
skip( )

Sets the number of items to skip before returning query results.


The skip() function defines the number of results to skip in the query results before returning new query results.

For example, if you query a collection and 50 items match your query, but you set skip to 10, the results returned will skip the first 10 items that match and return the 11th through 50th items.

By default, skip is set to 0.



This endpoint does not take any parameters

Response Object

A SessionQueryBuilder object representing the refined query.

Returns an empty object.

Status/Error Codes

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Add a skip to a query

Copy Code
1let query = sessions.querySessions().skip(10);
Create a query, add a skip, and run it

Copy Code
1import { sessions } from "wix-bookings-backend";
3// ...
6 .ge("end.timestamp", "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
7 .lt("start.timestamp", "2021-05-01T00:00:00.000Z")
8 .skip(10)
9 .find()
10 .then((results) => {
11 if (results.items.length > 0) {
12 const items = results.items;
13 const firstItem = items[0];
14 const totalCount = results.totalCount;
15 const pageSize = results.pageSize;
16 const currentPage = results.currentPage;
17 const totalPages = results.totalPages;
18 const hasNext = results.hasNext();
19 const hasPrev = results.hasPrev();
20 const length = results.length;
21 const query = results.query;
22 } else {
23 // handle case where no matching items found
24 }
25 })
26 .catch((error) => {
27 console.error(error);
28 });