Embedding a Yandex Map on Your Wix Site

2 min read
The Yandex Maps app has been retired from the Wix App Market. If you would like to add a Yandex map to your site, you can use the Yandex map constructor to build the map and paste the code into your site. 
Add a custom Yandex map to your site to let your customers know where they can find your business. 

To embed a Yandex map on your site:

  1. Log in to Yandex.
  2. Go to the Yandex Maps constructor.
  3. Click Create map.
  4. Customize your map title and description.
  5. (Optional) Add objects to the map using the Import option. 
A screenshot showing the map title and description fields in Yandex.
  1. Click Save and continue.
  2. Select Embed on site
  3. Customize the size of your map. 
  4. Click Get map code
  5. Copy the code in the box. 
  6. Go to your Editor.
  7. Embed the map code in your Editor:

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