 });
Retrieve the first 5 upcoming events for a given event manager

Copy Code
1import { Permissions, webMethod } from 'wix-web-module';
2import { wixEvents } from 'wix-events-backend';
4export const myQueryEventFunction = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, () => {
5 return wixEvents.queryEvents()
6 .eq("createdBy", "4c47c608-cfa8-4037-93ac-738f09560ed3")
7 .hasSome("status", ["SCHEDULED", "STARTED"])
8 .ascending("scheduling.startDate")
9 .limit(5)
10 .find()
11 .then((results) => {
12 const firstItem = results.items[0]; //see item below
13 })
14 .catch((error) => {
15 console.error(error);
16 });
19/* firstItem is:
20 *
21 * {
22 * "about": "<p>Save the date! Great fair for health-minded people who care about the environment and healthy living. </p>",
23 * "assignedContactsLabel": "custom.crafts-wholistic-craft-fair-time-is-tbd",
24 * "calendarLinks": {
25 * "google": "",
26 * "ics": ""
27 * },
28 * "createdBy": "4c47c608-cfa8-4037-93ac-738f09560ed3",
29 * "_createdDate": "2021-04-28T06:10:36.714Z",
30 * "description": "This is the annual wholistic craft fair for organic and health-conscious foods, arts, items, crafts, sessions.... and more! ",
31 * "eventUrl": {
32 * "baseUrl": "",
33 * "path": "/event-details/crafts-wholistic-craft-fair"
34 * },
35 * "form": {
36 * "inputGroups": [
37 * {
38 * "_id": "name",
39 * "inputs": [
40 * {
41 * "additionalLabels": [],
42 * "label": "First Name",
43 * "maxLength": 50,
44 * "name": "firstName",
45 * "options": [],
46 * "required": true,
47 * "type": "TEXT"
48 * },
49 * {
50 * "additionalLabels": [],
51 * "label": "Last Name",
52 * "maxLength": 50,
53 * "name": "lastName",
54 * "options": [],
55 * "required": true,
56 * "type": "TEXT"
57 * }
58 * ],
59 * "orderIndex": 0,
60 * "system": true,
61 * "type": "NAME"
62 * },
63 * {
64 * "_id": "email",
65 * "inputs": [
66 * {
67 * "additionalLabels": [],
68 * "label": "Email",
69 * "maxLength": 50,
70 * "name": "email",
71 * "options": [],
72 * "required": true,
73 * "type": "TEXT"
74 * }
75 * ],
76 * "orderIndex": 1,
77 * "system": true,
78 * "type": "INPUT"
79 * }
80 * ],
81 * "messages": {
82 * "checkout": {
83 * "checkoutLabel": "Continue",
84 * "title": "Add Your Details"
85 * },
86 * "registrationClosed": {
87 * "exploreEventsLabel": "See other events",
88 * "message": "Registration is Closed"
89 * },
90 * "rsvp": {
91 * "noMessages": {
92 * "confirmationTitle": "Sorry You Can't Make It",
93 * "shareLabel": "Share",
94 * "title": "Add Your Details"
95 * },
96 * "rsvpNo": "Not Going",
97 * "rsvpYes": "I'm Going",
98 * "submitRsvpLabel": "SUBMIT",
99 * "waitingMessages": {
100 * "addToCalendarLabel": "Add to Calendar",
101 * "confirmationMessage": "We'll update you if additional spots become available.",
102 * "confirmationTitle": "Thanks! You've been added to the waitlist.",
103 * "shareLabel": "Share",
104 * "title": "Looks Like This Event Is Full. Join the waiting list"
105 * },
106 * "yesMessages": {
107 * "addToCalendarLabel": "Add to Calendar",
108 * "confirmationMessage": "An email with all the event info was sent to you.",
109 * "confirmationTitle": "Thank you! See you soon.",
110 * "shareLabel": "Share",
111 * "title": "Add Your Details"
112 * }
113 * }
114 * }
115 * },
116 * "guestList": {
117 * "public": true
118 * },
119 * "_id": "265e0437-7730-43d6-ae24-7918bb9bb05b",
120 * "language": "en",
121 * "location": {
122 * "name": "My Location",
123 * "tbd": true,
124 * "type": "VENUE"
125 * },
126 * "mainImage": "wix:image://v1/c1ec532b6db54aa4bc3275363c5ba35e.jpg/file#originWidth=2700&originHeight=1800",
127 * "registration": {
128 * "initialType": "TICKETS",
129 * "restrictedTo": "VISITOR",
130 * "rsvp": {
131 * "responseOptions": "YES_ONLY",
132 * "waitlist": false
133 * },
134 * "status": "OPEN_TICKETS",
135 * "tickets": {
136 * "currency": "USD",
137 * "formAssignedPerTicket": false,
138 * "highestTicketPrice": {
139 * "currency": "USD",
140 * "value": "20.50"
141 * },
142 * "highestTicketPriceFormatted": "$20.50",
143 * "lowestTicketPrice": {
144 * "currency": "USD",
145 * "value": "10.25"
146 * },
147 * "lowestTicketPriceFormatted": "$10.25",
148 * "tax": {}
149 * },
150 * "type": "TICKETS"
151 * },
152 * "scheduling": {
153 * "endDate": "2021-10-01T03:00:00.000Z",
154 * "formatted": "September 30, 2021, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM",
155 * "hideEndDate": false,
156 * "showTimeZone": false,
157 * "startDate": "2021-09-30T23:00:00.000Z",
158 * "startDateFormatted": "September 30, 2021",
159 * "startTimeFormatted": "7:00 PM",
160 * "tbd": false,
161 * "timeZoneId": "America/New_York"
162 * },
163 * "slug": "crafts-wholistic-craft-fair",
164 * "status": "SCHEDULED",
165 * "summary": {
166 * "rsvp": {},
167 * "tickets": {
168 * "revenue": {},
169 * "totalSales": {}
170 * }
171 * },
172 * "title": "Crafts: Wholistic Craft Fair",
173 * "_updatedDate": "2021-07-12T14:18:07.000Z",
174 * "videoConferencing": {
175 * "session": {}
176 * }
177 * }
178 */