
onKeyPress( )

Adds an event handler that runs when a key is pressed inside the dashboard input field.


A text input receives a keyPress event when a user presses a key on the keyboard while the cursor is inside the dashboard input element. A keyPress event is fired for printable and non-printable characters.

You can also define an event handler using the Properties and Events panel.


  • Some browsers do not issue a key press event for certain keys, such as arrow keys or the shift key.

  • When you retrieve the value from the target property of a KeyboardEvent, you get the value of the target element before the key was pressed.



This endpoint does not take any parameters

Response Object

The element on which the event is now registered.

Returns an empty object.

Status/Error Codes

Was this helpful?

Get the key that was pressed

Copy Code
1$w('myElement').onKeyPress( (event) => {
2 let key = event.key; // "a"
3} );
Get all of the keyboard event's properties

Copy Code
1$w("#myElement").onKeyPress( (event) => {
2 let key = event.key; // "A"
3 let shift = event.shiftKey; // true
4 let meta = event.metaKey; // false
5 let alt = event.altKey; // false
6 let ctrl = event.ctrlKey; // false
7 let value =; // string value of text inside "#myElement" before the last KeyPress event
8} );