WixDataQuery on referenced row

If you have a 1-n relationship setup and query the n-collection (holding ref to 1), then is it possible to WixDataQuery the 1-part too?

Example Collection layout:
Main: Date, Boolean, _id
Detail1 : SKU, Num, ref_toMain
Detail2 : SKU, Num, ref_toMain

Now, what I would like to do is this:
1)select Detail by SKU=“12345”
2)and select ref_toMain.Boolean = true

Is this possible? I have “included” (.include “ref_toMain”) in my queries, but can´t gt it working.

Hello @giri-zano ,

so this is not possible (to my knowledge) since ref_toMain is only an id when you make your request. It gets populate once the request is executed.

I would suggest using an afterUpdate hook that update a 4th field “mainBoolean” in the collection detail1 and detail2 so you can do the query in one operation

Yes, I believe you are right. It looks like the query is first executed and only after that, the .include() data is added, so not available at the moment of query.
I solved it in another way: looping thru the array and .splice everything where “mainBoolean” is not true.
Your solution could also work, but it introduces data de-normalization, which I am not fond of.

I find it strange that this type of join is not available in Corvid, since it is a very common one: e.g if you have back ordered products and the moment they arrive, you want a list of all those products from Orders, where in the main row OrderStatus=approved. This is a quite common query.

But anyway, thanks.