

Sets or gets an object containing information about the TextMask's background.

Setting the src property sets the source of the TextMask's background. The src property can be set to an image or a video. Images can either be from the Media Manager or an external image from any web location. Videos must come from the Media Manager.

The supported URL formats are:

  • Images from the Media Manager: wix:image://v1/<uri>/<filename>#originWidth=<width>&originHeight=<height>[&watermark=<watermark_manifest_string>]
  • Videos from the Media Manager: wix:video://v1/<video_uri>/<filename>#posterUri=<poster_uri>&posterWidth=<width>&posterHeight=<height>
  • Images from the web: http(s)://<image url>

The URL for Media Manager images and videos is the fileUrl value returned by the listFiles() function.

Getting the src property gets the source of the TextMask's background.


BackgroundOptionsRead & Write

The file location of the background image or video. Setting the src property changes the displayed image or video to the image or video found at the new src value.

Getting the src property returns the location of the current image or video file.

Images can either be from the Media Manager or an external image from any web location. Videos must come from the Media Manager.

The URL formats supported are:

  • Images from the Media Manager: wix:image://v1/<uri>/<filename>#originWidth=<width>&originHeight=<height>[&watermark=<watermark_manifest_string>]
  • Videos from the Media Manager: wix:video://v1/<video_uri>/<filename>#posterUri=<poster_uri>&posterWidth=<width>&posterHeight=<height>
  • Images from the web: http(s)://<image url>

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Get the TextMask's background

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1const textMaskBackground = $w("#textMask1").background.src; // "wix:image://v1/68d3a9_1de7529c444b4c9eb38401f8efe0cad2.jpg/flowers.jpg#originWidth=1970&originHeight=1120"
Set the TextMask's background to be a video from the Media Manager

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1$w("#textMask1").background.src = "wix:video://v1/8b7eef_d46e23f9619c4e0a8b96babbf002/file%20(1).mp4#posterUri=8b7eef_d46e23f9619c4e0a8b96babbf002.jpg&posterWidth=1080&posterHeight=1080";
Set the TextMask's background to be an image from the web

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1$w("#textMask1").background.src = "";